Title: For Kris - Post Episodic For Reaper - "Am I My Fathers Son"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13

Category: Friendship, slight angst, post episodic, Lex's POV, AU

Spoilers: Reaper

Summary: A friend shows Lex who he is.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville and the characters, I'm just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don't sue me.

Archive: To BT2, SPP, Sabby's and Malu's site.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: Last night and early this morning, I watched Reaper and I found out that I would put this episode even above Kinetic, for my favorite first season episode. This episode, with its looks into fathers and sons was wonderful and inspired me to write this piece. I dedicate this to the actors and their wonderful portrayal tonight. And to my friends on BT2 and SPP but more specifically, to Kris---who helped talk me over that wall once more---that brick wall we writers sometimes come up against. And to anybody out there who feels like they were short-changed when it comes to family. Just remember, around the corner, there might be a friend, waiting to help you through life and its twists and turns. Enjoy, everybody. Oh, and this is truly AU because of something Lex said last night---that he is his father’s son. In this piece, however, he is questioning this and finds out----well, read on. Also, this piece is unbetaed so, please forgive any mistakes found along the way.

For Kris - Post Episodic for Reaper - "Am I My Fathers Son"


I make my way down the steps, after talking to Mr. Kent. I look over at Clark, watching him talking to Lana and have to smile. Then I look down at the Fordman's---Whitney out there, showing his talent to his father. His father and mother looking on, proud of their son.

He is his father’s son---he has his strength of character and love for family. Am I my father’s son too? Will I be forever seen as a Luthor and not as Alexander Joseph---a man who is envious at times of close families---because he lost it when his mother died? Will I turn into a cold, ruthless, angry old man, like my father? Will only kings come to my funeral---and not friends---worth more than the gold held so dear by my father and kings?

"Hey, Luthor!"

I'm startled out of my thoughts by the female voice. I turn around and see I'm at the exit to the stadium and somebody is baring my way out---a certain blonde somebody.

"What are you doing here, Sullivan?"

"Well, you see, I decided to try out for head cheerleader of the Metropolis Sharks. Think I have a chance?" she asks, walking towards me.

"Oh, I bet you can be anything you want to be, Sullivan. However---a cheerleader?"

She smiles at my response. "Luthor---I'm here to interview Whitney for the Torch."

"I knew that," I state.

"I knew you knew that."

We both smile but mine disappears quickly. "Chloe?"

"Yes, Lex?"

"Do you ever feel like you want to run away?"

She walks over to the seats and sits down, patting the one beside her. "Sometimes---why? Do you feel like running away from home?"

I sit beside her and let out a sigh. "Not from home---from my name."

"What? I think Alexander is a fine name. And---oh, not Alexander---Luthor?"

"Yes, Luthor."

"Lex, you can't run away from who you are---last name included. All you can do is try to show people you're not your father’s son. And you know why you're not your fathers son?"

"I haven't destroyed anybody yet?"

"Well, yeah---but something even more important than that."

"What?" I ask her, looking intently in her eyes. You can lie with words but the eyes never lie.

Hers are full of compassion---something my father told me never to have---never show compassion or that you even see the person as a person---be ruthless and cunning. Strike before they strike---show them whose boss and always will be. At this very moment, I want her to take the lead, not me.

"Lex---hello---Earth to Lex Luthor!"

I'm startled out of my thoughts again and almost fall out of the seat. If not for her quick reflexes, I would be on the ground, staring up at her.


"You're welcome. See that’s one reason why you aren't your father’s son---you just thanked me. Want to know another?"

"Sure," I state, with a slight grin. This is fun---learning more about yourself through the eyes of a teenager. No, more than a teenager---Oh My God. "That's it----I know why I'm not my father’s son."

"Gee, took you long enough to figure that out, Luthor," she replies, with a smile. "So---what's the answer?"

"I'm not my fathers son because when I die, I'll have friends coming to my funeral."

"God, you are morbid sometimes, Lex."

"Okay, I have friends, period."

"That's better," she states. "So, friend, if you could move so I can get going and do my interview, I would be so grateful."

I get up and allow her to get out. Just before she moves down the steps, I place a hand on her arm. She turns and looks at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong. I just wanted to ask if you would like to get a cup of coffee after the interview."

"I would love to have a cup of coffee with you, Lex."

She leans up and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"What's that for?" I ask her, as she gets ready to leave again.

"Just for putting up with me, Lex. I'll see you in a bit."

"You certainly will," I state, as she walks away.

Yes, I finally have the answer to my question---Am I my father’s son. And the answer---a resounding no. And the reason---I have friends---he only has enemies or rivals---me being a rival. But somewhere down the line, I have a feeling enemy might come into the picture too.

And somewhere down the line, my envious feelings for my friends who have family closeness will change too. Maybe when I have my own family---for I will never treat my son or daughter like my father treated and treats me still. Maybe it's changing now because I think that Mr. Kent and I are getting along better---and I've always seen him as the father I always wanted.

Whenever it happens---I will pity my father, because he will never have a close bond with me---like most parents have with their children. Never see that compassion and caring is a good thing---for it leads to friends and family---and I do have the best of friends---in Clark, Lana and especially Chloe. Chloe who will never let me get away with anything---who won't say 'don't get caught' or bail me out of trouble. No---she'll pull me away from my destructive moments and tell me once again---you are not your fathers son because you have friends who will save you from becoming him.


The End.