Title: Just a Man
Author: Uris
Fandom: Smallville
Feedback: Sure
Notes: Takes place during Tabula Rasa (Blank Slate) but reading it isn't necessary.
Warning: None
Rating: PG (I know that is odd for me)
Archive: Yes
Pairing: withheld
Summary: Clark and Lex meet at a holiday party.
Just a Man
by Uris
Lex served his guests as the party continued. He decided to have a small-catered affair as well as the two plant Christmas parties. Clark arrived without a date late into the party. "You look good," Lex said holding a small plate of hors d'oeuvres.
"So do you," Clark said.
Lex said, "I have a company party at the Holiday Inn tomorrow. I brought tickets for close to a hundred couples. I hate those things. They are so impersonal."
"Open up a dance floor," Clark said.
"We're having a buffet table for an hour then a sit down dinner. After that, we might clear the floor for dancing," Lex said.
"You promised to introduce me to that man of yours," Clark said.
"Of course." Lex put the platter on the counter. Vijay was talking to two other programmers from the office. "Vijay, this is my friend, Clark. He's a journalism major at MU."
Vijay, an average looking man of Indian background, extended his hand to Clark. "It's nice to meet you."
Clark shook his hand. "Hello." Clark pushed his glasses back on his nose. Vijay also wore glasses.
"Lex tells me that you lived in Smallville all your life. So do you like going to school in Metropolis?" Vijay asked.
"I had enough of living in the dorm the first year. I'm sharing a two-bedroom apartment with two guys when I'm used to have a whole farm to myself," Clark said.
"I suppose it is an adjustment. I was terrified when I left my village in India to go to University in London. My mother and aunt were so proud of me getting that scholarship. They acted like I was the next Ramanujan," Vijay said. "I did calculus between planting vegetables and caring for my little sisters."
"How did you learn programming?" Clark asked. Clark thought the competition to get a scholarship to MU was tight. Vijay had to be the best of the best. Clark would have to do an interview on him for the MU paper when he got back to school after winter break. People loved rag to riches stories.
"There were computers at the library in the city. I would ride my bike on weekends. I did most my programming on paper and would have wait to test it," Vijay said.
"It still amazes me that a boy from a village in India could go to University in London," Clark said.
"It happens more often than it did in 1914. I learned calculus by thirteen and was borrowing college level math books by the following year. My teacher was educated in London and made contacts. I was lucky. There are many good universities in India and I could have just as easily earning my PhD there."
"Yes, but a PhD from Cambridge attracts more notice," Clark said. "I'm not nearly that talented. Lex says that I could go to Harvard or Princeton."
"Keep writing. You'll get there," Vijay said.
"I feel I'll be lucky to write for the Smallville Ledger."
"There is no shame in that."
"You lead a team of programmers at LexCorp."
"It isn't Microsoft."
"Would you mind if I interviewed you for the school paper?" Clark asked.
"Not at all." Vijay handed Clark his card. "Email your questions and I'll try to answer them."
Lex put his hand on Vijay's shoulder. "You aren't talking about Fermat's last theorem with Clark."
"No. We were talking about the Internet and search engines," Clark said.
Lex took Clark by the arm and led him away from the other partiers. "I still miss you."
"I've dated a few girls, but no one is as special as you," Clark said. "You have a terrific guy there."
"I tend to agree. Clark, I'm sorry that things didn't work out between us," Lex said.
"I can't compete with someone educated in Cambridge."
"I like us to be friends." Lex touched Clark's arm.
"I don't know if that is possible. What does a man like Vijay do for fun?"
"When he isn't doing equations in the back of a bookstore?" Lex liked the quiet man that enjoyed working on the solutions to problems that no one else managed to solve. He liked that Vijay enjoyed time alone and yet enjoyed snuggling on the king-size bed while mindless television played in the background. Lex enjoyed the simple affection. He felt so comfortable with Vijay. Clark may have been brilliant, but he wasn't a man with the same vulnerabilities that Lex had. Clark had told him to found a real boy in one of their fights. He hated that Clark was right. With Clark, he knew Clark had to control himself at all times or he would hurt him or possibly kill him.
"Seriously." Clark smiled innocently; his green eyes shined behind those thick lens.
Lex couldn't tell him that he just liked that Vijay was a quiet man. He didn't have an agenda or hundreds of secrets. "He appreciates a good meal and romantic walks in the park."
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