Author: Uris

Title: GALA Dance

Fandom: Sorority Boys

Pairing: Adam/Dave

Rating: PG13 (no sex, but some bad language)

Archive: yes

Feedback: always


GALA Dance
by Uris

"Leah." Dave put down the books that he was using and got up from his seat at the library and hugged her. "I've been busy studying. It's great to see you."

"Daisy, I'm sorry that I don't make time to see you," Leah said.

Adam thought it was weird that Leah still called Dave, Daisy, but if Dave didn't mind it wasn't his problem.

Dave kissed her cheek before returning to his seat. "We're still sisters."

"Definitely." Leah started going through her books. "So are you girls going to the dance of Friday?"

"A dance?" Adam's pen stopped moved and he looked up from his work. "I'm not into watching you dudes staring at each other all night."

"The Gay and Lesbian Association is throwing it. Unfortunately, it's dry, but it will be in a large room not a crowded bar that smells like cigarettes and vomit," Leah said.

"Cigarettes are atmosphere," Dave said.

"I'm on the steering committee. I'll make sure the music doesn't suck," Leah said. "Adam, there will be food. If no one comes it will make me look bad. I have to go around campus and repost the signs. People like to pull off the notices off billboards."

Dave put his books into his backpack. "Leah, hand me a few. I'll put them up around campus."

"We'll go. It isn't like I permit alcohol in the common rooms of the frat house," Adam said.

"Leah, I didn't lie about the bass player with the big balls or that my father didn't want me to date boys. I've been out to my folks since I was seventeen. My mother accepts it; my father is in denial," Dave said. "It was hard enough to talk to you after I deceived you."

"Daisy." Leah put her arms around Dave. "I'm going to apply for the fellowship."

"Dave has a good job; Mr. Klaus was impressed with him," Adam said. "Maybe I'll go to grad school in Minnesota."

"Eight o'clock at the Under the Tower's Lounge," Leah said. "I have to put up the rest of these flyers."

"Give me a few. I put them on the billboards at the bus stops that I pass," Adam said.

Leah handed Adam a couple. "You're a sweetheart." Leah kissed his cheek before she gathered her books and left.


Adam felt slightly nervous as he put up the flyers on the bus stops he passed during the day. He didn't want to put on ads for a gay and lesbian dance in front of a crowd of students. He knew he shouldn't be ashamed; he kissed Dave by the lake twice the previous week and held his hand most time that they were walking together.

Adam put on one of few pairs of jeans that weren't three sizes too big. He didn't want to go for the Hip-Hop look at the party; he wanted to look more preppy, but he didn't have any preppy clothes and he didn't feel like borrowing one of Dave's shirts. He thought about wearing one of the blouses that he wore as Adina, but decided against it. Jeans that fit snuggly and black tee shirt made the statement he wanted. He checked himself out in the mirror. His ass didn't look too bad; why did he think he had a fat ass?

Dave returned to the room and dropped his book bag. "You look fantastic." Dave squeezed Adam's butt through the fabric. "You should wear designer jeans more often. Show off your assets."

"I hate my hair," Adam complained.

"Get it cut in the morning. I loan you a ten." Dave muffed the curly dark hair.

Adam put a ball cap on. "Do you think the gay community will welcome us after the cruise?" Adam wasn't sure how the rumors would affect them.

"We swore everyone involved to secrecy," Dave said.

"So the Delta Omega Gammas aren't bound my KOK loyalty," Adam said. "When took the oath of office, I refused to pledge myself to KOK, but the brothers said that was cool."

"I don't want to go to an event by GALA. I made the rounds as a freshman. It was embarrassing."

Adam put his hand on Dave's face. "All the men that knew you have long graduated." Adam couldn't picture Dave being passed around like a Tri P. "I was your best friend. Why didn't you tell me that they were doing this crap to you?"

"You were trashing girls at the time. You would have thought I was a slut," Dave said. "I should go as Daisy and turn a few heads."

Adam looked at Dave in his ordinary college clothes, a light blue polo shirt and carpenter pants. "You're beautiful as you are."

"You see me with rose colored glasses," Dave said closing and locking the door to their room.

"Then, I don't want to ever remove them." Adam put his hand on Dave's face and kissed him. "We still have time. Parties on campus start on Jewish time."

Dave made his way to the worn sofa in the lounge. "Is there a reason that you like to kiss me in front of the other guys?"

Adam sat beside him and put his hand on Dave's thigh. "I think you're incredible hot and can't keep my hands to myself and I want everyone to know you are mine." Adam looked into Dave's eyes. "I had so many girls that I cared nothing about. I want people to know that I'm not a user
going from bed to bed. I want them to respect our relationship." Adam didn't know when he fell in love with Dave, but he knew that he wanted to spend his life with this man. He didn't care if the guys on campus saw Dave as a meaningless cocksucker. Dave had more chutzpah than other the men in the fraternity.

"That is sweet." Dave snuggled against his friend.

One boy walked passed yelled, "Can't you do that someplace else?"

Adam was too busy putting his hands under Dave's shirt for a classy retort. He like that the guys were too timid to do more than make a few weak insults in his direction. Dave's hair smelled so good and the hickeys on his neck were starting to fade.

Dave pulled Adam's head into his chest, as they heard a few snitchers of disgust. "You like making the other brothers' uncomfortable."

"I'm not giving them power over me." Adam put his hand through Dave's hair. "I like reminding them that they voted a faggot in as president."

"You weren't a faggot when they voted for you."

"I have always been gay and it wasn't like they didn't know. With another fraternity hanging a queer in effigy, I want people to know the president of KOK is gay; it's good politics." Adam tucked his shirt into his pants and put his ball cap on backwards. "Let's meet Leah and her friends."

"Maybe you should be quieter about it," Dave suggested as he straightened his clothes before standing up.

Adam extended his hand to Dave to help him on his feet. "Like closing the barn door, after the horses have escaped."

After they gave a donation toward the juice and cookies, Leah introduced Dave and Adam to the other members of the steering committee. "Don't you worry about having your name associated with a gay organization?" a girl asked Leah.

"I don't mind being club treasurer. Someone has to sign for the money," Leah said. "Daisy and Adina, have a good time. I'll get them to turn up the music."

"Play some Hip-Hop," Adam said.

"Daisy," the shy girl said.

"Leah and I dated a little while," Dave said. "It's a long story."

"She didn't want to admit she was a lesbian and Dave didn't want to hurt her by saying he was gay," Adam said. "She saw us together and lost it. It's cool because the three of us are friends now."

"I'm Beverly," the girl said. "So is Leah available?"

"I don't know," Dave said. "She tells me that we're sisters but we don't talk for weeks."

As the music started, Adam managed to convince Dave to dance the slow numbers with him. Dave insisted that he was clueless when it came to dancing, but he wasn't. As they were getting punch, a group of five people approached them. Adam whispered to Dave, "They'll want to talk
about the KOK-tail cruise."

"Wasn't a third guy with you?" a red-haired short boy probably a sophomore or junior asked.

"Doofer's straight. Dave decided we should dress up as girls to get the tape back. Roger didn't like that Dave and I wouldn't allow hazing and underage drinking in the house so he stole the money from the safe so he could run the house the way he wanted to do it," Adam said.

"Roger didn't frame you because he didn't want a fag running the house," the brown haired boy said that looked very innocent probably a freshman.

"Adam had two girls some nights," Dave said.

"I was a slut until I saw the error of my ways," Adam said. "After spending over a week in a sorority, I couldn't use women as sex objects no matter how much they were throwing themselves at me." Adam smiled at the two younger boys and the three girls that haven't said a word yet.
Adam thought that girls that hung out with fags were losers, but the girls had their reasons and most weren't deluding themselves.

"And you showed him the error of his ways," the redhead said.

"The night Leah and I broke up, I went over to see Adam," Dave said.

"I pounced him," Adam said.

"How can you stay at a frat knowing how those jerks feel about queers?" Beverly asked.

Adam looked at the plain girl with business like attire; Adina dressed better than that. He would bring the Adina clothes to the DOG house after the dance. "Because I was one of those jerks that claimed to hate queers while I was lusting over my gay best friend."

Dave said, "I yelled at Adam that he was pretty and that I would date him so loud that half the campus heard me."

"Neither us wanted to make the first move," Adam said.

"I told Leah I didn't want to go because I didn't want to watch you dudes stare at each other all night. Which of you assholes going to make the first move?"

Dave grabbed the redhead kid's arm and started dancing with him.

"Adam, do you want to dance?" the remaining boy said.

"Sure." He put his arm around the innocent looking boy and started to dance with him to the awful music.

"Chris," the boy said. "My buddy is Ron."

Adam moved his hips and danced with the boy. "Relax. Feel the music. I dance you over to Ron and we can switch partners."

"You're laughing at me."

"No. It's hard to admit you want to date your friend even he has the same idea," Adam said. "You have more guts than I did at your age."

"I must wear a sign that says, 'kick me, I'm a freshman.'" The boy laughed.

"It's that bad." Adam touched his arm. "I get awards for stupidity and I'm a senior."

"Dave is a lucky guy." Chris directed Adam toward Ron and Dave.

Chris put his hand on Ron's shoulder. "Let's show these upperclassman how it is done."

Dave led Adam to the punch bowl. "We did our good deed for the night. Let's go home and fuck."

"There's a big floor and only two other couples are dancing," Adam said.

"You want to dance with me?" Dave asked.

"I could get lost in your arms." Adam wrapped his arms around Dave's neck and kissed him like the girls used to kiss him.

"You're such a drama queen." Dave took Adam's hand.

"I learned from the best." Adam put his hands on Dave's hips. He glanced and saw the two boys that he pushed together staring at each other in the corner of the room; perhaps, neither of them knew how to dance. They looked so cute looking at each other with want in their eyes. Adam enjoyed dancing with Dave on the large floor even though the music sucked.

"We can come back later." Dave whispered into Adam's ear. "You make me so hard."

"Good idea." Adam wanted to see if Leah and Beverly hooked up, but they could come back to the party in an hour or so. Adam walked over to the two boys in the corner. "Ron, Chris, come over to the KOK house and we'll play Monopoly or Trivia Pursuit."

"I'm not going into that place," Ron said.

"It's no longer the den of iniquity that it was under Roger's rule," Adam said.

"Except in our room," Dave said.

"I think that is a hint and a half for my ass. We'll see you boys later." Adam gave Dave a long kiss before they left the lounge.

Leah and Beverly were kissing near the donation box. Things were looking good all the way around.

"Leah, Adam and I will be at Delta Omega Gamma at eleven," Dave said as they left.

The End (I have another story in the works)