Title: In the DOG House

Author: Uris


Fandom: Sorority Boys

Pairing: Adam/Dave

Rating: NC17

Warning: no plot

Archive: yes

Feedback: always


In the DOG House
by Uris

Dave had unpacked his clothes when Adam arrived back after studying at the library. Dave smiled at Adam. "I'm finished studying for the night."

"We could go the student center and see a movie. I think Doofer is running them and might let us in for free," Adam said.

"Do you think he'll graduate this year?" Dave asked.

"I thought he was on the ten year plan. Since we came back from DOG, he has been out of our social circle." Around Dave, Adam tried to sound more sophisticated. He needed to sound more intelligent; he couldn't be stupid and a drag queen that was too much to bear.

"You really have a brain in that head of yours." Dave muffed Adam's hair.

"I usually think with the wrong one," Adam admitted. "I love you."

"I love hearing you say that."

Adam kissed Dave briefly. "I'll have to say it more often. I really loved every girl I was with. I know that sounds insincere, but I can't explain it any other way."

Dave squeezed Adam's ass.

"For the time that I was with the girl, I loved her. I wanted her to feel like she was the center of the universe. All that matter to me was making her feel good. I'm not saying I didn't love giving cunny, but I loved how each girl squealed when I did it. I should have care more about the person that the pussy belonged to."

"Maybe we should let Adina take Daisy to a movie," Dave suggested.

"How did you know so much about makeup?"

"My cousin used to experiment on me when she was in beauty school."

"The one with the bass player."

Dave started to laugh. "I can take out my makeup and do you up. Adam, it might help you put it behind you." Dave put his hand on Adam's face. "I'll shave you and put moisturizer on your skin. You're so pretty."

"We can't walk out of here in full drag."

"You held my hand when we walked around the lake on campus last night. You kissed me in front of those sorority girls." Dave allowed his hand to linger on Adam's thigh.

"I want the Tri Pi's to see us. I'm an ass and I want to suck your cock." Adam laughed. The president of KOK liked cock. What a joke!

"We'll take the makeup to Leah or Patty's room." Dave put the makeup tray back into a drawer of his desk. "I don't mean to pressure you."

After they were both sitting on Adam's bed, Adam kissed Dave. "Have you done drag before?"

"No," Dave said.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Adam shouted.

Jimmy looked at the two seniors holding hands while sitting on the bed. "I want to apologize. I was wrong to take without asking."

Adam stood up and walked over to Jimmy. He put his hand on Jimmy's shoulder. "I know it is hard to admit that you did wrong. The most important thing to do when you are with someone is to be honest. Make her feel like she's the most important person in the world. If you make her feel loved, she'll love you in return." Adam made eye contact with the younger boy.

"Thanks. Katie is a sweet girl and I'm taking my time getting to know her," Jimmy said. "I see the girls are no longer lining up to go to bed with you."

"I have a steady," Adam said.

Dave smiled.

"You're a fag." Jimmy's voice cracked.

"Queer." Adam smiled. "Only faggots call each other faggots." Adam didn't mean to lecture Jimmy on political correctness but he didn't want his little brother to get a black eye.

Dave put his hand on Adam's arm. "Jimmy, it makes no difference to me."

"I can't believe I kissed you," Jimmy said.

"I thought you knew who I was when you kissed me. I forgive you little brother." Adam smiled at Jimmy.

"I thought you were a girl." Jimmy laughed.

"I shouldn't have worn heels." Adam said. "Promise me that you'll never do that to a girl."

"I felt horrible afterward," Jimmy admitted. "You and Dave?"

Adam nodded. "We're talking about getting a house together."

Jimmy smiled nervously. "I'm happy for the both of you. Other guys in the house won't be so open-minded."

Adam tried to keep a straight face when Jimmy said he was open-minded about gays. He was in terror that someone might think he was too after he put moves on Adina. Adam liked that the men at the house didn't know what to make of him. He couldn't go on having sex without much more than a hello. He wanted more; he wanted love and affection. Performing like on a stage for a few moments of relief was exhausting. The women bragged to their friends how good he was, but they didn't care about him as a person and he didn't care about them.

Dave extended his hand to Jimmy. "Stop by any time."

"I expect the other guys won't want a fag as president." Jimmy didn't shake Dave's hand.

"They'll have to deal with it." Adam had no intention of being in the closet. After all that he had been through, he needed to hold his head up high. "Jimmy, I like you. I enjoyed going out with you. I hated having to keep your hands away from my oranges." Adam leaned over him as if he was going to kiss him.

Jimmy backed away like a frightened little mouse. "People will see me that way."

"That is your problem. I wash my hand from the horrible little affair." Adam found the Piers Anthony book that he was meaning to read. "Jimmy, thanks for coming by."

"This just blows my mind." Jimmy left the room.

Adam put his hand on Dave's arm. "Don't worry about the little dweeb." Adam looked at the clock. "The second movie is at 9:30. We can make it if we hurry."

"What is it?' Dave asked.

"Does it matter?" Adam asked. The school played third run movies or older. If the movie was good, they probably saw it all ready.

"No." Dave put his Nikes back on and ran a comb through his hair. "I never took a guy out on a date before."

"I'm taking you out. Afterwards, we can go to the deli that doesn't close to two."

As Dave kissed Adam deeply, he pulled him close. "You can handle this."

"Kiss me again and we'll never get to the movie." Adam opened door and after closing it on the other side took Dave's hand and laced their fingers together.

"You're left handed."

"I can't believe you never noticed before." Adam kissed Dave briefly. "Are you sure you want to be seen with me. I'm skinny, pale, left handed and Jewish.'

"And queer." Dave squeezed his hand.

"Just lucky." Adam looked at the walls of the hall where the boys had taken pictures of him after his night with Jimmy. No one photographed him holding hands with Dave.

"I accept the label."

Patty met them outside the house. "So where is your buddy, Bob?"

"He volunteers for the film committee. The second movie starts in a few minutes," Dave said. "You could join us if you don't mind being seen with a couple of fags."

"Not at all," Patty said.

Adam let go off Dave's hand having trouble keeping up with rather fast pace. They got to the student center with almost ten minutes to spare. "I'm sure the girls at the house hate us for our deception."

"We had suspicions. Robert never tried to pass. You and Dave had us confused," Patty said. "None of you stared at us girls or trying to take peek at us naked."

"You girls treated Robert so well," Dave said.

"He's a fun person. We knew he was a guy the whole time. He wrote Robert and then put the A on like an after thought. Do you think we are that stupid?" Patty asked.

"No. Did either of us pass?" Dave asked.

"You guys passed," Patty said. "Robert helped me build my self-esteem. I'd like us to be friends."

"Tell the girls that we are sorry about the deception," Adam said.

"They forgave you. You didn't want to spend time in jail for a crime that you didn't commit," Patty said. "Were you together when you lived at the house?"

"No. I dated Leah," Dave said. "It was a mistake, but Leah forgave me."

Patty bought herself a ticket. "Maybe the four of us can meet after the movie."

"We'll see you at the deli that is open late after the film," Adam said.

Robert and Patty joined them at the deli. Adam and Dave were sitting a corner table with their knees touching. "They stop selling sandwiches at midnight," Adam said.

"Everyone at KOK will know you're together," Robert said.

"We aren't hiding it," Adam said. "We worn dresses for two weeks. What is the point in hiding it? Dave has always been a queen. How did you think he knew about makeup and where to find wigs?"

"They won't accept a faggot as president," Robert said.

"Times are changing. I paid my dues," Adam said. "They have to deal with me."

"I can't believe I went along with your plan," Robert said. "They probably think the same of me."

"They think you went along with it so you could get the girls stoned and look at their naked behinds," Dave said. "I hate to tell you this but Patty said that no one thought you were a girl for a second."

"So they just went along," Robert said.

"They laughed at you and didn't let you see them with their panties down," Dave said.

"And you got to see them with their panties down?" Robert asked.

Dave laughed. "I'm queer so it was no big thrill."

"Let's go somewhere else," Robert said.

"This is the only place open outside 7-11," Patty said.

"We'll talk in the sorority lounge," Robert suggested. Robert looked at Dave and Adam eating their sandwiches. "Move out before we kick you out." Robert took Patty by the arm and walked her outside the deli.

Adam and Dave headed back to the house after finishing their sandwiches and a couple of soda. Adam kissed Dave before he opened the door of his room. "Do you still have your key?" Adam asked as he opened the door.

"You want to guys to know we're together," Dave said

"I thought Jimmy knew I was Adam the whole time. He approached me in the hallway. Dave, I'm not using you. So did you lose your key or do you still have it?" Adam did want the guys to know that he was with Dave. He didn't want the other guys in the house feeling sorry for him and wondering what happened to all the girls that used to line up at his door. He wanted them to know that he was getting it as often as ever and it was better than ever. Dave was a great fuck and he wanted him to know that he wasn't ashamed of their relationship.

"I have my key." Dave closed the door on the other side.

"Do you think other guys hate us like Doofer said?" Adam pulled off his concert tee shirt and unbuttoned Dave's shirt. Adam kissed his neck and wrapped his arms around him.

"Are you worried?" Dave asked.

"Not enough to stop kissing you," Adam said. "You belong in my arms." Adam nibbled around Dave's collarbone. "You're so sexy." The sex with Dave was better than it had been with the nameless girls.

Dave pulled Adam's face up to look him in the eye. "Look at me. Adam, this isn't a joke."

"Babe, what is wrong?" Adam asked.

"You aren't the first guy to touch me," Dave stated. "I didn't lie to Leah. I did lose my virginity to a bass player and my cousin, the beautician, put makeup on me. He dumped me for her."

"I loved you a long time. Remember when I asked you to move in with me when we were both new to the house. You're the only person in this house I want to see after I graduate." Adam put his arms around Dave's neck and kissed him deeply. "You promised to take me to wonderland."

"I will." Dave kissed Adam's neck. "You make it seem so easy."

"It is. We're going to have a great life together." Adam put his hands on Dave's bottom. "I love your ass. I love being inside it."

"I like yours, too. It's not fat." Dave nibbled on Adam's neck and shoulder.

"Do you want sex?" Adam asked.

"I'm not that tired," Dave teased.

Adam took his jeans and briefs off and lied on the bed. "Dave, don't look at me like that."

"You don't miss the girls." Dave undressed.

"I liked the girls, but I love you." Adam put his hand on Dave's chest. "I'm not using you. I know you have this great job lined up and I have no prospects, but it isn't like that."

"Adam, you use everyone, but I know that about you." Dave lied on the bed beside Adam. "My father has suspicions that we're together. You'll have to tell your parents."

"I'll tell them we'll raise the children Jewish."

"We're not adopting. They all end up as crazy as you."

"I want you inside me." Adam stroked Dave's cock. "I want to feel your sausage between my buns."

"We have to take this slow. Unlike me, you're a virgin to this unless your girls are kinkier than I imagine," Dave said.

"Nothing other than fingers."

Dave kissed Adam's shoulder. "Lie on your side with one leg bent. We'll take this slow."

"I didn't mean to treat you like a virgin."

"I was flattered." Dave moved his hand over Adam's back. "Just relax. Remember it is suppose to feel wonderful." Dave moved a finger only Adam's spine. He got chills from the slow, deliberate movements. Adam gasped when he felt Dave's tongue in against his crack. Adam felt like he was flying as Dave continued to rim him.

A knock was on the door. "You set me up," Robert yelled.

"Go away," Adam shouted as he put on his briefs.

Dave pulled the sheet over him. "Answer the door."

"It's two in the morning. I have a nine thirty class," Adam said.

"You weren't sleeping," Robert said.

"If you know what we were doing, then why are you bothering us?" Adam said. "Trust me, neither of us want your ass."

Dave put on his briefs and an ugly robe, then opened the door. "Robert, it's late and we have classes tomorrow morning."

"You played me," Robert said.

"You provided the drugs and got the tape back. If anything, you played us," Dave said. "I messed up. I should have backed Adam up, but I was distracted by Leah."

"But you're a fag," Robert mumbled.

"Not everyone is a hundred percent," Dave said.

"We were cleared of the theft," Adam said. "It's over."

"You two are laughing at me," Robert said.

"No," Adam said.

"How did I get mixed up with two drag queens?" Robert asked.

"Adam's not a drag queen; he's just psychotic." Dave sat on the bed. Dave didn't deny that he was a drag queen, but Robert was too dumb to catch that part.

"Dave, you knew you could pass and suspected that Adam could. There is no way you can play innocent." Robert sat on the chair in the room. "The house is laughing at me."

"They are laughing at Adam and I. We're surrounded by all that pussy and we only wanted privacy so we could fuck each other." Dave moved his hand over Adam's naked back and put a small kiss on Adam's back.

"They're jealous that they didn't get to see all those hot girls in their panties," Adam said.

Robert asked, "What are you clowns going to do?"

Adam wanted to say that Dave was going to take him to Disney World and the rest of the Magic Kingdom. "We're going to Minnesota. Dave has job waiting for him. I'll find something," Adam said. He didn't want to talk about the future. He wanted Dave's tongue to licking his ass. He wanted to feel that long thin snake move inside him making him feel things he never felt before.

"He's using you," Robert said.

"I can look out for myself." Dave moved his hand over Adam's arm.

"He can't be that good in bed." Robert looked disgusted.

"You have no idea." Dave kissed Adam's naked shoulder. "I want you so bad." Dave whispered softly.

Adam spread out on the bed. "Robert, I suggest you leave unless you want to see me take it up the ass."

Robert stormed out of the room.

The end