Title: Sticks and Stones

Author/pseudonym: Athena

Fandom: Starsky and Hutch

Pairing: Starsky/Hutch

Rating: NC17

Status: complete

Archive: yes, with permission

Feedback: yes

E-mail address for feedback:: athena@fateordestiny.com

Other websites: fateordestiny.com

Disclaimers: I don't own them

Notes: the third part of a two part series

Summary: Hutch's life is threatened

Warnings: threats of violence, vulgar language, m/m


Sticks and Stones
by Athena

Hutch put casual pants and his only pastel shirt on. He didn't have any gold chains or other jewelry or he would have worn some. "Starsk, do you have any jewelry?"

"I only have a chi that my grandmother gave me when I was a teenager," Starsky said.

"I wanted to dress as stereotypical as possible. I should have asked Bob to borrow some of his clothes. Do you think I would look sexy in lavender?" Hutch asked.

"I created a monster."

"You aren't the one that found out someone wrote 'cocksucker' on your locker. No one snickers when you pass. They look at me like I'm dirty. I'm going shopping as soon as we're off and getting some jewelry and pastel shirts. I might even get my ear pierced."

"Hutch, you're taking this too personally," Starsky said. "I suspect they feel the same way about me."


Starsky and Hutch reported to work at nine. As they picked up files from the shift leaving, Dobey called them into the office. "What did you mean by yesterday's show?"

"We didn't go to Narcotics and let you handle it," Starsky said.

"You showed the whole bullpen those photographs," Dobey stated.

"Flores and Peterson washed the word, cocksucker, off my locker," Hutch sat down in the chair in front of Dobey's desk and crossed his legs in a less than masculine fashion. "They deserve to know that I am one," he said with indignation.

"Hutch act like that and the whole station will know," Dobey said.

"I won't go back into the closet. I was so far in the closet that I didn't realize that Starsky loved me back for more than a decade. I'm tired of the game." Hutch leaned forward putting his hand on his chin, trying his best to imitate the queer behaviors Bob did so naturally. "Queen Kenny is here to stay."

"He has the right to be angry. You aren't taking the threats that he's getting seriously," Starsky said. "If these threats were due to color, religion or national origin, you wouldn't tolerate it. Because the civil rights act doesn't protect someone due to their sexual orientation, you can stand there and do nothing."

"Give me a few minutes to think about it," Dobey said.

Starsky returned to looking at the reports from the previous night. "Hutch, take a walk. You need to chill."

"I'll get us some coffee. We'll probably be sent home and told to work patrol tonight," Hutch said.

"The machine has coffee for a quarter."

"It tastes like piss. I'm going to the bakery." Hutch walked out of the station.

Starsky looked at the open file that Peterson and Griffin started the night before; it was sloppy work. An elder man was beaten near his apartment complex and died before the ambulance arrived. The witnesses knew the gang the children were from and approximate age of children. The gang liaison should have found out which gang wore blue and black and if they had any members that fit the descriptions. "Peterson, where is Griffin?" Starsky asked walking Peterson's desk.

"He's coming in later."

"This report isn't complete."

"I picked up the report from the gang liaison this morning," Peterson handed Starsky the report. "The boys were eleven and twelve and new to the gang. The older boys in the gang say that the two boys only wanted to rob the old man and didn't intent to kill him. I have the two boys' names and their mothers' names."

Starsky looked at the piece of paper. "Very good. You should have interviewed the parents."

"Both mothers work nights and there isn't a father in either home. Griffin and I can interview the parents while the boys are in school."

"Let's go," Starsky said.

"Did you make your boyfriend sleep on the couch last night?"

"Our sex life is none of your fucking business."

"Someone stuffed a stick up his ass. We'll take my car. Your striped tomato can be seen a mile away." Peterson put on his jacket.

Starsky put on the leather jacket with the four bullet holes in the back. "It doesn't run. I need to find a mechanic that can rebuild Ford engines."

"Let's go. I hope the boys will confess. It'll make our lives easier." Peterson picked up his notebook.

"They might. They should be playing stick ball," Starsky said in a fatherly voice.


When Hutch returned with two cups of coffee, Starsky and Peterson were long gone. Before he got to sit down and look at the files left behind, Dobey called him into his office. "Take a seat."

Hutch sat down and crossed his legs at the knee. "What's up?"

"Hutch, I'm sorry, but you're going to be assigned to Records. It's a temporary measure, but if someone threatening you because of your religion or national background, I wouldn't treat it like a laughing matter. I know it's only notes and epithets on your locker at this time, but I can't allow you to be in danger. IA is going to find out who wrote those notes and they'll be disciplined."

"Disciplined?" Hutch leaned forward. "There were threats about killing me or making me wish I was dead."

"You can keep your gun although it's a clerical position until this matter is solved. I don't want you to go around unarmed."

"That's considerate."

"I spoke to the commissioner on this matter. You can't work in the same department as Starsky. My hands are tied; I couldn't let a married couple work in the same department. Work with Meredith until I finish your transfer," Dobey said.

"Thank you," Hutch said begrudgingly.

"Many cops don't want to work with gay officers. I can't be responsible if back up doesn't show. Son, it's for your own safety. I hoped that you and Starsky would have looked for desk work since Starsky was shot, but you two are the two most stubborn fools on the force," Dobey said. "I've been on the force twenty-seven years and I've seen a lot of men die due the neglect or carelessness of their fellow officers."

"Captain, thanks for looking out for my best interest."

"Keep me informed if there are more threats."

"Will do, Sir." Hutch felt like he was no longer a member of the team, but he trusted Captain Dobey to find the man or men that were harassing him. Records, that was a clerical position, he didn't need a degree or police academy training to work there. It was quite an insult but he wouldn't let anyone see that he was angry. Hutch would treat it as a promotion and make everyone see that he was a bigger man than the one
that was insulting him with those awful notes.


Hutch gave Meredith the cup of coffee meant for Starsky. "There's no point in letting it get cold," he said.

"Thanks. I take it dark and sweet."

"Starsky usually takes it black."

"I have sugar packets in my purse," Meredith said, as she looked for sugar in her purse. "What are you guys working on?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm leaving for Records sometime today."

"Is the transfer because of the pictures?" Joan Meredith asked, adding sugar to her coffee.

"I don't know. I've been called queer before. I talked about dating a girl and it was over."

"Not this time." She sipped the coffee.

"I never told people that we're lovers. We never confirmed or deny such suspicions before. I love him and I wasted too much of my life denying what I felt. I told him that I loved him a dozen times but it was always a casual meaningless comment," Hutch said. "Why did we tell people that we're lovers?"

"You were tired of saying nothing and listening to all that hateful shit."

"We made up a lie about a flight attendant."

"You could fight Captain Dobey's decision."

"He's right. I should have transferred to a department where I wouldn't be on patrol. Most plainclothesmen arrive after the crime has been committed, collecting evidence and questioning witnesses. Starsky and I are getting too old to put our lives on the line everyday. Our luck will eventually run out. We have a better arrest record than any team on the force, but it's time for a younger team to take over." Hutch drank his coffee.

"I remember what it's like not to be wanted," she said. "I had two strikes against me. I'm Black and I'm a woman."

"But you showed them that you were as qualified as anyone."

"I did a lot of shitty details. Ken, hang in there."

"I don't want this to escalate."

"You have as much right to be here as anyone else."

"I feel like the army officer on the news that was awarded a medal for killing two men and discharged for loving one."

"Loving someone shouldn't be a sin. People watch pictures of death on the evening news but God forbid a man should hold another man's hand."

"I have so much to be thankful this new year. Starsky is alive after taking three bullets. When Starsky lay near death, no one came to me and held my hand or shared in my joy when he recovered."

"We did."

"In a professional way. I didn't go to church this Christmas."

"You worked it so a younger officer could spend the time with his family."

"We drove around the empty streets looking for drunks and drug users. We did manage to spread a little Christmas cheer at a food shelter."

"We do what we can. Ken, I worked with many officers and you and Starsky are definitely the hardest working, most dedicated ones on the force. I'm sure Starsky and you will get through this incident smelling like roses."


Dobey put his hand on Hutch's shoulder in the hallway near the vending machines. "Go home. I got you the three to eleven shift. You can clean out your desk before you report to work tomorrow."

"Sure, Captain." Hutch wrote Starsky a note before he cleared out his few personal belongings mostly notebooks. Hutch got a box from Dobey's secretary so he wouldn't have to lug his notebooks, pens, some antacids, aspirin and a pair of gloves to Records.

Thorpe tapped his shoulder as she came in. "You didn't resign because of those pictures."

"I was transferred," Hutch said, as he filled the box with his personal stuff.

"I'm glad you aren't leaving. We need more officers with your integrity," Flores, her partner, said.

"Starsk is staying up here. They're having me do paperwork," Hutch said, trying not to sound like he was complaining.

Hutch walked down to Records with his notebooks and other belongings. "I'm Sgt. Hutchinson, I'm being assigned here starting tomorrow."

"Yes, Sgt. Hutchinson," the middle-aged woman in glasses said. "You'll be working afternoons. Captain Dobey had just approved it. The officer you're replacing left to have a child. I don't know why they bothered. Put your things under the counter and I'll show you around."

Hutch put his box under the counter.

"We had a young man down here. He was waiting for IA to decide if he should be let go. I know you have an union so they can't fire you without a reason, but why do I get stuck with the cops with a bad attitudes?"

"Ma'am," Hutch said.

"Did you piss off one of the higher up?"

"You could say that." Hutch listened to her explain the filing system.

"I don't know why I should bother. You'll be back upstairs in a week or on the unemployment lines," she said.

Hutch smiled. She must have been having a bad day and taking it out on him.

"You can go. You aren't schedule until tomorrow." The woman waved her hand to dismiss him.

Hutch looked at her nametag. "Miriam. We'll be working together so could we try to get along. I doubt that I'll be fired in the next week."

"What did you do?" She looked him over.

"Nothing. I was the victim of harassment." Hutch let the woman rant about all the bad help they were sent for a few more minutes before leaving.


As Hutch walked to his car, two officers from Narcotics approached him. "Excuse me," Hutch said.

"So did the fairy resign?" one detective with long greasy nearly blond hair wearing a flannel shirt said.

"It isn't your problem," Hutch said, as he continued to walk to his car.

The other detective got in Hutch's way. "Men like you give the rest of us a bad name."

"Men with integrity," Hutch rebutted.

The larger detective who was about Starsky's height took Hutch by the collar. "Do you want to suck my joint?"

"When was the last time you bathed?" Hutch stated, turning to look the detective directly into his brown bloodshot eyes.

The larger detective hit Hutch across the face with his gun. "Faggot, you think you're a comedian."

Hutch wished he could remember the two men's names, sorry that he hadn't broken Dobey's order and went up to Narcotics the night before. Hutch turned to walk away, hoping that the man wouldn't use that gun on him in the police department parking lot.

The detective put the gun in Hutch's face. "I hear that you enjoy being on your knees." The detective pressed the gun under Hutch's chin. "Suck on this."

Hutch was imagining the taste of gun oil as his stomach started to churn. He missed breakfast and only had a cup of coffee that morning and it was pass lunchtime. "Oh, Shit."

The first detective held the gun in front of Hutch's mouth. "Suck or I blow your brains out."

"This is a police parking lot. You can't get away with this in broad daylight," Hutch said, trying to stay as calm as possible.

The first cop held the gun under Hutch's chin. The second detective took Hutch's handcuffs and guided him slowly to a support pole. Hutch allowed himself to be cuffed to a pole; it was better than eating lead.
He was sent to Records for his protection and he couldn't go to the parking lot without facing a gun in his face.

"How does that feel or do you want it tighter?" the smaller detective said.

"People know that I'm leaving," Hutch said.

"They'll expect you to have gone home, loverboy," the first detective put his gun back in its holster.

Hutch allowed himself to breath easier.

The larger one kicked him in the shin.

"See you around, faggot," the smaller one said. "If you know what's good for you won't say a word about this to anyone." He spit on the ground in front of Hutch.



Starsky and Peterson arrived as Hutch's arms started to feel like they were about to fall off. "Who did this shit to you?" Starsky saw the redness on Hutch's face.

"Two detectives from Narcotics. I don't know their names. Why did we listen to Dobey and not make waves in Narcotics? If we went up there, I would have known the two assholes' names," Hutch said.

Starsky used a handkerchief to hold the cuffs as he unlocked them. "Did they hurt you?"

"He slapped me once. You know with my fair skin that I bruise easily. I don't know how you can stand to look at me. I'm always a bundle of bruises," Hutch said.

"We have to make a report of this to Dobey."

"Wait until I get their names. They said that I would be sorry if I told anyone," Hutch whispered.

"I'll wait. Peterson, don't tell Dobey until we know these bastards won't kill Hutch," Starsky said.

"I'll take your lead," Peterson said. "We'll talk about this in a less public place."

"Good idea," Hutch said. "Dobey put me on desk duty for my own protection and I get a gun in my face."

Starsky put his arms around Hutch's shoulder. "They can't split us up. We're the dynamic duo."

"As long as you're Robin," Hutch said.

"I don't look good in tights," Starsky sneered.

"I'll be the judge of that." Hutch moved away from Starsky's friendly embrace. "Did you complete that case on your desk?"

"Yes. Peterson was right. The two women worked night shift and neither boy had a father living at home. The man died while a neighbor was waiting for help. We talked to the boys; they confessed immediately. They didn't mean for the man to die; they thought he was lying about only having ten dollars. The boys were taken to Juvie to wait for family court. It should be straightforward. Boys that age should be playing stickball."

"How old were the boys?" Hutch asked.

"Eleven and twelve," Starsky whined. "Only babies."

"Shit," Hutch said.

"The man wasn't lying. He had only ten dollars on him," Peterson said. "His neighbors said that he was a kind man and would have gave the boys the money if had more."


After they were at Starsky's desk, "Hutch, help us write up the reports and then will make an excuse to go up to Narcotics and you can locate the two men."

"Those assholes got their way. I'm no longer on patrol." Hutch sighed.

Dobey looked at Hutch typing the report on Starsky's desk. "I told you to go home."

"I was assaulted in the parking lot," Hutch said. "An officer in Narcotics put a gun in my face as his buddy cuffed me."

"Did anyone see them?" Dobey asked.

"Peterson and Starsky uncuffed me. The smaller ones fingerprints are on my cuffs." Hutch picked up the cuffs wrapped in a handkerchief and handed it to Dobey. "I'm going to get their names. Don't do anything until I do. I don't want to eat a bullet on my way home."

"I understand, Son," Dobey said. "I'm sure the names will come to you."

"If we went upstairs and ruffled a few feathers," Hutch mumbled.

"For once, you boys listened to me. Don't go home without an escort. I don't want to wake up to the news that you were found dead."

"I'll have Starsky take me home." Hutch finished typing the report and handed it to Dobey's secretary. He walked over to Starsky, who was reading over Peterson's notes about the case. "Starsk, let's go home for dinner."

Starsky put his arm around Hutch. "Do you want to go up there now and make a fuss about the phony case we were sent on? I'm sure you will remember their names in a minute or two."

"Starsky, one was five-eight and the other was around your height. They both were fair skinned with brown hair and brown eyes. The shorter ones hair was short and nearly black. The taller one had greasy hair that might have been dark blond if it was clean."

"Doesn't ring a bell," Starsky said.

"I'm pushing papers now, hardly a threat to their precious male egos."


Hutch drove them home and heated two cans of soup in one saucepan and grilled cheese sandwiches for a fast dinner. "Starsk, take the car back. I don't need you feeling sorry for me."

"Kenny, what do you want?"

"I'll work in Records. Miriam gave me attitude. I hope the woman that works afternoon shift is friendlier. In a few days, I feel like I went from tough cop to queen."

"I'll get you back in the department."

"The commissioner knows we're a couple. It's too late to go back in the closet." Hutch took a bite of his grilled cheese sandwich.

"It isn't fair. Would you like some orange juice?"

"I would love some." Hutch ate the last of his sandwich. "Don't make a scene. I don't want you to get fired on my account. They haven't suggested lowering my pay or taking away my gun. We have a union. I'll get my job back. Perhaps, you should work in Narcotics. You could find out the secret they were keeping from us."

"I like being on patrol." Starsky poured them each a glass of juice.

"I'm looking forward to getting a good night sleep," Hutch said.

"Kenny, read a book. Do me a favor and don't go out tonight. I don't want to hear over the police radio that someone found your body."

"I'll stay in the apartment. Do you mind if I visit Steve?"

"I love you. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you."

"I'll be fine." Hutch gave Starsky a brief kiss before he started doing the dishes. "I need to see Kiko." Hutch hadn't seen Kiko since New Year's Eve almost a week ago when he took him the Bay City First Night. The week was dragging like shit.

"You have Sunday off. You can see him then. Do you think he knows?"


"That we are sharing a bed." Starsky tapped Hutch on the head.

"The kid's pretty smart. He hasn't said anything."

"We're two consenting adults. You guys had a great time all afternoon New Year's Eve until close to midnight."

"I couldn't believe he didn't make it to midnight."

"I was glad I liked having you to myself at midnight."


Hutch listened to a couple of LPs that he hadn't had the opportunity to enjoy for some time. After that he put on his jacket, walked to downstairs to Steve's apartment and knocked on the door, "Are you busy?" he asked.

"Kenny, is there anything I can do for you?" Steve asked, looking very cute in his red tee shirt and faded jeans.

Hutch took off his jacket; his gun was in a hip holster under his jeans making a bulge under his right pocket. "Dave and I were separated. I'm going to be on desk duty."

"Were you hurt?" Steve asked.

"No. I've got some hate letters and someone wrote epithets on my locker. Today, two cops from another department threatened me and left me handcuffed to a pole in the parking lot."

"Shit. Sit down. I'll get you a beer. Coors, OK?"

"Sure." Hutch looked at the brown haired, leanly built man of around his age, feeling his loins stir as he glanced at the other man.

As Steve handed opened a beer, Hutch tried not to admire the well-toned arms of a man that did maintenance. "Why were you threatened?" Steven handed one open beer to Hutch.

"Thanks," Hutch said. His mind was playing tricks on him since he admits that he's on the gay side of bi, making every man he saw look like a potential lover. He hadn't thought this way about men since he was a college student then he was too shy to do anything about it. "I was tired of denying that I was queer. Shit, do you know how exhausting it is to find girls when all you want is to be in your best friend's arms?"

"You were married," Steve said.

"Bi. I'm not a six on the Kinsey scale. I only know that I love Starsk more than anything and he loves me. God, the sex is incredible. If I knew it was this good, I would have jumped his balls sooner."

"I would give anything to have what you and Dave have," Steve said. "I don't know many people that can work and live together. I mean you're with each other all the time. It's amazing that you don't get on each other's nerves."

"We do, but we know when to back off. Have any music? There's only shit on the TV." Hutch finished his beer. "Do you mind if I get another?"

"Jefferson Starship?" Steve asked. "There's beer on the bottom shelf of the frig. Help yourself."

Hutch nodded before walking to the refrigerator and getting another beer. "Do you need another?"

"I'm fine."

"I can't believe everyone in the department looks at me like I'm the bad guy in this like I seduced a cripple man. Why can't they see that it's the most beautiful, natural thing in my life? Why can't they be happy for us?"

"Kenny, people hate us. You can't change that."

"Bob wears tee shirt that states proudly that he's queer. I admire him for that. If two men didn't threaten to kill me around lunch today, I would be out buying some jewelry and pastel shirts. I'm thinking about getting my ear pierced which one says that you're queer."

"I don't know," Steve said. "I think it's right is wrong, but I'm not sure. It seems to me that both straight and gays pierce the same ear. You're best off piercing the left ear since you're right handed. The woman at the jewelry counter will know."

"I've loved him since we met in the academy, but I was married so I tried to be happy just being his friend. Then, after I divorced, he started dating all these women. I dated a few ladies myself. The ones that got the closest to me knew that they couldn't get between Dave and I. Gillian told Dave that I loved him very much before she tried to leave town. Unfortunately, she was killed before that happened. You would think the detectives in the station would be glad we're out of the
dating pool. No more women would have to die because of us."

Hutch sat down and then stood up. He didn't want to pace, but he didn't feel like he could sit still. "I don't understand. I seem to attract women on the wrong side of the law. Too many stories. Dave and I have a way of attracting trouble. Even a schoolteacher that Dave dated met her end with a bullet meant for Dave."

"Kenny, how many did you have before you walked to my apartment?" Steve asked.

"Three. If I told him how I felt, none of these women would have died. I told him that I loved him, but he didn't understand that I was in love with him."

"Kenny, you should go back to your apartment and sleep off the alcohol."

"I can't get it up when I'm drunk. It's a real shame because you're awfully cute." Hutch finished his beer.

"And your partner is very jealous and has a gun," Steve said.

"He isn't my partner anymore. He worked with Peterson today and Dobey will assign him a new partner." Hutch leaned back into the couch and put his arm around Steve.

"I'm not your boyfriend."

"Lighten up. I heard about a few of those freaks that you've brought back here. I won't tell Starsky if you won't."

"He's your life partner. You mess up and you'll regret it the rest of your life." Steve stood up and put his hand out to Hutch.

"I'm not that fucking drunk." Hutch picked up his jacket. "You're missing out on a great blow job." Hutch licked his lips. "Your cock wants these gorgeous lips around it."

"If I was Dave, I'd keep you on a leash."

"I could keep you going all night long," Hutch teased.

"No insult. You have something special with Dave, the kind of love that comes once in a lifetime if we're lucky. Don't blow it."

"You're right. I have one special man and perhaps he's home and in need of a blowjob."

"Kenny, I'm sure he is." Steve led him to his door. "I wish I had what you have with Dave. You don't know how lucky you are."

"I thank God for him every day. Steve, I nearly lost him last May. I remember how special he is to me several times a day. Steve, I'll never forget when they shouted code for him and his heart stopped. I wonder if I wanted to live without him."

"You would have." Steve hugged Hutch briefly.

Hutch pinched Steve's firm round bottom. "Would you have loved me?"

"If that was what you needed." Steve pulled away from Hutch's embrace.

"I hope you find someone special because you deserve to be as happy as Dave and I," Hutch said before leaving Steve's apartment.



As Hutch opened the door, Starsky wrapped his arms around him. "I missed you."

"It was only five hours."

"I think that is the longest we been apart in many months."

"You spent that night alone in the hospital," Hutch reminded Starsky.

"And I hated it. I wanted to be home in our bed. I'll have a petition on Dobey's desk tomorrow morning, insisting that you return to the department. I'll talk to the commissioner myself. I can see him not wanting us to be partners, but they have no right to send you to another department. Everyone but Griffin offered to be partnered with you."

"Griffin is afraid that I might try to take off his pants."

"He's probably afraid that he would like it if you did. He can't have you. You're all mine." Starsky walked over to the kitchen and made himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich emptying the last of the jelly. "I'm still buying groceries for one person."

"When was the last time that you brought groceries?"

"I cook and keep the place clean." Starsky poured himself a glass of milk.

"I'm fine with the transfer." Hutch poured himself a glass of water from water chilling in the refrigerator.

"It's my fault. I told Dobey that it was his job to prevent you from being harassed."

"I don't blame you. I'll probably enjoy working in Records. The girl at night has to be more pleasant than the bitch that I met during the day."

"Records sounds so boring." Starsky made himself another sandwich after tossing the empty jar in the trash and finding a new jar in the pantry.

"Someone has to do it. Starsk, thanks for getting the other guys to stand up for me."

"The other shifts will sign it when they get in."

"I'm tired of acting like I have a stick up my butt."

Starsky put the peanut butter and jelly in the refrigerator. "You never acted that way."

"I thought the job was more important than you." Hutch touched Starsky's hand and looked into his eyes.

"That happens."

"You're the most important thing in my life." Hutch put his hand on Starsky's back. "I'll never lose sight of that."

"Let's have some wild monkey sex." After leaving his empty glass in the sink dirty, Starsky stripped on his way to the bedroom.

"I had five beers. I can't get it up if I have more than two," Hutch explained on their way to the bedroom.

"Your girlfriends didn't have my hands or my fantastic body." Starsky kiss his friend parting his lips with his tongue tasting Hutch's need through the after taste of his sandwich. Starsky stroked the soft blond hair and used one hand to pull Hutch closer as he deepened the kiss feeling his naked body against Hutch's still clothed one.

"I felt that in my toes."

"I would have felt better if you were naked."

Hutch picked up Starsky's clothes and tossed them in the hamper then stripped himself. "We have to try that." Hutch kissed Starsky as deeply stroking those dark curls with one hand as his other hand was pressed against his back. "That was much better naked."

"Are you feeling more sober?"

"Definitely." Hutch laid on the center of the bed as Starsky positioned himself on top of him. "Are we still partners?"

"In every way. Most couples don't spend nearly as much time together."

"I missed you today." Hutch kissed Starsky's neck.

"I missed you, too." Starsky moved his hands and mouth over Hutch's hard muscular back.

"Fuck me," Hutch moaned.

"Not so fast. I enjoy hearing you beg."

"Starsk, I need you bad. Don't make me wait." Hutch pretended to beg.

Starsky planted a few kisses on Hutch's back then planted a small bite on his firm behind. "Not long. I'm so hard for you."

Hutch pulled Starsky's hand to his hardening, throbbing cock. "Feel that. That's what you do to me." Hutch put his knee under him as he lay half between his front and his side.

"I thought you couldn't do it drunk." Starsky started to stroke Hutch's throbbing member.

"I can get hard; finishing is the problem," Hutch admitted.

"I doubt that will be a problem tonight. I'm going to take you there." Starsky fondled Hutch's crack. "You're so eager for me."

Starsky pressed his mouth against the puckered opening and licked, knowing that his tongue would make Hutch quiver in pleasure.

"Stop," Hutch screamed. "Steve is probably listening to us in the apartment below."

"And getting off on it. He's jealous that I have you all to myself. Kenny, I know you have your eyes follow him every time he passes."

"You think every faggot is after my ass."

"They are, but that fine ass is all mine." Starsky gave Hutch relief for as moment as he coated his fingers and cock with lube. Starsky coated Hutch's awaiting entrance with lube before pushing himself into the welcoming tightness.

Hutch moaned as his prostate was pressed by the large invader. "Fuck me."

"I'm not going to last long," Starsky screamed. "Shit."

Hutch put his hand on his throbbing erection. Starsky wrapped that hand with his own. "Ride me harder," Hutch hollered.

"Shit. Fuck." Starsky allowed his softening cock to slip out. "I didn't mean to go that fast."

"It was great." Hutch rolled over and kissed Starsky deeply moving one hand over the curly locks. "If it was any better, they would need to bury me."

Starsky eyed Hutch's still throbbing cock. "Allow me to finish you off."

"I take a long time when I'm drunk," Hutch insisted.

"I don't mind." Starsky moved his hand over his friend's hard chest. Starsky sucked on one of the pert brown nipples as his hand move over the soft blond chest hair then moved to the other nipple, allowing his fingers to roam lightly over Hutch's silky skin. He licked Hutch's belly button. "Feel good."

"Great. You spoil me so."

Starsky sucked on the hard flat belly as he lazily stroked Hutch's erection causing it to stand straighter. A drop of precum appear on the top and he licked it greedily then licked the tip moving his tongue under the foreskin. He wondered if his friend was more sensitive since he wasn't cut although he was proud of being circumcised as part of his religion.

Hutch stroked Starsky's hair. "I love you so much."

Starsky returned to licking the tip of the throbbing organs. He licked under the foreskin before licking the outside. Hutch pulled on Starsky's ears then remembered how he hated having his ears pulled while giving head and put his hand behind Starsky's head.

Starsky moved his mouth up and down over the quivering organ. He didn't care for giving head, but he did it because Hutch loved it so. He wondered if he was doing something wrong feeling like he was going to gag each time he did it.

Hutch pushed Starsky's head down on his cock as he fucked his mouth. Finally, Hutch fired into Starsky's mouth in a few short burst.

Starsky wiped him mouth of the spent liquid, trying not to look disgusted.

Hutch kissed Starsky's chest as his hand played with the dark, curly chest hairs. "You don't have to do it if you don't like it."

"I love you. I don't care for the taste, but it gives you pleasure."

"Other things give me pleasure. I would have cum just as easily from your hand, rubbing it between your muscular thighs or buried inside you. You like me riding you."

"I love it. Baby, it looked like the faster way to get you there. It was my fucking choice."

"You don't have to like sucking cock because I like it. We all have our likes and dislikes." Hutch kissed his nose. "OK."

Starsky put his arms around his love. "I'm sorry about what happened at the office."

"It wasn't your fucking fault."

"They shouldn't have done that to you."

"I was so scared when he told me to suck on his gun. I was relieved to be handcuffed to that pole. I'll go up to Narcotics tomorrow while I'm working. I can pretend to look for some record."

"I worry about you." Starsky put a hand on Hutch's behind. "What gets me is that all this abuse is directed to you."

"I offered to give Steve a blowjob." Hutch cuddled against Starsky. "He turned me down, saying that I shouldn't blow what I have with you."

"Don't I take care of you?" Starsky asked.

"You aren't the only gorgeous man on the planet. I hate that I think about other guys."

Starsky started to stroke Hutch's rump. "I know you're hurting, but I would hurt if I found you with someone else."

"Cut that the fuck out. Are you trying to get me started?" Hutch asked as he felt himself getting turned on. Starsky's warm body pressed against him and their legs casually crossed on the soft bed while Starsky's hand continued to fondle his rump.

"I won't fucking blow you this time."

"I can see from your eyes that you hate doing it." Hutch rolled Starsky on his back and started to fondle his balls. "You're making me so fucking hot."

"Let me have it."

"I should blow you for that. Do you know how hot it makes me to have your joint in my mouth?" Hutch stroked the darker man's cock until it was throbbing painfully.

"Please." Starsky's dark blue eyes met Hutch's lighter one.

"You beg so nicely." Hutch licked the tip before moving his mouth over its length.

Starsky pulled Hutch's mouth down careful not to pull on Hutch's ears and stroked his soft fine hair as he continued to fuck his mouth. "God. Shit. Fuck."

Hutch swallowed it all as Starsky screamed more expletives and licked the softening cock as he pulled his mouth away. Hutch knew he wouldn't last long; he nearly came when giving his buddy head. He lifted one leg as he grabbed the lube with the other. He put lube on his cock and his
partner's opening with urgent need, then lifted the other leg and finally he was encased with warm tightness.

"Don't stop."

"I won't last long. You drive me crazy with desire." Hutch started to thrust; in a few seconds, he collapsed against his lover spent and kissed his neck. "I don't need your fucking pity."

"I hate that they're ostracizing you."

Hutch wrapped his arms around Starsky. "Don't you see? They want to put us as odds with each other."

"That won't happen. Get some sleep, Baby." Starsky touched Hutch's hand then turned and saw that his friend was already asleep. He listened to the soft snores until he fell asleep himself.


On Saturday morning, not that it made any difference since both of them had to work, Hutch made Starsky's favorite breakfast, not quite they didn't have any cold pizza or spaghetti. He cracked eggs, fried Spam (definitely not kosher) and made plenty of toast then chopped peppers
and onions for omelets. As everything cooked, he filled the percolator. He wasn't going to let a transfer and a threat from the goons from Narcotics get him down.

Starsky entered the kitchen wearing only a towel. "Babe, it smells wonderful."

"I don't blame you for the transfer." Hutch turned the omelet in the pan.

"When did you learn to cook?" Starsky teased.

"After Van left me. I made plenty." Hutch kissed Starsky briefly and then squeezed his ass making the towel drop to the floor.

"You spoil me so."

"You deserve it."

Starsky bent down to pick up the towel. "Give me a minute to dress."

"But I'm enjoying the view."

After Starsky returned to the kitchen dressed, he looked over Hutch as he put an omelet on a plate. "Don't you think you're a little over dressed for Records?"

Hutch, shrugging his shoulders, thought he looked professional in his gray satin long sleeve shirt and brown corduroy pants. He wasn't wearing a tie and had his shirt open to the first button showing his white tee shirt peeking through. "I didn't think a tie was necessary. You look so sexy with shorter hair that I was thinking about having mine trimmed."

"Don't you dare. You could shave off that mosquito. I don't like kissing someone with hair on his lip."

"You didn't complain last night. Perhaps, I should shave it off. It might give a better impression. Starsk, what time is it?"

"Eight-thirty." Starsky looked at his watch. "You don't have to be there until three."

"And you?" Hutch asked.

"Nine-thirty. Could you drop me off? I'll get a ride home or take the bus," Starsky said. "I have to get the Torino fixed or get another car. What are you going to do this morning?"

"Look at some cookbooks, grocery shop and all the domestic stuff that we never get time to do."

"Water your plants."

"Of course. How is your omelet?"

"Fine. Hutch, going to Records is an insult not a promotion."

"If I treat it as a promotion, I'll look like a better man. I can't let it get to me. I'm going to keep my head up high."

"We have to go," Starsky said finishing his eggs and toast.

Hutch did the breakfast dishes after he ate a couple more pieces of toast. He looked at some cookbooks and made his grocery list accordingly. After he watered his plants, he looked around the apartment for a crock-pot so Starsky would have a hot meal waiting for him when he got home. As he searched the top cabinets, he remembered that Mrs. Starsky left it on high too long, burning the casserole in it, then submerged it while trying to clean it and destroyed the heating element.

Hutch needed to get a new one as he did his errands. Hutch felt strangely domestic, starting an office job with regular hours. He wondered if he really wanted to go back to working sixteen-hour days and dodging bullets. After he did his shopping and other errands, he chopped vegetables and fresh meat from the butcher for crock-pot stew.

Hutch looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, clean-shaven and his hair trimmed so it was no longer than collar length. He decided to change his shirt; he could wear the gray one another day. He looked at the light blue brought and decided it clashed with brown. He put the peach one instead, feeling a little adventurous. He didn't get his ear pierced although he was still considering it.



The asshole that handcuffed him the day before passed him in the hall and said, "Kenny, you look real pretty." He looked much smaller without his partner.

Hutch wouldn't let the idiot upset him, wanting his new boss to see him in good spirits and ready to work. He wasn't going to let a little creep ruin his day and made a mental catalogue of the man's features. Ken Hutchinson recalled that his girlfriends and family members called him Kenny so it wasn't an insult but far too intimate for such a lowlife to address him. "It's Sgt. Hutchinson."

The man mumbled something about that damn faggot as he walked away from Hutch's piercing stare.

A woman in a blue blouse and gray pleated skirt looked Hutch over as he entered Records. "You're as handsome as Miriam said."

"Excuse me," Hutch said. "I'm here to work."

"Just a cause observation," she said. "I'm Kelly."

"Sgt. Ken Hutchinson."

"Can I call you Ken?"


"Did Miriam show you how the filing system worked?"

Hutch nodded. He spent the first four hours filing the files pulled earlier in the day as Miriam made new folders for the reports sent down the previous day.

"Would you like to join me for dinner?"

"Why not?"

"We'll take my car."

Hutch put on his jacket before following the short, mildly overweight woman appearing to be in her late twenties. He guessed that she could be pretty if she wore nicer clothes, wore make-up and styled her hair. "So are you married? I didn't see a ring."

"I'm living with a guy."

He was about to say me too, but decided better of it. "For how long?"

"Seven years."

"My wife died two years ago." Why did he say something stupid like that? Now he was going to depress his dinner companion.

"I'm sorry."

Hutch felt uncomfortable as they entered the dark parking lot. No seem to be waiting for him as he held his hand on his gun. "We're divorced. I'm over it. It just sometimes someone mentions her and I start to cry."

"I understand. I want to get married, but Jim says that it's so old-fashioned. I told him if he wanted children he has to give me a wedding ring. I'm twenty-nine and I can't wait forever."

"My wife miscarried and she didn't want me to join the police force so we never talked about having another. I mourned for the lost baby more than her. Since we divorced it was good that we didn't have children, but sometimes I think about what could have been." Hutch wiped a silent

"If you don't mind me asking, whom's cereal did you piss in?"

Hutch looked at Kelly like she wasn't there.

"Miriam looked at your personnel record. You have excellent evauls, have many awards for going beyond the call of duty, took many high profile cases, and your crime solved rate speaks volumes in itself. I mean you aren't like the losers that are sent down here and you aren't pregnant."

"I broke a cardinal rule," Hutch said plainly. She would learn eventually. "I fell in love with my male partner."

"But you were married." She opened the doors to her car.

"She was the first woman that I had sex with and she became pregnant."

"And you did the honorable thing and married her."

"Then she lost the baby and we both knew we made a mistake." He hooked his seatbelt.

"Do you like Chinese?"

"Kelly, you don't have to treat me."

"It's your first day and you're such a gentleman. It's a shame that you're gay."

"My partner doesn't think so."

"Where did they send him?"

"Nowhere. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Starsky nearly lost his life last year. I had a few very close calls myself." Hutch continued. "I need the name of a man that works in Narcotics, five-eight, brown hair, brown eyes, small pug nose, mole on his chin."

"Rosaro, did he forget to sign his paperwork again?" Kelly asked.

"His partner and he are the reason that I'm no longer on patrol. His partner threatened to have me suck on his gun."

"Shit. That's awful. I'll get his partner's name when we get back."



Hutch offered to deliver some files that needed to be completed to their corresponding departments.

"Go ahead. Stretch your legs. It gets boring down here. I should tell Miriam to give your captain a piece of her mind."

"I'm not angry at you or Miriam."

"Griffin from your department left three reports incomplete."

"I'll tell him."


Dobey was finishing work as Hutch entered the bullpen.

Hutch placed the three incomplete reports on Griffin's desk. "Griffin, you left these reports incomplete."

"Faggot, can't you see I'm busy?" Griffin said.

"Hutch, ignore the asshole. Everyone else does," Peterson said. "I'll finish them and have them back in Records in the morning."


"You're welcome." Hutch knocked on Dobey's door. "Sir."

"Son, come in," Dobey said. "Do you have the names of the two men that assaulted you in the parking lot?"

"Yes." Hutch wrote the two names on a piece of paper.

"I wonder if one of those two are response for the threatening notes. How is the new job?"


"No problems."

"None, sir. This report isn't complete. It was signed by Peterson and Starsky."

"I'll have them look at it. Son, Narcotics will have an opening after these two are kicked off the force."

"I hope they spend some jail time."

"You and me both. Starsky and Peterson will testify. Hutch, you look good."


"Stay out of trouble."

"It seems to keep finding me. Sir, it's Saturday night. Don't you have something better to do than hang around the station?"

"Not when one of my boys is in trouble."


Starsky stopped by Records at a quarter to eleven and drop off the record that Hutch had left in Dobey's office. "Babe." He put his hand on Hutch's arm. "I'm finished for the day. I'll wait for you at the coffee shop down the street."

"Sure, Starsk."

"See you in a few minutes." Starsky blew him a kiss before leaving the office.

Hutch waved good-bye.

"Your man is gorgeous," Kelly said as she wrote a note for the morning shift; Dispatch covered Records from eleven to seven.

"Only eight hours," Hutch said, as he picked up his jacket from the hook

"Do you mind if I join you and your partner at the coffee shop?" Kelly asked, as she grabbed her sweater.

"Not at all," Hutch said.

Kelly, standing close to him but not touching him, walked down the street beside Hutch. He ordered himself a dark coffee and her a decafe.

"So how was your day?"

"Good. I missed you. There is stew, waiting for us at home."

"Dave Starsky." He extended his hand to the petite woman.

She shook his hand. "Kelly Carter. No relation to the president."

"Kelly, if I yawn it isn't because I'm being rude. I've been at work since 9:30 this morning," Starsky said. "I would never want to insult a beautiful woman."

Kelly blushed slightly. "You must be exhausted."

"Hutch and I put in a lot of sixteen hour days. You learn to tolerate the lack of sleep," he said.

"Maybe I got the better end of this deal," Hutch teased.

"They'll cut your pay. They don't need a detective to do that job," Starsky stated.

"Perhaps." Hutch batted his eyelashes as Starsky across the table.

"Dobey hopes to have this case wrapped up Monday. He'll call you with a time to speak to IA about the assault," Starsky said.

"I hope they don't hear about it," Hutch said.

"I don't have to be work until two Monday so we'll drive in together. You aren't going to be in that parking lot alone until those men are behind bars," Starsky said.

"I should go," Kelly said. "This isn't my business."

"We should walk you back to the lot. A young woman should be walking alone at night in the city," Starsky said. "You couldn't be safer with two armed escorts."

"Why are all the good ones queer or married?" she asked.

"Or both," Hutch teased her.

"I'll sit at the next table until you guys finish your coffee," she said.

"He was in early the day your locker was defaced," Starsky said. "It should be a open and shut case."

"Thanks for the update," Hutch said.

"I never intended to be a spokesman for anything but I won't let them treat the man I love as a second class citizen."

"And you might lose your VA benefits."

"Kelly, are you ready to have two gentlemen walk you back to your car?" Starsky asked.

"Ken, you're a lucky man," she said.

"Miss, where did you park?" Starsky asked.

"Under the lights," she said.


As Miss Carter got into her car, a man grabbed Hutch and pressed him against the nearest vehicle. His gun was drawn. Starsky readied his gun. "Drop it."

"I have a gun against your lover's jaw. Do you want me to blow his pretty face away," the man said.

Starsky lowered his gun and glanced sideways to see Miss Carter use her police radio to call for help.

"Good," the man said. "Kick it."

Starsky kicked the gun.

"Put your hands up and join your boyfriend against that vehicle," the man said.

"You're going to shoot two police officer in the department lot," Starsky said.

"No one will care if two of your kind die," the man said.

Starsky hoped to keep him talking until back up arrived. It shouldn't take long for two detectives to walk down the stairs and into the parking lot.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I thought I could make you look like fools when we gave you the address of that abandoned warehouse, but you found a small drug operation in it."

"We were too smart to step inside. Starsky heard a generator and people talking inside," Hutch said.

"Cocksucker, who gave you permission to talk?" The man slapped Hutch's face with the gun.

"It sounds better when you say it," Hutch whispered.

"He's a dickless asshole," Starsky said.

"And you want one up your ass," the man, holding the gun said.

"Not yours," Starsky said.

"Heffron, drop the gun. California doesn't have a death penalty but they might make an exception for you," Peterson said.

"You heard the man," Griffin said. "Useless you want to filled with lead."

The man dropped the gun.

Griffin cuffed him and told him his rights.

Starsky and Hutch walked upstairs to make a report as Griffin and Peterson escorted the cuffed man to lock up. "Starsk, we'll meet you upstairs in a moment."

"I hoped that I would get to enjoy my first eight hour day," Hutch said.

"This day is getting closer to twenty hours for me," Starsky said. "Come on. We have a ton of paperwork to fill out. Heffron won't be seeing the light of day for a long time."

"I almost feel sorry for him. They don't like cops in the joint." Hutch walked up the stairs. Dobey and other detectives were gone for the day or on patrol. "A great way to spend Saturday night and I promised to meet Kiko noon tomorrow."

"I'll get you up," Starsky whispered. "At least, you have off."

"Everything always go down on a weekend," Hutch said.

"Happens every time," Peterson agreed.

Hutch didn't want to see Heffron as he did his paperwork.

Sgt. Heffron shouted, as he was lead into an interrogation room, "Faggot, that isn't the last you heard from me."

"The man said anything you say can be used against you," Hutch said as he tried to describe everything that happened on his report. Hutch smiled to himself as he imagined the other prisoners ordering Heffron to bend over without the benefit of KY. Hutch started to laugh as Heffron was walked past him.

"What are you laughing about, cocksucker?"

"Just imagining you in prison." Hutch put his completed form on Griffin's desk.


Hutch looked at Kiko as his mother dropped him off at the fast food restaurant to meet his big brother. "I had one hell of a week," Hutch confided in him.

"What happened?" Kiko asked.

"Why don't I buy you some fries and a shake?" Hutch asked.

"What happened to eating healthy?" Kiko asked.

"I could drive you to my apartment and I could make tofu and sprouts," Hutch teased. "How was school?"


Hutch spied a hickey on Kiko's neck. "Get a new girlfriend."

"Nothing serious." Kiko hit Hutch lightly in the arm.

"After I get you some chow, there's something that I must tell you," Hutch sighed.

"Something happened at work," Kiko said.

"I'm no longer working with Starsky."

"You're still best friends." Kiko put his hand on Hutch's shoulder.

"Sure, kid. The best. If he ever gets his paperwork done from last night's bust, he'll join us."

The end
(The series is over. There won't be a forth part.)