101 positions in 20 minutes

by Susan York

Fandom: Star Trek

Pairing: Spock/Kirk

From: Susan York rassie@home.com

I had just powered down the computer to go to work when a wick thought occurred. ;-)


101 Positions In 20 Minutes

by Susan York

"Come on, Spock, let's give it a try! Please!" Jim batted those doe eyes at his friend.

"I'm sorry, Jim, though the prospect of such an endeavor would be quite fascinating I seriously don't want to participate in such a competition. What would be the purpose of achieving a status in the Guinness Book of World Record for the number of sexual positions in an allotted amount of time? In fact, why rush what we could enjoy....more positions in a preferably longer length of time?"

"Ooh, Spock."


Sigh....Hi HO Hi HO its off to work I go, with visions of my two dream boys dancing in my head.