Title: Hush

Author: Jungle Kitty

Contact: kittyjungle@earthlink.net

Series: TOS (Star Trek: The Original Series)

Posted: 2/24/02

Codes: K/Brandt

Rating: R

Feedback: Yes, please. If you post comments to ASC, please cc: me at kittyjungle@earthlink.net

Archive: ASC and WWOMB yes, all others please ask.

Summary: A PWP with a certain element missing.

Thanks to Wildcat for beta-reading. (And belated thanks to her for beta-reading "Distracted," in which I forgot to acknowledge her contribution. I guess I was distracted.)

Notes: This is one in a series of stories about the relationship between James Kirk and Suzanne Brandt. The others are available at my website:

The Star Trek characters and universe are the property of Paramount and Viacom. This not-for-profit piece of fan fiction is not intended to infringe upon that. The copyright applies only to the author's original characters and creative content.

(c) 2002 Jungle Kitty

She hates making love in his mother's house.

She knows he enjoys it because of the erotic thrill of "doing it" in the bedroom that was the site of his teenage masturbatory activities and, to be completely honest, she enjoys that aspect of it, too. And sex in a different bed always has a little extra kick to it.

But she hates hates HATES getting lost in pleasure and approaching the moment when "Oh!" and "Yes!" and "God!" aren't just responses, they're absolute necessities, but she can't just let loose because his mother is sleeping just down the hall, and so she has to hold back and that's more control than she even wants to know about, and it sure as HELL doesn't help that she knows that he's enjoying this game, the one called "Make Suzanne come so hard she has to scream, but she knows she can't."

Well, actually, she loves when he gives her something to fight against, but this is different because it's not just a ploy so that an unspoken cry can build to a roar, this time it's not supposed to happen, not at all, not ever. But--Oh God! what he's doing feels so GOOD and she's going to come just the way she wants to, so she promises herself she'll make only a tiny sound, barely a whisper, but there has to be a noise, he has to understand, it's part of it, it's not the same without it--

"Jim, I--"




Oh, fuck it, if he doesn't want to hear the explanation, then she'll just handle it on her own, she doesn't need his fucking *permission*, so when that cry starts building up inside her, she vows it will be "just a small sound, just a little, just a--" and she's going to make it, she's going to come HARD and one little "oh" won't hurt, it will just top it off, she can already hear it, it's going to just slip out as she comes, the teeniest, tiniest sigh of an "oh," she's ready, she's arching against him, clutching him with her entire body, opening her mouth to--



So it starts again, and it's so good and there's nowhere to go but up, but at the top of up, there's going to be a screaming ride down, but screaming is out of the question, so she whispers "no" when he sucks her nipple--


And "no" when he pushes her legs farther apart--


And "no" when he lifts away from her and touches, strokes, caresses--


--bringing on a wet rush that she can't control, and *dammit*, all she can think of is his mother seeing the sheets after they leave--


So it starts again, and now it's better than good, it's more, and it's more than more, it's everything--this time there's no thought except she's going to come like never before and she has to have that sound and if she can't make it with noise, she'll make it some other way, so she kicks and thrashes and grinds her hips against him, letting her body act out the silent cries, taking charge from the bottom and fucking him HARD, to hell with what he wants, this is *her* orgasm and she won't be shushed out of it, not again, and then he grips her with sudden intensity and she knows this is exactly what he wants, he loves to see her fight, he loves to make her feel it in a different way, he's getting off on it, on what it does to both of them, she can feel it in the rising heat and the stabbing thrusts and the ragged breathing and God! it's so good to feel all that happening to him
and that makes it happen to her and they're so close so close SO CLOSE--

Then she sees his lips forming a small circle and she knows what's coming next and GODDAMMIT she's not going to let him ruin this with some stupid shushing sound, so she pulls his head down, locks her mouth onto his, and silences him.

She loves making love in his mother's house.

[The End]