Title:Our Little Game

Author:Andrew Troy Keller

Fandom:Star Trek:TOS

Pairing:Uhura/Mirror Sulu




E-mail address for feedback:atk440@aol.com


Other websites:atk440@aol.com

Disclaimer:Star Trek:The Original Series belongs to Gene Roddenberry and 20th Century Fox.This story is not-for-profit,but I own it.

Notes: This AU story is based on an episode entitled MIRROR, MIRROR.

Summary:After she had distracted Mirror Sulu from his security board long enough for Scotty and McCoy to complete their work on their return-trip home, Uhura steps into a turbolift to go rejoin her fellow USS Enterprise shipmates, only to be savagely attacked by Mirror Sulu himself.

Warnings:Graphic violence, rape, male/female sex, strong language

Our Little Game
By Andrew Troy Keller

It had happened after Captain James T. Kirk, Dr. Leonard H. McCoy, Lt. Montgomery Scott and Lt. Uhura had no choice,but to interrupt their negotiations with a race of beings known as the Halkens for dilithium crystals to return to their ship, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) due to an ion storm, only to have a burst from that storm hit the starship,causing the transporter to malfunction and send their landing party into an alternate universe and aboard the ISS Enterprise.

And while their evil counterparts were trying to figure out what had happened to them, Kirk and his landing party were trying to figure out a way to get back to their own universe.

Then suddenly, Scotty had thought of a way for them to do so--by rerouting the transporter's few odds and ends and getting some energy from the ship's engines, Kirk and his landing party would possibly be able to return to their home universe.

The only problem with that idea was to keep the mirror version of Lt. Hikaru Sulu busy and his eyes off of his security board,while Scotty and McCoy were working on the transporter and the engines.

That job had became Uhura's, for after she had returned to the bridge and walked over to Mirror Sulu,she had began to flirt with him and kept on doing so, while the warning light on his security board kept on flashing.

And then, after she had noticed that the light had finally stopped flashing and realized that Scotty and McCoy had finished their job, Uhura had smacked Mirror Sulu across the face, moved herself away from him and drawed her dagger on him,causing him to back-off.

But that was until she had decided to rejoin her fellow USS Enterprise comrades that Uhura had entered the turbolift and told the computer to take her down to the level where Kirk, Scotty and McCoy were waiting for her.

However, what she hadn't known was that after she had stepped into the turbolift and her back was turned,Mirror Sulu had sneaked into the turbolift, grabbed her by the arm and took her dager away from her.

And after he had ordered the turbolift to stop and as soon as he had gotten her dagger up to her throat, a devilishly-gleeful Mirror Sulu said, "Now, my dear. I do believe that I've got you right where I want you--and now, shall continue with our little game."

And so, while Uhura was trying as hard as she could to free herself from his powerful grip, Mirror Sulu had used her dager to cut and shred her uniform into tiny pieces and began licking all over her nude body--all the way down to her pussy.

"Why do you still resist?", asked Mirror Sulu, while he was pumping his fingers in and out of her suddenly hot, wet pussy. "Your body is no longer able to do so.Come on.Admit it.You're enjoying it."

And after she had realized that he was right,Uhura had started licking on the fingers of the hand that Mirror Sulu was covering her mouth with and she was begining to experience something that she had never experienced in another reality before.

She was experiencing pure,untamed erotica--and enjoying every minute of it.

A few minutes later, after he had finally removed his uniform and placed his stiff cock inside Uhura's asshole, Mirror Sulu had used each of his hands to carress both her firm breasts and hot, moist snatch.

"AAAAHHHH, YES! ADMIT IT, BITCH!", yelled Mirror Sulu, as he had kept pumping his stone hard dick in and out of Uhura's butthole. "YOU'RE ENJOYING IT! IT'S MAKING YOU FEEL HOT! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!"



And then, after they had started moving harder and faster and their lovemaking had reached its final journey into Klingon space, the two newfound lovers had cum and collasped due to exhaustion.

After they were finally able to catch their breath, Uhura had placed her head on Mirror Sulu's chest, took a deep breath and asked, "What would happen if I were to tell you that I'm actually not from this universe?"

"I would be doing the same thing that I'm doing right now.", answered Mirror Sulu, while he was gently running his fingers through her hair. "What happened to zap you and your friends into this universe of ours?"

"We were caught in a transporter malfunction mishap, which was due to an ion storm.", answered a suddenly-curious Uhura. "Why are you nicer to me now?"

"You've gave yourself to me.", answered Mirror Sulu, after he had taken a deep breath. "You see, all our Uhura had to do to get me to stop was kick me right straight in the face."

"Ouch! That really must hurt.", said Uhura, after she had let out a small smile. "I guess that's the difference between her and me."

"That's so true, Uhura.", said Mirror Sulu, after he had kissed Uhura on the head. "And compared to the both of you, I do believe that I like this Uhura better, for I had suddenly fallen in love with her."

"Well, since that's the case, I do believe that I like this Hikaru Sulu better.", said Uhura, after she had snuggled up to him. "For I had fallen in love
with him as well."

And with that, the two starcrossed lovers had fallen asleep in each other's naked arms.

And yet, before she had fallen asleep, Uhura had silently wished that she could stay in the mirror universe with her newfound lover forever, which was exactly what had happened, for even though Uhura was nowhere to be found, Kirk, Scotty and McCoy, with some help from Mirror Spock and Lt. Marlena Moreau, the 'Captain's Woman', had transported themselves back aboard the USS Enterprise just before the dimensional hole had closed up behind them.

As for Uhura and her Hikaru Sulu, they had removed themselves from both the ISS Enterprise and its evil master, the Empire, found themselves a nice little Class-M planet for them to colonize on and lived as happily as the days on the planet Earth in both universes are long.