Title: That's A Big, Fat, 'No Comment' From Me

Author: Laura Goodwin - http://web.archive.org/web/20021111182931/http://lauragoodwin.org/tos.html

Contact: kirksmyboy@lauragoodwin.org

Series: TOS

Rating: [R]

Codes: K, S, Sarek

Summary: Kirk is a solider, not a diplomat.

NOTE: This version replaces others

Feedback of all kinds welcome - ~no flames~

That's A Big, Fat, 'No Comment' From Me
By Laura Goodwin

The diplomats gathered for the welcoming cocktail party in the Enterprise's main meeting room and the tension was palpable. The conference at Babel was aptly named by some Terran wag. Captain Kirk edged through the crowd cautiously, smiling affably, scanning the clusters of conversing people for troublemakers, as he had assigned some of his officers to do.

Within hour one, Spock's Father, Ambassador Sarek, the Vulcan 'Man of peace' was on the verge of a fight with some pugnacious Tellarite. Kirk had to intervene.

When Spock learned of it later, he didn't seem surprised. ~Typical~, he thought. "Interesting" he said.
