Title: Who Wants To Know?

Author: Jungle Kitty

Contact: kittyjungle@earthlink.net

Series: TOS (Star Trek: The Original Series)

Posted: 1/2/2004

Codes: K/Brandt, drabble

Rating: PG

Feedback: Yes, please. If you post comments to ASC, please cc: me at

Archive: ASC, BLTS, and WWOMB yes, all others please ask

Summary: Inspired by Lyrastar's lovely "Kissing Captain Kirk" stories and written with her permission. For those who may not be familiar with this remarkable series of drabbles, get thee to http://www.geocities.com/lyrastarwatcher

Thanks to Lyrastar for the inspiration and Wildcat for the beta.

Notes: This is one in a series of stories about the relationship between James Kirk and Suzanne Brandt. The others are available at my website: http://www.invisibleplanets.com/

The Star Trek characters and universe are the property of Paramount and Viacom. This not-for-profit piece of fan fiction is not intended to infringe upon that. The copyright applies only to the author's original characters and creative content.

(c) Jungle Kitty 2004

Admiral Kirk looked up from his desk and smiled at the unexpected visitor. Before he could greet her, she kissed him long and deeply and turned to leave.

"Brat, that was lovely but--why?"

"I was asked what it's like to kiss you. Just making sure I describe it accurately."


But she was gone. He thought for about three seconds and then contacted the sector commander.

"Fig, about your question--"

"She wasn't supposed to tell you it was me!"

"She didn't have to. You're the only person who would ask that who doesn't already know the answer."

[The End]