Title: Interrogation

Author: Cerulean Blue

E-mail address: Cerulean_Blue@juno.com

Rating: NC-17

Keywords: Bashir Bashir/Sloane Bashir slash

Disclaimer: Copyright 2000 by Cerulean Blue. This original work of amateur fiction based on Star Trek makes transformative use of Star Trek for noncommercial purposes. This work makes "fair use" of Star Trek copyrighted material; intended not to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Paramount, Viacom or other owners of Star Trek copyright or their assignees or licensees. Author's copyright extends only to the original material in this work.

Summary: An alternative to Bashir's interrogation by Sloane.

Archive: Probably fine, but please ask first!

Author's Notes:

Dedicated to Invicta and Wynlady

Inspired by a bit too intense interrogation of Bashir by Section 31.

Constructive feedback is always welcome. This is my first attempt at Trek slash, so please pull your punches. If I screwed up anything Trek-related, feel free to gently let me know.

WARNING! SLASH. This story contains sexual interaction between two men, turn back now, if the subject matter offends you.




by Cerulean Blue

Sloane smiled at the handsome doctor's shock. Bashir had just found out that he was under investigation by Section 31, that everything he'd experienced since he'd awoken the morning of his appointment with Sloane up until a few minutes earlier had been a complete fabrication, courtesy of the top secret organization.

Bashir glared angrily at his accuser. "So it was all a holosimulation? The accusations, the holding me in the brig, the encounter with Weyoun? Why in the world did you go to so much trouble? Who told you that I was a threat to the Federation?"

"Doctor, that is confidential information." Sloane smiled. He hadn't lost any of his self-possessed, breezy manner. "I'm afraid that I can't tell you."

"Nonsense. I demand to know who is making these allegations about me."

"I said I can't tell you. Don't you agree that your experiences make you a subject worthy of suspicion? Why, after all, have you lied for so long about your genetic status? You know Starfleet doesn't look kindly on such things."

Bashir flushed. "As you heard me tell Sisko, or the simulated Sisko, I don't know!"

Sloane circled his victim. "I think you do know, doctor. Come now. I've made you a research subject for a fairly intense period of recent history. Do you want me to tell you what I think?"

Sloane stood in front of him, arms crossed. Bashir frowned at him. "No I don't, but I'm sure you will."

"I believe that your genetic enhancement has made you feel like an outsider. It is a source of shame, that you got this little push along that others didn't. Instead of being proud of your superior abilities, you feel humiliated. You try to make up for it by behaving with a certain aloofness, or snobbishness, to hide your insecurity."

The agent's words cut Bashir. He knew that his accuser was just trying to get under his skin, to trip him up, but he also knew that Sloane was more correct than Bashir would care to admit. He turned away from him.

Sloane continued. "It's as an outsider that you tend to get yourself into trouble, doctor. You admit that you would have continued to keep this secret as long as possible, answerable to no one, not the Federation certainly. You raised suspicions upon yourself through your own actions, and you shouldn't be surprised. Starfleet expects honesty from its officers."

"I never meant to be disloyal to Starfleet," Bashir countered softly.

"I believe that. I'm just trying to point out how your actions have caused the current situation. Your suggestion made with your genetically-enhanced friends that we surrender to the Dominion was another problem. Your friends came very close to incarceration in a Federation prison, I hope you realize. Their subsequent decision to reveal Starfleet battle plans to the Dominion, when we refused to listen to them, would have been a disastrous error."

"We kept that from happening," Bashir responded hastily. "Commander Sisko-"

"I know all about it, doctor," Sloane cut him off. "However, the entire research project was initiated by you. I'm not saying that you agreed with their decision, but you have to realize how it implicated you. This is wartime, doctor, and we don't take such things lightly."

Bashir started to get nervous again. He wasn't sure where Sloane was leading with this. He had thought that he had convinced the top security officer he was innocent. Now he wondered what the man was implying.

"Look, they were just trying to save lives. Our figures demonstrated that billions of lives would be lost in the coming war, that it would continue over generations. It was wrong of them to try to leak that information, but their intentions were good."

Sloane ignored him. "You seem to have a knack for helping or befriending the wrong individuals. There is also the matter of your friendship with the only Cardassian on Deep Space Nine, one who might very well be a spy. My observation indicates that it is a fairly intense friendship too. A very surprising choice for a doctor to make, considering this particular Cardassian was quite the diligent torturer during the Occupation. " His eyes glittered as he gazed at Julian, while his features remained impassive.

Julian was dumbfounded. "Garak is a fine individual, Sloane. He has helped us immeasurably during the war, just ask Commander Sisko."

"I'm sure he has. But whether that is a reason to end up in his bed, that's an another thing entirely." Sloane countered slyly.

At first Julian couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I beg your pardon?"

"I believe you heard me the first time, doctor. You can't hide such relationships from Section 31. Can you tell me why you're involved with him?"

Julian swallowed hard. His mouth was dry, and he hadn't had anything to eat today. Sloane had sent him Worf's gah instead of his requested scones and still hadn't rectified the error.

"I can't tell you because I really don't know why myself, Sloane. How does one explain any relationship? By coldly categorizing and listing the pros and cons of a person? All I know is -" Julian swallowed again. "is that I care deeply about him, I may even love him. What do you want from me?"

Sloane began to smile broadly. "My dear doctor, you finally see where this is leading. There are two options open to us right now.

"One, I could send you back to Deep Space Nine, replete with fine food and a clean record. You won't have to worry about such incidents ever again.

"Or two, I could make an unpleasant report to the Federation. You'd be considered a high security risk. The consequences would be extremely disagreeable, and I can tell you now that you won't be going back to Deep Space Nine."

Bashir was stunned. He looked at Sloane in amazement, that he could be so evil, while Sloane regarded him with the same predatory satisfaction that a lion might display when looking upon an especially delectable antelope.

The man looked as at ease interrogating and threatening a Starfleet officer as he probably did on a golf course home on Earth. Wish he was there right now, Bashir thought angrily, or better yet, six feet under it.

"Well?" Sloane smirked. "I would like your answer, doctor."

"I'll take one, if I have a choice. But I'm sure there's a string attached. So, are you going to make me just disappear into thin air or send me home where I belong?" Bashir responded, through gritted teeth.

Sloane laughed. "Oh, you do amuse me, doctor. Come here, will you?" He gestured towards himself.

Bashir walked cautiously over to him. He was entirely at sea as to what the man wanted.

Sloane, however, had no such doubts. Once Bashir was in front of him, the security officer immediately started unzipping Julian's uniform.

"Wh-wh-what the hell are you doing???" Bashir exclaimed, nearly jumping out of his skin in shock.

"Undressing you, doctor." Sloane chuckled. "After all, you told me that I had a good bedside manner, remember?"

"No! Not like this! Who the hell do you think you are?" Bashir pushed his hands away and started zipping his uniform back up.

"Now doctor, don't be hasty, " Sloane responded grimly, grabbing his wrist. "Think of the consequences. Your friend Garak, for instance. Now, suppose something should happen to him while he was in his shop late at night or traveling somewhere by shuttle. Bajorans are not very fond of Cardassians, especially having just gotten rid of them for the second time. Now suppose there are members of the Bajoran resistance who are well-acquainted personally with some of the darker secrets of Mr. Garak's past -"

"Leave Garak out of this!"

"That's what I'm trying to do, Julian, but you're not being very cooperative," Sloane grinned. "I don't think you have a solid understanding of the consequences of your actions. I really wish you'd think carefully about this before you refuse me."

Bashir stared at Sloane in amazement. He expected at any moment for the man to burst into laughter and ridicule him for being taken in. Sloane did look amused.

"Is this, is this a joke?"

Sloane stopped smiling immediately. "Oh, I never joke, doctor. That is one thing I never do. I'm merely amused at watching you squirm. You're like the proverbial fox being chased by the hound. Isn't it convenient that we're both from Earth? How I enjoy trading these homely similes."

Bashir eyed him. "So, if I refuse, I don't go back to Deep Space Nine, and you assassinate Garak. How is this for the benefit of the Federation?"

"No benefit. Actually, no one benefits, unless I just keep you here to fuck whenever I please. Then I benefit, I benefit greatly."

His words shocked Bashir, who stared back at him dumbfounded. This isn't happening to me, he thought in benumbed disbelief, shutting his eyes and pressing his hands over them, his palms dripping with sweat.

Sloane eyed him with feral glee, enjoying the doctor's reaction immensely. "You have no idea of the free reign granted to Section 31 by the Federation. We are a clandestine organization, doctor, and we ferret out traitors. The Federation asks no questions, and we do our job.

"If you look back through the histories of every given world in the Federation, there has always been a Section 31 in some form or another. Why, your Mr. Garak, for example, he won't regal you with stories of the Obsidian Order, but I'm sure you are familiar with the dread with which they are regarded by other Cardassians. Their power is highly secretive, effective, and deadly. Our earth, as another example, has also had their own versions of Section 31. The CIA of the United States in the 20th century overturned many national governments in its mission to promote democracy.though it was really capitalism they were protecting. A Section 31 has often been necessary to get things done in the fastest, most efficient and covert manner possible when the hands of those in power are tied.

"Do you see what you're up against, Julian? How does a brief, most likely pleasurable romp in the bedroom compare to the consequences I've described? If you are doubting the extent of our power, I can certainly provide you with specific examples, though I must warn you that your safety would be greatly compromised. There are those in our organization who would prefer that such secrets remain hidden."

"That's all right," Bashir groaned. "I find that I have a strong desire to not know anything more than you've already presented to me. Look, if we .do this, then I'm discharged from the investigation?"

Sloane smiled amicably. "I give you my word, doctor, you'll have no further inquiries."

Bashir still wasn't convinced. However, he didn't resist as Sloane resumed unzipping his uniform. He still had the vague notion that he was being presented with some sort of test.of character, of loyalty to the Federation.but this belief was being quickly dispelled as Sloane gave him a leering smile and dipped his hand into his uniform to fondle his nipple. When the agent felt it respond by tightening into a hard little nub, he gave the other nipple his fond attention as well.

Bashir gritted his teeth and looked away from his tormentor. The lack of food, sleep and Sloane's aggressive attentions were making for an extremely surreal experience. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, to slow his racing pulse. He hated Sloane, not just for what he represented but for so quickly gaining control of the situation, for gaining control of him. He'd been a sucker from the beginning, believing the man to be honest and fair, that he was telling the truth when he said his interrogation/investigation of Bashir was merely routine.

"Julian," Sloane commanded his reluctant attention. He turned his head to face his tormentor. Sloane finished pulling off the doctor's uniform and gestured for him to step out of it. "I want you to go lie down on that bed."

Rolling his eyes, Bashir turned and headed for the bed. He was a victim of his own naivete, he decided, and now he had to pay the price.

Lying down, he looked up to see Sloane looming over him. Did the man ever stop grinning? He was taking a most unsportsman-like satisfaction in his victory over Bashir, and the doctor found it extremely irksome.

"If you're thinking of reneging, doctor, all I can do is assure you once again that I never joke," Sloane informed him lightly, his manner changing not in the slightest. "You'd be taking a great risk."

"You're certainly getting me in the mood," snarled Bashir sarcastically, spoiling for a fight in spite of his intimidation. "You may be a talented agent, Sloane, but you're hardly subtle in your choreography."

"Oh, you'll find out all about my talents very soon, Julian," Sloane countered in the same light manner as he proceeded to strip off his own uniform.

In spite of himself, Bashir found himself gazing at a compact, athletic build as Sloane pulled off his uniform. He was surprisingly fit. The man would be a challenge to defeat in a physical confrontation. Lean, hard muscles revealed themselves as he stripped off his suit. His body was ram-like when compared to Garak, who was more of a Cardassian bull, deceptively slight but most probably packed quite a wallop. It was just one more in a string of surprises that Sloane seemed to delight in presenting him with. The large bulge in his briefs made Bashir swallow nervously. Not bothering to remove them, Sloane approached the bed, where Bashir lay naked and defenseless.

Bashir shifted uncomfortably on the bed as Sloane settled on it. Sloane looked at him impassively. "Would it help, doctor, if I restrained you?"

"Don't be ridiculous. You've restrained me enough with threatening Garak and my position on Deep Space Nine," Bashir responded through clenched teeth. The last thing he wanted was to be bound and helpless before this man, this interrogator.

"Well, I have to disagree," Sloane responded with a little smile. "I like the idea of you fighting actual restraints. Your sinewy, amber-colored body glistening as you struggle to free yourself from the straps and your own desire." He stood up and went over to a cabinet as Bashir stared after him in astonishment. After shuffling around in the drawer, he removed four padded restraints.

"You're not putting those things on me!" Bashir protested, swallowing convulsively. When did this situation get so out of hand? Each liberty he allowed this power-mad bastard just led to another, more outrageous affront. If he didn't have second thoughts before, he was certainly having them now.

"Calm yourself, doctor," Sloane responded, connecting the restraint to a hook in the wall. "I have no desire to hurt you. Quite the contrary in fact. Now, you agreed to my terms, and I have to tell you that I plan to make you work very hard indeed to hold up your end of the bargain. My good grace for Starfeet officers as questionable as yourself is not lightly given."

"Questionable?" Bashir responded, barely able to contain his rage as Sloane clicked the other restraint around his wrist and started on his ankles.

"Yes, questionable. Now try to relax. As a doctor you should know that relaxation is key to enjoying a sensual experience of this kind," Sloane said, baring his teeth in a vicious smile as he completed fastening the ankle restraints. There was enough slack so that Bashir could bend or move his legs but not free them.

Bashir bit back an angry reply as Sloane stood up and slowly removed his briefs. His cock jutted out, fully erect, a good nine-and-a-half inches. The head was exceptionally large and rose-colored, and the length and width were unusually generous for a man of his stature. Sloane laughed as Bashir's eyes fixed on this part of his anatomy. He was well aware of the good doctor's trepidation and savored it.

"Like I said, Julian, I won't hurt you. You have lots of experience in bed with Garak, whose size is hardly negligible, so my size shouldn't concern you."

"The big difference being that I want to be with Garak but I don't want to be with you!" Bashir countered angrily. He didn't even want to think about how Sloane knew about Garak's size, just praying that he assumed all Cardassians were big. Frustrated, he pulled uselessly on the restraints.

"Stop fighting, doctor," Sloane said smoothly. "You've lost this round. It'll go much easier on you if you just face that fact."

Bashir closed his eyes in resignation. He felt the bed dip again as Sloane sat down on the edge. When he felt Sloane's tongue touch his nipple, his eyes flew open as the sensation sent a current of raw pleasure straight to his groin. Sloane responded by nibbling at the pert little nub and then trailing his tongue in a swirling, sweeping motion downwards towards Bashir's pubic area.

Surrounding Bashir's cock with his mouth, Sloane sucked him eagerly. He'd been stalking his prey for awhile, unbeknownst to the doctor, and he'd lusted and fantasized about this moment for longer than he would have preferred. Bashir had become something of an obsession for him, and Sloane was not a man who failed to quench his desires in any arena. Once someone commanded his attention, he pursued his quarry with a single-minded ruthlessness that instigated either admiration in his colleagues or terror in his adversaries.

He was amused as he felt Bashir's cock quickly harden in his mouth. So much for the good doctor fighting off his attentions, he laughed to himself. He sucked him expertly, deepthroating him, hastening his movements until he could tell from Bashir's reluctant moans that he was about to come. Then Sloane pulled off and gripped the doctor's cock hard in one smooth maneuver, causing the doctor to cry out in surprise.

"Wha-what the hell are you doing?" Bashir asked him in amazement as he watched Sloane quickly fasten a round, black device onto his erect cock. He'd been on the verge of exploding into the interrogator's mouth, but the thick black ring that Sloane surrounded his cock with seemed to prevent the orgasm that was extremely imminent. There was a humming, vibrating sensation coming from the device, and Bashir was horrified to see it surround his cock with a pale, blue glow, like some sort of forcefield.

"You're not to come yet, doctor," Sloane coolly replied. "I told you that you'd have to work hard for me. It will be a long, long time before I let you come. I want all you have to give, all of it.the absolute best performance of your life."

"You bastard! What did you put on me? I demand you take it off at once!" Bashir yelled, pulling frantically at his bonds. The fiendish device did nothing to allay his desire, keeping him on the downright verge of orgasm but preventing him from going over.

Bashir wondered what sort of current the damnable thing was sending through him. He glumly hoped that the medical testing on these bizarre devices was thorough.

"It's a Section 31 special, Julian," Sloane smirked. "Lovely little torture device, isn't it? It keeps the victim in whatever state he's in for longer than humanly possible. So if we have a victim in extreme discomfort or pain, this little item makes sure he stays that way. Now, in your situation, a state of extreme concupiscence.well, let me say that this is a novel use for it, and one that I find the most entertaining and personally beneficial."

Bashir was speechless. Sloane gave him another fiendish smile as he took out a tube of lubricant and proceeded to apply the cold gel deep within Bashir. Finding his victim's prostate, he massaged it assiduously, causing Bashir to wriggle most enticingly.

"Ta-take it off, Sloane, please!" Bashir pleaded desperately, prepared to grovel. The damned device was sending waves of humming pleasure through him, keeping him as hard as a rock, Sloane's inexorable rubbing of his prostate was stoking his fire even higher, another moment of this torture and he'd go insane!

"Now Julian, you know as well as I do that if you didn't get yourself into this state in the first place, the device would be ineffective," Sloane countered with feigned sympathy. "You want this as much as I do, admit it."

"You, you bastard!" Bashir exclaimed. He couldn't believe the man's nerve. "I want this? I could tell you a number of things I want right now, and this sure as hell isn't one of them!"

"Julian, Julian," Sloane tsked, shaking his head. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. And I mean it, or I'll gag you."

Bashir's curses were cut off as Sloane peremptorily thrust his legs back against him. Aiming his cock up against his entrance, he speared his victim in one fierce thrust, causing the doctor to exclaim in shock as the huge head made its way past his sphincter.

"Patience, Julian," Sloane ground out with effort, slowly easing his cock into him. "You'll get all of me in just a moment."

Bashir cried out as Sloane thrust forward, burying himself in the delightfully tight, hot channel. He was speechless as Sloane entered him, when he felt his nemesis' size.

"Aaaahhhhh!!!" Sloane cried out in pure bliss. "You feel so delicious, Julian, so snug and hot around my cock.you're everything I imagined you to be."

Bashir groaned. Used to Garak's size or not, Sloane's size was far from inconsiderable. He yelled louder as Sloane started to move within him, delving and panning his heated flesh with strong, deep thrusts.

Over the next several hours Sloane fucked him hard, bending his legs back almost double, slowing down when he felt himself about to come, even pulling out to regain control. He resumed when he felt himself able to hold off his orgasm. He was determined to hold out for as long as he could, savoring his sweet Julian as thoroughly as humanly possible.

He conserved his orgasms like a nomad might husband his water supply during a long desert journey. Bashir had no appreciation for his sexual stamina and protested greatly when he realized what Sloane was doing, uselessly trying to deflect him with his restrained legs.

"I told you that I'd make you work hard for me, Julian," Sloane countered breathlessly, leaning over to smother his protests with a deep, probing kiss.

"Stop this, Sloane! I can't take it anymore!" Bashir cried out breathlessly, pulling away and trying to free himself from his tormentor.

"I'm sorry, Julian, but a deal's a deal," Sloane responded with grave sympathy. "Come on, doctor, show me some of that genetically-enhanced stamina!"

"Genetic enhancement doesn't make me superhuman!" Bashir groaned. "And I've started to wonder about you! Are you actually some sort of android or else a holosimulation yourself?"

Sloane couldn't help smiling at the doctor's jibe. "Now, now, Julian, you don't have to be a medical expert to know that I'm all too real." He thrust hard into Julian, causing him to yelp. "And this will prove it."

He thrust again and orgasmed, crying out and releasing his flood deep with his prisoner. Waves of pure pleasure resounded throughout his body, continuing on and on.made all the more fantastic with the realization that it was his luscious Julian that he was finally fucking.

When the last tremors died down, Sloane was still hard. He continued to fuck Bashir, much to the doctor's dismay.but his protests were once again smothered by Sloane's demanding kisses.

Hours later when Sloane had finally sated his desire, Bashir was so hard it hurt. The device around his cock had kept him on the verge of orgasm the entire time. He didn't know how much more he could take before real damage would be done to him.

He almost wept with joy when Sloane removed the device from his cock. He yelled in the next moment when Sloane took him into his mouth, exploding into his captor's mouth with such force that he saw stars. The red-hot current of bliss seared his soul with its power.nothing in his life preceding it had even approached the intensity of the experience.

He almost blacked out but Sloane wouldn't allow him that. He swallowed the rush of semen and continued to suck Bashir, as if he'd never come at all, creating another version of hell for the poor doctor.

"Noooo!! Stop it, Sloane!" Bashir pleaded, trying desperately to arch away from him.

Sloane ignored him and continued to suck. It wasn't long before the doctor came again, with less force but still potent, and yelled in protest when Sloane didn't cease in his attentions.

Sitting up, Sloane eyed him slyly, wrapping his fist around Bashir's cock and pumping him hard. "Did you think I was done with you, Julian? I wasn't kidding when I said I'd have all you have to give.and then some. You're not going back to Deep Space Nine until I drain you dry, dear doctor.so just lie back and enjoy it, you're not going anywhere anytime soon!"

Throwing his head back, Bashir writhed helplessly on the bed. Sloane continued to milk him, never letting him go soft, and soon he was coming again. Having so many orgasms in succession rendered him too sensitive, but Sloane didn't seem to care one whit. He probed deep into his anus and found his prostate, stroking it roughly as he leaned over to suck him once more.

The ordeal continued on and on. When Bashir dry-orgasmed for the what felt like the hundredth time, Sloane finally let him alone. He leaned back and surveyed Bashir with an almost affectionate gaze as the doctor looked back up at him with glazed eyes.

He loved how the doctor looked at this moment, absolutely delicious in his just utterly-and-completely-fucked state. It would be days if not years for Bashir to get over this encounter, if he ever did. Sloane had no doubt he'd transformed the doctor's existence in ways either of them couldn't yet begin to fathom.

"Julian, you've been most compliant with our investigation. I plan to commend you to Commander Sisko. I find you an upstanding asset to the Federation, a most loyal and admirable Starfleet officer, someone we can all be proud of," Sloane offered him.

"Go to hell, Sloane," Bashir responded, shutting his eyes wearily. All the fight had been taken-or drained-right out of him. The only thing he wanted in the world was to return to his bed in his own quarters on Deep Space Nine, and Section 31 be damned.

Sloane chuckled as he released him from the restraints. Bashir sat up slowly.evidence of his ordeal was prevalent in every muscle in his body.and stretched his limbs to bring feeling back into them.

Sloane looked at him with hooded eyes. The sight of Bashir stretching himself like a cat caused his loins to stir. He felt like pouncing on the object of his desire once again and laughed to himself at Julian's probable reaction. The good doctor was really making him insatiable.

"What will you tell Garak?" Sloane asked him.

Bashir started at the mention of Garak's name, it was the last thing he'd expected to hear from Sloane. "Am I supposed to tell him something?"

"No, I was just wondering if you would. Probably for his sake, you should keep your mouth shut." Sloane countered idly, picking up his uniform to dress himself.

"Then that's what I'll do!" Bashir responded tensely. He was so tired of this man and his games.

After they finished dressing, Sloane faced his victim. "It's time to go home, Julian. I'm very satisfied with my investigation. I have no need to interrogate you again."

As Bashir sighed with relief, Sloane continued, "However, I do think you'll be an asset to our organization. I'm going to recommend that Section 31 utilize you in our war with the Dominion. You'd be a good man to have on our side, Julian."

His words stunned Bashir. "How in God's name can you possibly think that I'd ever want to work with you?"

"It's not a question of want, Julian. There's a war going on. You're being drafted," Sloane admonished him sternly, keeping his mirth under check.

"You bastard! You told me there'd be no further inquiries-"

"There won't be."

"That'd I'd be free to go-"

"You are free to go, Julian!" Sloane said with a hawk-like smile. "You're as free as the proverbial bird.until the next time I need you!"

"You son-of-a-bitch!" Bashir raged, clenching his fists. It had all been for naught, his big sacrifice.the man was just as intent on using and manipulating him as ever.

"Now, Julian, you must learn to keep that temper of yours in check," Sloane chided warmly. "Especially if you're going to be working for our organization!"

"Listen to me, Sloane," Bashir gritted his teeth. "I am not working for Section 31. I am most certainly not working for you! We had a deal, and-"

"And you held up your end of the bargain quite nicely, Julian.so nicely that it bears repeating," Sloane countered, vastly entertained by Bashir's look of horror. "Come now, Julian! Be a good sport about this, will you? The same rules apply, you can live on Deep Space Nine, Garak won't be harmed.it's what you want, isn't it?"

"What I want.what I want is you out of my life, permanently!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Julian," Sloane sighed regretfully. "You're too valuable a resource for our needs. I plan to state that in my report. For now, however, you're free to go."

Suddenly Sloane held up a hypospray. Before the doctor could react, Sloane seized his arm and injected him with it.

"Wha-what the bloody hell did you just inject me with?" Bashir gasped, clutching his arm. The agent had been so fast that he'd been unable to defend himself.

"Relax, Julian, it's just a sedative. You require a rather low dosage after our.uh, activities," Sloane reassured him.

As Bashir's consciousness started to fade, Sloane supported him in his arms and spoke to him in a soothing voice. "You'll awaken in your quarters, Julian. I'm going to let you remember this encounter vividly, but you, Sisko and anyone else who gets involved won't be able to determine where you've been. I'll be long gone with no trace of the ship's signature. And you won't be able to contact me.I'll contact you when it's necessary."

When Bashir was completely unconscious, Sloane tenderly lowered him onto the bed. He then operated the transporter to send him back to his quarters on Deep Space Nine.

After setting his ship's course for his next destination, Sloane sent the ship into warp drive. Sitting back with a glass of Scotch, courtesy of the ship's replicator, Sloane then started the holovids that he'd recorded of his and Julian's encounter.

Watching the bank of screens, he'd been able to record the breathtaking vision of the doctor's nude body from every angle and every stage of arousal..he was a vision of pure heaven. Sloane would add it to his already impressive library of holovids of Bashir's many other sexual encounters. And, of course, in the future Sloane planned to expand extensively upon this series, where he himself played a starring role.

The poor doctor had no idea who and what he was up against. What Sloane wanted, Sloane got.Section 31 or no. Being aligned with the secret organization just made enforcing his desire that much easier.

He licked his lips expectantly and let out a luxurious sigh as he rewound the holovids for the umpteenth time.

"There are days," he said aloud to no one in particular as he sat back to view them once again, "when I truly do love my job."