Title: Reunion

Author: Natasha

Email: natasha@kyxar.fr

Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Will Riker/Deanna Troi

Episode related: Encounter at Farpoint

Disclaimer: All ST things belong to Paramount.

Archive: yes

Summary: After "Encounter at Far Point" Will tells Deanna he still loves her. She rejects him. But soon Will has an accident and turned amnesic, forgetting even his love for Deanna.

Thanks to Nikki for the beta



By Natasha

'Welcome home, Imzadi,' he heard in his head.

Will Riker couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him was standing Deanna Troi, clad in a blue and black Starfleet uniform. It made him think back to years ago, when he was on Betazed, Deanna's native planet, where he met her and fell in love with her. He thought he had forgotten her. He thought he didn't love her anymore. He was wrong. At the first sight of the beautiful face framed by the curly dark hair, he fell in love again, more powerfully than ever, and a slight pain ached in his heart.

He kept his face straight but his mind was in turmoil. He wondered why she had welcomed him like that. A mental contact and she had used the word 'Imzadi', which meant both beloved and soul mate. Will hadn't forgotten her. Life had separated them but his heart was still filled by his love for Deanna.

Aware that he was still under Captain Picard's eagle gaze, he kept his thoughts to himself during the mission at Farpoint and tried to forget the pain tangled with an insane hope each time he looked at the Counsellor. She was even more beautiful than a few years ago. And that damned uniform, a short dress, didn't help him to keep his thoughts away from her sumptuous legs. He managed to stay professionnal, but it was hard.



Counsellor Deanna Troi was half laying down on her sleeper when Will Riker entered her quarters. He nodded to her, not knowing how to introduce the discussion.

"I wanted to be sure you were fine," he began, standing next to her.

"I'm fine now," Deanna answered with a smile. "I'm sorry I had to leave the bridge, but that mental contact was exhausting for me. The emotions I felt were so strong. These creatures are powerful telepaths."

"I wanted to apologize for the order I gave you at Farpoint Station," Will said. "I knew you were suffering from the pain you were feeling and I insisted you keep the contact. I'm really sorry. It wasn't fair."

"As the First Officer, you had to give me that order," Deanna sighed. "Unless," she smiled, "you enjoy to see me suffering."

Will bowed his head and whispered. "Somewhere, deep in me, yes, I enjoyed. I was selfish and bad-thinking and. Deanna, I wanted to apologize for that. Not for the order, I had to know at that time what happened, but for what I felt at that moment, seeing you suffering."

"Commander..." Deanna began.

"Deanna, when we're alone, please call me Will," he pleaded, taking her hands in his.

"I wasn't sure you would appreciate my familiarity," Deanna smiled. "In fact, when I spoke to you mentally, I wondered after if I wasn't going to receive an official warning. Last time I call you Imzadi I was a civilian, now you're my superior."

"Deanna!" he said, shaking his head. "Not between us! And I like the way you greeted me. It surprised me, trust me on that point, but I liked it!"

She smiled again but he could see how she was tense.

"Do you still suffer from the mental contact with these creatures?" he asked with concern.

"A bit," she replied in a whisper. "It was so powerful. The pain and the anger, and then the intense love between them. It shook me more than I thought. Usually I'm more professional with these kinds of contacts, but here it was so intimate. I had the feeling I was them at one time."

She buried her face in her shaking hands and deeply breathed. He couldn't resist and sitting down, he hugged her. Deanna put her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. He felt her rapid heartbeat.

"How can I help you?" he asked.

"Just do as you're doing," she answered. "You're so quiet, Will. I heard about the saucer. The captain gave you the order to do it manually and you were perfectly quiet. You impressed the whole bridge doing so."

"It was Picard's personal test," Will smiled. "I wasn't that quiet, but I couldn't show my anxiety. I had to succeed. Did I really impress the bridge?"

"Yes," she said, snuggling in his heat. "And you gained the crew's respect."

He smiled, rather pleased with himself. But soon he came back to Deanna's distress, even if the young woman seemed better.

"You should rest for a while," he recommended. "You're not needed on the bridge right now."

She loosened her arms and lie down on the sleeper, briefly closing her eyes. Will bent over her, gazing at the beautiful face of the woman he still loved deep in his heart. Deanna opened her eyes again and he lost himself in the two dark pools.

He shyly brushed his lips against her and feeling that she didn't reject him, he became bolder and gently licked the luscious lips, sliding his hand in Deanna's riotous curls. She parted her lips, inviting him to a most intimate caress. He slid his tongue in her mouth, exploring the moist cavern with delicacy, giving her the most sensuous stroke that made Deanna moan. She wrapped her arms around his neck, stroking his dark hair and his neck.

"Oh Will," she moaned when he gave up her lips.

"Deanna," he whispered, his hand sliding down her naked thighs. "Now I know why I like this kind of uniform. You have the most beautiful legs in the whole Starfleet."

She smiled and she let her hand slid on his muscled chest and pecs. "Oh God,Will, you have the most beautiful body I've ever seen. And," she added with a mischievous smile, "I like the way this uniform hugged the prettiest bottom in the whole Starfleet!"

"Deanna!" he exclaimed, as if he was shocked. But he wasn't. Indeed he was flattered.

He tried to kiss her again but she gently pushed him away. "No, Will... I... I need time. We just got together again. I don't know what I feel, in fact, I'm really confused."

Will sighed. "I knew this was going to happen." But he wasn't really disappointed because he knew she was right. "I agree with you. We need time. We have a few months in front of us before our next vacation. We can try to be friends."

She smiled. "You have gained maturity, Will. Young lieutenant Riker would have tried again and again."

He smiled back to her but his heart wasn't smiling. He knew she was right. They had met again only for a few days after years of separation. She could have changed. So could he. But the heart of the young lieutenant was still beating in his chest and he would have dreamed of her opening her arms to him and making up for wasted time.

"I'll leave you," he sighed. "I hope at least we can be friends."

"Of course," Deanna answered.

Will was sure he hated that word, now. Friends! As if he could be friends with her!

Once Will had left, Deanna Troi got up and splashed her face with cold water. She had known for weeks she was about to see Will again, but the shock had been harder than she had thought. He had changed. He was more mature, and more handsome, if possible, than years ago on Betazed. His mind had changed, too. He was less impulsive. But Deanna had to admit that the Will Riker she had met again on the Enterprise was even more seducing than the young lieutenant who had been her first lover.

'I love him' she thought. 'I still love him.'

She needed time to think about their relationship. Now, despite what he said, he was his superior, the Enterprise First Officer, and not only a young man she could date without second thoughts. She, herself was a grown woman and she wanted more than an affair. She wanted the love of her life. She knew Will could be the man she waited for. But she needed to be sure.

'Oh come on, Troi, admit it, you're impressed. His grade impressed you, despite what you think. He's like a stranger, now. He's a familiar stranger. You know him and at the same time, you don't know him.'

Deanna sighed and shook her head. At least, she thought she had made the right decision telling him they could be friends for a while before going further. Friends! God, it was going to be difficult to remain stonily indifferent face in front of Will Riker.


'Friends!' Will thought as the Enterprise was crossing next to a new solar system. 'Friends, really!'

Three weeks ago, he had agreed with her. Now he was becoming mad because of his love for her. He stepped behind Data, who was speaking about one of the mural computer, not really listening to him. Friends! During these last three weeks, he had spent some time of quality with her, mainly evenings,where they had chatted about a quantity of subjects. He had even given up his Tuesday evening party of poker with Data, Worf and Beverly to stay with her. But she didn't even give him a hope. It wasn't about sex, he knew it. It was about love. He only wanted to be able to hug her, to kiss her cheek, to stroke her riotous curls. But she didn't allow him tenderness.

He internally sighed and gave a look around him, always afraid his eyes focused too long on Counsellor Troi, seated next to the Captain. He narrowed his eyes when he noticed Tasha's gaze on him. The blond woman immediately drop his eyes, looking at her computer, and he hid a smile. He knew the officer of security had a soft spot for him. He did nothing to encourage it,as he didn't share it. But at least it flattered his male ego to see at least one woman was ready to love him without further questions.

"There is a problem with one of the computers," Data suddenly said, showing it. "It is overheating and ..."

He couldn't end his sentence as the computer suddenly exploded, throwing pieces of metal and plastic everywhere. Data jumped onto the floor, covering his head, and waited for everything to calm down to move. Will saw with horror that a part of the celling was about to collapse on Counsellor Troi, and he jumped on her, making her roll on the floor, covering her body with his.

The fire extinguishers set off automatically and soon the situation was

under control. Deanna moved under Will who rolled on the ground without

making a movement to get up.

"Commander, are you ok?" Deanna asked as Will wasn't moving.

The First Officer was laying down on the ground, face down, without moving a single muscle. He finally moaned and rolled on his back. A wound marked his forehead and blood was oozing.

"Will!" Deanna exclaimed when she saw he was bleeding. He looked at her with surprise, then closed his eyes for a brief second.

"Sir, you are hurt," Data said, helping him sit up.

"My head hurts and everything is spinning," Will said, passing his fingers over the wound.

"Can you get up?" Picard asked.

"I'll try," the other man answered in a hesitant voice.

Data helped him to his feet and Will leant against the wall.

"Mr Worf," Picard ordered, "take him to sickbay."

With a delicacy Will wouldn't have guessed in the muscular Klingon, Worf helped him to walk to the turbolift. Will put an arm around Worf's shoulders and let him guide to sickbay.


"Captain, can you come now?" Beverly's voice asked in the comm channel. "I want to speak to you about Commander Riker."

"Coming," Picard answered.

Deanna turned pale. "May I come with you, Sir?"

He nodded to her and they hurried to sickbay, where Beverly was waiting for them. She explained, "A piece of metal had hit his forehead. He's fine; he has no internal injuries, but it seems he had lost some of his memories. He doesn't remember who he is or where he is. That's why I called you."

"Is it permanent?" Deanna asked in a shaking voice.

"I don't think so. He suffered a trauma, his memories should come back, but I can't tell when and how."

Picard nodded and came next to Will, who was seated on the berth, looking around him with a dazzled gaze. He looked at Picard and Deanna with no emotion.

"Will..." Deanna began, taking his hand. "How do you feel?"

"Fine," he answered with a hesitant smile. "My head doesn't hurt anymore. Do I know you?"

Deanna closed her eyes for a brief second. She had hoped without reason he would remember her.

"Doctor Crusher, what can we do for him?" Picard asked.

"If we were near the Earth, I would recommand rest in a specialiazed hospital, but I think that leaving him in a familiar environnement is better. He would recover sooner. He remembers some things about his duties, some manoeuvers."

Picard asked Will a few questions about the ship's routines, and Will answered cleary. He remembered what he had learned at the Academy. He had just forgotten about himself, about the Enterprise's crew, about his personal life. He had even forgotten his love for Deanna.


"Beverly leaves you in your quarters, tonight," Deanna said, "but if something's wrong, don't hesitate to call her, or me."

"Promise," Will smiled. "Diana..."

"Deanna," she corrected, upset he didn't even remember her name. "My name is Deanna, not Diana."

"Sorry, Deanna," he repeated. "Can you tell me something?"


"Am I married? Do I have a family?" he asked. "I know Dr Crusher thinks it's better I remember by myself, but I really need to know."

Deanna closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. It would be so easy to lie to him. 'yes, Will, you're engaged. To me. We love each other. We're lovers. I realized how much I loved you this afternoon when I saw you laying on the ground without moving. During one second, I was afraid you were dead. I realized how I've been cruel to you.' But she only said, "No, you're neither married nor engaged. You're single, and the Don Juan of the Starfleet," she achieved with a fake smile.

He laughed and she left him, her heart ready to sink into despair.


During the next days, Will wasn't in active service, but he stayed on the bridge, listening to the familiar sounds. Some things began to come back in his mind. The whole crew was very kind with him. Off duty, Will was absolutely charming with everybody and especially with Tasha. The blond officer enjoyed Will's attentions. They were in a hallway next to the bridge when Will decided to seduce her.

"Did I ever tell you how cute you are?" he said, taking her in his arms.

She smiled, pleased by the compliment. He kissed her lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck, sliding her fingers in his dark hair. "Will," she moaned, enjoying the sensation of Will's mouth on hers. But soon she gently pushed him away. "We can't," she said in a firm voice.

"Why?" he asked with amazement. "You want it!"

"Yes I do. But you're already... engaged to someone. And I can't do that, because I respect her."

"What?" Will asked with stupefaction.

Tasha sighed and lowered her eyes. "I'm sorry, Commander. Perhaps I

shouldn't have told you."

"Who is she?" Will asked.

"Counsellor Deanna Troi," Tasha said.

Will shook his head. "That's impossible!"

"Everybody on the bridge know that you love each other. We saw you risking your life for her when the computer exploded and we hear her cry when she saw you were hurt."

"That's impossible, Tasha," Will repeated firmly. "I spoke with Troi these last days, and I can tell I'm absolutely not attracted to her!"

He heard a sob and turned his head, just in time to see Deanna running away in the hallway.

"Oh God," he whispered.

"I think you should talk to her," the young woman said with a sad smile.

He rushed after Deanna, his mind filled with questions.

"Deanna!" he called her.

"Leave me alone! I don't want to speak to you anymore in my whole life!" she exclaimed, close to tears.

He had to pin her against the wall to stop her. "Deanna, will you please do me the favor of listening to me?" he exclaimed. "Why the Hell didn't you tell me we're engaged? I asked you if I was married and you told me I was single. Why?"

Deanna lowered her head and whispered, "Because we're not really engaged."

She motionned for him to follow her to the arboretum and soon they were seated on the grass under a tree.

"So tell me," he invited her.

She told him about their affair on Betazed and their reunion three weeks ago. She concluded, "I told you I needed time and then you had your accident. Feel free to date Tasha if you want, Will. We're not engaged. I'm the one who wanted to wait."

He shook his head. "You speak nonsense. If I told you I love you, then I love you. But I'm sorry I don't remember it."

"I thought a real love couldn't be forgotten," she said.

"Don't speak like a trashy novel," he sighed, annoyed. "I even forgot my name after the accident!"

She nodded and bit her lower lip before asking shyly. "Will. I thought that an experience could help you. I mean..."

"Speak out, Deanna," he said. "What kind of experience?"

"This one," Deanna replied, kneeling beside him and kissing him.

But he didn't part his lips under her soft mouth. He didn't react, staying quiet until she broke the kiss.

"You felt nothing, didn't you?" she asked with sadness.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, aware of her pain. "I can't pretend. It wouldn't be fair for you."

Tears began to run on her cheeks and as he wanted to comfort her she pushed him away.

"Please leave me alone," she pleaded. "Please!"

He left her alone.



"Ready to beam down," Will said.

They were about to go on an unknown planet. The Enterprise had detected a detress signal. According to the files, a rescue had taken place there ten years ago, and the rescue team could have forgotten to deactivate the detress beacon, but Picard wanted to be sure nobody was waiting for help on the surface. As Will felt better and better and was now almost able to do his job, he had let him go down to the planet with Deanna, Worf and Data.

They beamed down in a clearing surrounded by a kind of exotic jungle and quickly found the distress beacon. It was the one of the rescue ten years ago. Data deactivated it and told the Enterprise they had found nothing.

They heard the first rumbles of thunder just before the rain began to pour on them.

"Riker to Enterprise, beam up," Will said.

He saw Data and Geordi disappear but nothing happened to him or to Deanna. "Riker to Enterprise, what happened?"

"We are having a problem with the transporters, Commander," Worf's voice said. "You should find a shelter for now. It could take some time to repair."

"Understood. Riker to Enterprise, over."

He turned to Deanna, "Let's run before we're totally wet!"

She was the one who found a little cavern and they knelt in it, their skin and hair wet, their uniforms soaked. A clap of thunder made her jump and she shivered.

"Cold?" Will asked.

"A bit," she answered. "The rain is warm but the air around is colder."

He opened his arms. "Come here, I'll try to warm you."

She didn't wait to be asked twice and sank in his embrace, putting her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, breathing his spicy skin. And suddenly she couldn't resist and let her mouth slid on his neck, tasting the tanned, healthy skin of the man she loved more than life itself. Will shivered but didn't push her away. He closed his eyes, as the light caress brought back his memories in a flow he couldn't stop. And his mind slipped back years ago, into another jungle, on another planet, but with the same beloved woman at his side.

"The jungle!" he exclaimed. " I remember! We made love in the jungle the first time."

Deanna looked at him with hope. "Do you remember?" she asked anxiously.

Will smiled to her. "Yes, I do remember. I remember how much I love you, Deanna Troi."

She couldn't resist and framing his handsome face with her hands, gave him an enthusiastic kiss. Then she broke into irrepressible sobs.

"Why are you crying?" Will asked, stunned.

"Because I'm happy!" Deanna hicupped.

Will shook his head. "Women!" he sighed with a smile.

She smiled back and let him wipe her tears away with another kiss. "I want you," she said. "During all these days aboard, I realized how stupid I was to have rejected you, and I swore to myself that if you were given your memories back, I would tell you how much I love you and I want you!"

He took her hand in his and kissed her palm. "I want you, too," he said in a hoarse voice.

She leant towards him, and offered him her lips. He hugged her, and licked at her sensuous mouth, making her shiver as she parted her lips, welcoming his tongue and its soft exploration. Groping, she found the opening of his uniform but soon he gently pushed her away.

"I've a better idea," he said with a mischievous smile. "Take off your clothes and come with me."

Without understanding, but trusting him, Deanna did so, revealing her sumptuous body, and not missing Will's striptease; and followed him outside, under the warm rain. He showed her the green grass and asked, "Does our bed please you?"

"Yes," she smiled, happy he remembered their first time in the Jalara jungle, looking at him with hunger. He was even more seducing than the first time she had seen him naked, at her best friend's wedding, where all the hosts, following the Betazoid custom, were in their birth suit. She remembered how she had found him attractive at that time. She had played a bit with him, being even a bit bitchy, mainly she was afraid of making love to a man for the first time. Now she was more experienced with men, she could tell how Will had been tender and careful during their first lovemaking.

She let her hands slide on his hairy chest, remembering with her fingers the perfect lines of his torso, letting the muscles roll under her soft pressure. He had a perfect body, slim and muscled, the body of a man in its most perfect definition.

He hugged her and gave her a deep kiss, sliding his fingers in her damp hair. "I love you so much, Deanna," he whispered with passion.

'I love you, too,' she said mentally.

He kissed her shoulder and made them kneel on the wet grass, before they lay down on their natural bed. He kissed her again, stroking her full breasts,teasing the nipples with his thumbs until the little buds hardened under the soft torture. Deanna freed her mouth, but only to lick at his neck and shoulder as her hands stroked his back, finding the firm buttocks she found so sexy hugged by his uniform. She made him roll onto his back, and kissed his chest, worrying his nipples in turn, until she felt his erected member against her thigh. She knew she was already wet but it was only when Will slid his fingers in her intimacy that she realized how much she wanted him. Panting in desire, she opened her legs more and let him play with her clit, as her own hand wrapped around his member, pumping slowly until precum oozed and Will had a spasm of desire.

Her desire grew up at that sight and she couldn't resist, doing what she had never done to another man before him. She bowed her head and slowly took his member in her mouth, to Will's surprise. She licked the length, ending at the tip, tormenting it with her tongue until a new drop of precum came. She took it on her tongue, tasting him for the first time, and then swallowed it whole, pumping slowly as her hand cupped his heavy sac, rolling it between her nimble fingers. She pumped again and Will came in her mouth with a cry of pleasure. She drank his semen, enjoying its salty taste, and licked him clean before releasing him. She was panting and shivers were running in her womb.

He made her stand on her legs and knelt before her. He had done this before with another woman, but this time it was more than a simple erotic game, it was pure love. He kissed the dark patch of curls that were hiding her little seashell, and parted her lips with his fingers. The little bud was begging for attention, pink and wet and trembling. He licked at it, a quick lick, just to tease her, and she moaned his name, her hands sliding in his hair. He licked more firmly, again and again, until he could feel her legs shaking. Then he spread her hidden lips with his tongue and entered her, stroking her inner walls until she was begging for more. He came back to her clit, licking it at a rapid rhythm that brought her to a wonderful orgasm. She came so hard she fell on her knees, her inner thighs wet with pleasure, but wanting more.

Will's desire had renewed and she rolled onto her back, inviting him to take her and he didn't miss the invitation, entering her in one movement as their lips met for the most passionate kiss, tasting themselves in each other's mouth.

'I love you, Imzadi, I love you so much!' Deanna said mentally as their tongue were fighting into the most delicious of the love game.

He thrust harder, bringing them to their second climax, and Will had the feeling they were now only one, and that they had turned into a volcano as his member pulsed jets after jets of semen deep into Deanna, marking her like his, claiming her as his mate. Deanna's whole body was trembling of the afterwaves of pleasure, and she had a pang of regret when he retired, as she felt they were born to be linked this way.

He took her in his arms and rolled onto his back, bringing her head to rest on his chest. Warm rain was still pouring on them, washing their bodies from sweat and lovemaking and Deanna closed her eyes, happy as she had never been in years, happy like she was the first time they made love years ago. But this time, she swore to herself, she would never let him escape, never in her whole life. She loved him too much for that and couldn't imagine spending her life without him at her side.

She suddenly remembered they weren't in the Jalara jungle but on an unknown planet, and they were waiting on the Enterprise. She became aware the time had spent and they still had no news.

"Will, the ship!" she exclaimed. "If they beam us up now..."

Will sighed and helped her to get up, taking on his underwear and uniform. They were barely dressed than they heard the comm channel buzz.

"Enterprise to Riker, ready to beam up," said Data's voice.


When they arrived to the bridge, Will immediately noticed everybody was looking at them with a hidden smile and he frowned. Nobody could know. He and Deanna were totally decent, except for their wet outfits, which was normal as they told they didn't find a real shelter.

"Something wrong, Sir?" he asked Picard as it seems to him that the captain was about to laugh.

And suddenly Picard burst into laugher, and it was so uncongruous from him -Will would have really thought Picard never laughed - that Will wondered if he was sick again and had hallucinations. But Deanna seemed as surprised as him.

"Sir, can we know what's so funny?" she asked.

Everybody was laughing now, and suddenly Data spoke out. "I am sorry,Commander, but we had no news and you did not answer. I beamed down on the planet a few moment ago and I found out that you were busy with Counsellor Troi having a romantic relationship. I beamed up and I told it to the captain. And from that moment, everybody seems to find that very funny, which I do not understand, as sex is a normal activity for human beings."

"We probably didn't heard the intercomm because of the rain," Deanna whispered. "Oh my God, that's so embarrassing!"

"You what?" Will exclaimed, looking daggers at poor Data who was understanding less and less. He had been sent to the planet to check out if the two of them were right, he had given his report. He couldn't understand human being's jokes about sex. Suddenly the comic of the situation appeared to Will who burst into laugher in turn. The only one who was only smiling was Tasha.


"I guess we're going to get an official warning," Will said to Picard as they entered his private office. "Sir, may I tell something? I'm the only responsible. I brought Deanna with me, and..."

"Commander Riker!" Picard cut him off. "Stop with that!" He smiled "First,I'm glad your memories are back. I knew it would be something like that that would bring them back. Second point, you'd deserve an official warning. But you offered us a good moment of laugher, and it's pretty rare here. So this little affair - or should I tell affair? - will stay between us... and the whole crew. The jokes that are going to rain on both of you next days will be more efficient than a punishment. But next time, Will, keep your communicators next to you!"

Will laughed. "Next time, Sir, we'll wait to be off duty, I promise," he said.

Picard had a fatherly smile. "Never regret a romantic moment, Will. And be sure you'll have something funny to tell to your grand-children!"

Will burst into laugher.


"So are you still not attracted to me?" Deanna asked with a pang of remaining anger.

"Oh!" Will exclaimed. "I guess I'm going to hear that for a while. You know,it's true. I'm not attracted to you." He raised his hand before she could protest. "I love you, Deanna. It's absolutely not the same thing. I was vaguely attracted to some women during the time I was amnesic. Would you have enjoyed it if I had treated you the way I treated Tasha, like an easy lay? You told me I was a Don Juan, I acted like one and it doesn't make me especially proud."

She heard the contrition in his voice and she kissed him lightly on the lips. They were half laying on Will's large bed, clad into blue bathrobe, tasting a cherry liquor from Earth, and Deanna didn't want to spoil that wonderful moment by inconsiderated speaking.

"I forgive you for being not attracted to me," she said. "I prefer you to love me!"

And he bent down to kiss her, Deanna realized how much her life was empty before her reunion with Will Riker.