Title: Im Not Responsible
Author: Zoe
Author's e-mail: mal-go-boom@blueyonder.co.uk
Archive: To EntSTSlash, MEGA, ReedsArmory, anyone else, please ask, Im sure I'll say yes.
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Pairing: ?/? I know who it is.do you????
Beta: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of Paramount. Im only a poor nurse, please don't sue!
By Zoe
Please don't look at me with your loving eyes
Say you won't thrill me with your fingertips
Don't whisper the sweet things you whisper
Don't entice me closer to Paradise
I won't be tempted with your special charms, I just won't
I don't want to fall into your inviting arms
Please, don't hold me too close, because
I don't want to give my heart too fast
I want this to be a love that lasts forever.
Why can't I stand to be near you, to look at you?
Don't you know? Can't you tell?
Im so in love with you!