Title: the Scent Of Fear

Author: dilly

Pairing: T/E!A, T/R

Type: M/M

Archive: Entslash, WWOMB and Situation Room. All others, ask.

Feedback Address: dilandau666@aol.com

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Evil!Archer has a plan.

Disclaimer: Are they mine? No. Do I wish they were on a daily basis? Yes.

Author's Notes: Part 3 of Jealousy, my Evil!Archer double-drabble series. And the plot thickens.


Jealousy 3: Scent of Fear

By Dilly

He’s afraid of me.

And I love it.

He made excuses and ran from my room with his tail between his legs. No worries. I’ve got it all planned. I know what’ll happen but I’ll watch anyway. It should prove to be interesting.

Oh, didn’t I mention I have a bird’s eye view of both Malcolm’s and Trip’s rooms? It’s a security precaution, but I put it to better use.

Just as I thought, Trip went to him, watched him sleep for a few moments, then awoke him.

Malcolm has so many priceless expressions. He looks like a lost puppy.

They talk. They argue. They screw. They argue. They talk. They sleep.

So, I cuddle up with my lap dog while Trip cuddles up with his and I do some research.

If I kill Malcolm I’ll lose morale and have to go through Star Fleet procedures, and I just can’t have that. All this time, I’ve had the means to his end right in front of me. His records. Not the dinky one that’s open to the rest of the crew, but the special version for the captain’s eyes only.

The path to a man’s destruction lies in his past.


domain: http://www.red-anubis.com
journal: http://www.livejournal.com/~redanubis