Title: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas ... Enterprise Style

Author: T'Lin


Series: ENT

Code: A/Tu (multiple pairings suggested)

Rating: PG

Note: In answer to Minuet's Christmas Challenge on enterpriseslash:
* One festive chief engineer
* One or two partner(s) of your choice
* One sprig mistletoe (or similar alien substitute)
* Two generous cups of Chef's Special Gourmet Egg Nog
* A pinch of bright blue underwear
Blend into a frothy concoction for the list's general amusement.

Archiving: ASC*, enterpriseslash and my own web page - http://www.geocities.com/tlin_s/ - all others, please ask.

Feedback gladly accepted ... posted to list, or private.

Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom own the characters, I'm just borrowing them for a bit of Christmas fun ... I promise to return them when I am done. No copyright infringement intended, nor do I make any money off of this bit of fluff. Written 21 December, 2001 by T'Lin.

With apologies to Clement Moore.

'Twas The Night Before Christmas ... Enterprise Style
by T'Lin


'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the ship
not a being was stirring
except for ol' Trip.

He hung the mistletoe
in the corridors with care
in hopes of catching
his Captain there.

The crew was nestled
all snug in their beds,
as the chef's special eggnog
went straight to their heads.

With Jon in blue skivvies
Trip put on his red,
then they settled down
in their narrow little bed.

When out of the comm
there arose such chatter,
they ran to the bridge
to see what was the matter.

Much to their wondering
eyes did they see,
but the rest of the crew
sharing holiday cheer.

Jon hugged Trip and kissed him,
then held him real close,
as he called to the crew
for a holiday toast.

"To Malcolm and Travis,
Hoshi and T'Pol,
Phlox and Cutler,
and the rest of y'all.

Your work and dedication
have been a delight,
my thanks to you
on this Christmas Night!"