Title: Play Time

Author: "Samantha Reed"

Author's Contact: Samantha@1334beachwood.com

Author's URL: http://www.1334beachwood.com/sammi

Rating: NC-17

Category: Slash

Series: "Mon Amour" (working title)

Archive: Permission to archive granted to anywhere as long as you ask!

Status: work in progress

Pairing: Reed/Tucker

Disclaimer: I don't own them. I just take them out and play with them sometimes

Summary: What to do before a shift?

Feedback: Yes please!

Notes: I'm currently working on the prequel to this story. Beta's needed.

Play Time
By Samantha Reed

"It's only another hour before we start our shifts." Reed told Trip.

"Was there anything you wanted to do?" Trip asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"You know it." Reed said with a grin.

Their clothes flew off, hitting furniture and the two men fell into bed together. After a short time someone rang their door.

"Crap!" Reed exclaimed as they ran around dressing and opened the door. Archer walked in smirking. "I need you both on shift now."

"Aye sir." They both said.

"But please change clothes. Reed's uniform doesn't fit you well." Archer turned and left smiling.