TITLE: Desert Thoughts
SUMMARY: Archer thinks about Trip
PAIRINGS: Archer/Tucker. nothing slashy though. sorry!... although could be pre-slash!
ARCHIVE: Yes, if you think it's good enough and you let me know where it's going..
DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately I don't own Enterprise or her crew, Paramount does (although if they ever get tired of Trip, I can offer him a good home!)
WARNINGS: Spoilers for Desert Crossing.
FEEDBACK: Only if you think it's worthy of some :o)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I've only seen Desert Crossing twice and so some of the dialogue may be a little off, for this I apologize and hope that it doesn't stop you enjoying it.
Desert Thoughts
By Sara
I look over at my best friend and wonder how I can live with the knowledge that I killed him. I knew that he hated the heat and so I dragged him down to a desert world when all he wanted to do was tinker with his beloved engines. My selfishness is going to kill the best friend I've ever had and I don't think I can live with the guilt.
Suddenly he stirs and notices that I've started a fire. I've got to get him to drink something, try to replace the fluids he's lost. He tells me he isn't thirsty and I sigh, it's like talking to a petulant child who doesn't want to eat his greens, but I know I must persevere and get him to drink. I cradle his head and he finally swallows some of the foul tasting liquid and I find myself praying that I've managed to kill any harmful bacteria in the water. He starts to drift off to sleep and I know I have to keep him awake if he is to stay alive. My mind tries to think of something that will grab his attention.... The warp engines. So I ask him to tell me the components of the warp core. He looks at me as if I've grown two heads and asks if I'm kidding, but he has to understand that he can't sleep, he'll go into a coma. When he tells me that a coma sounds nice, I resist the urge to smile. If the situation was different that comment would make me laugh, Trip can always do that, no matter how serious things get, I find myself ordering him and he suddenly looks as if he is putting every ounce of energy he has into answering my question,
"The drumsticks, the thighs, the wings... hey is there anything to eat around here."
I laugh at this; he hasn't answered my question but trust Trip to be thinking of food. At times I don't know where he puts it all. I tell him that there is nothing but when we get back he can have whatever he wants. As he tells me what he would like, I feel a lump in my throat. I'm once again reminded of a child who has been promised his favourite treat if he can be good for the next few hours, I just hope he lives long enough to enjoy the meal he has described.
Knowing that I have to keep him with me I suggest playing a game. For a moment I think I'm losing him but he visibly makes an effort to concentrate and give me the name of a place beginning with D.
"Dralax" he finally says and I realize I'm caught out.
My mind tries to supply me with a place beginning with an X. He offers to help but I know there's one in my mind somewhere, finally I come up with Xanadu. His faint laugh lifts my spirits and his argument that the place is imaginary reminds me of other friendly arguments we've shared over the years. I begin to think that maybe everything will be okay.
Suddenly the sounds of explosions cause my heart to sink, I hear the fear in Trip's voice as he tells me that Xanadu is fine and that I can have any place I want. I peer out into the darkness and see the missile as it heads towards us. Turning I call out to Trip but he's too weak to move and so I rush towards him covering him with my own body as the building starts to fall apart around us. I drag him to his feet and he somehow senses that he has to help me get us to safety and makes his own legs move.
Outside I realise how vulnerable we are as the lights of a ship hover over us. Trip had wanted me to leave him behind so that I could be safe, but I could never do that. As I shield him from what I imagine are our last minutes alive, I look up and see the most wonderful sight of my life.
Several Hours Later
I quietly walk into sickbay and over to the bed, looking down at the sleeping occupant. He looks at peace now and a chill runs down my spine as I recall how close to death he was. Doctor Phlox had said that another hour on that godforsaken planet and Trip may not have made it. I know that I will never be able to talk him into going to another desert world and in future I'll let him tinker with his engines to his hearts content. I'm just grateful that I've got the chance to show my best friend how special he is and how much I value him and his friendship.