Title: Drabble: My Distant Star
Chapter # 1/1
Author: kalita
Fandom: Enterprise
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Archive: Entslash. Kalita’s fanfic Others by permission
kalitafic@hotmail.comRating: G
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters. I just take them out and show them a good time now and then. I don’t make any money from this, or any other means, and I have children and pets to feed, so please don’t sue me.
This is my very first attempt at this Fandom so please be gentle with me.
Time Line: None in particular
Summary: Captain Archer reflects on Malcolm Reed’s, "British Reserve."
My Distant Star
by Kalita
I’ve watched him since the first day he came aboard the ship. The way he walks, the way he moves around the armoury. The way he comports himself on the bridge. Ever the dutiful tactical officer, he never lets his guard down.
At least he thinks he doesn’t. But there are moments; times when he thinks he is secure, when he believes no-one observes, and then a soft loneliness will glimmer just for an instant in his eyes.
He will glance up from whatever he is doing, and it’s there. Then he realizes he’s slipping, and the shutters come down again. The veneer glosses over his eyes, the dutiful demeanour slips back into place, and he is once more...my distant star.
© 2002 kalitafic