Title: By Love or Guilt

Series: Pain and Honor 2

Date: July 28, 2000

Author: Rauhnee Ranshanka

Email: gatekat@transfur.com

Fandom: SWAT Kats

Parings: Jake Clawson/ Chance Furlong

Rating: R for Death

Codes: Slash (M/M), Death, Suicide

Status: New, Complete

Archive: Yes to WWOMB and DeathFic, others just ask.

Website: http://www.gatekat.net/index.html

Summary: Jake, a few months later, a vision, a decision.

Disclaimers: Not much left of them, but they ain't mine.

Pain and Honor 2: By Love or Guilt
by Rauhnee Ranshanka

I offered my hand to the phantom
Offering anything he would wish
Offering my life if it would bring us even

He kisses me and smiles
Pointing to the knife I kept
The one that had ended his life
Cradled in my arms
My feelings spoken too late to matter

I still do not know if it was out of guilt or love
That I've kept the knife all these months
Or that I use it now
It doesn't really matter

He used it to end the pain he could no longer bear
I use it to end the shadow my life has become
I use it on the chance I'll join him
As he stands here before me and numbs my throat with his kisses
Easing my passage, and the blade's

He followed me in everything in life
It it fitting I follow him into death

I catch his eyes and smile
"On the chance I go to hell, I still love you."

Pain and Honor 2
by Rauhnee Ranshanka