Show it comes from: Buffy/Titanic the movie

Title: Titanic, the other story

Author: Adalisa


Feedback: I love it. It's inspiring... and let's face it, it's the only real reason to keep writing.

Distribution: Chelle's site, my site, XanderSlash Site, and the WWOMB anyone else, just ask.


Summary: Just think of Titanic: The movie, with the Buffy cast.

Rating: Pg-13

Disclaimer: All Buffy characters belong to Fox, The Titanic belonged to the White Star Line, and now is part of mankind's legacy, but the movie belongs to James Cameron and Fox. I am not intending to make any money out of it, and no disrespect was intended to the actual victims and survivors of the tragedy.

Content: A/X... yeah, no big surprise here.

Warning: This has m/m. You should know that already, since you found this.

Spoilers: I guess all for the movie, if you actually can recognize it.

Notes: finally saw Titanic, and I hated it. Totally and absolutely. So if you liked it, it would be a safe bet to stay away from this. Also, this is a parody, and I don't have much experience doing them, but I think that at least I will make you smile. Buffy-lovers, I wouldn't recommend to read this either. She came out a little bitchy, (What other way can she be?


By Adalisa


William Fordham, known as Ford by his very few friends, couldn't hold his excitement as the last probe he had sent to the Titanic apparently had found the thing he had been looking for. Ever since he was in High School, the almost mythical ship had been in every waking thought he had, and he had spend half his life looking for it.

Or that was what he told to the press.

The truth was that Ford was nothing more than a grave robber. He liked to find lost treasures and sell them to the higher bid. And there was a very interested client for a certain item that was in the Titanic when it sank. The 'Cour de la Mer', the Heart of the Sea, that was a very rare and expensive diamond that had been lost for decades.

It was because of the riches that it promised that he had ignored every single international treaty, and in the midst of a media circus, started to move things from the remains of the ship, under the excuse of working for a museum.

Some things, he kept for himself.

Things like the safety box that he was now keeping in his quarters, just waiting to be open.

Ford was sure that the diamond was inside. It had to be there. With almost trembling hands he managed to open it, thinking on the fortune he would get in exchange of the necklace that contained the heart of the Sea.

Only to be rewarded by dirty water, and a bunch of aged papers.

Desperate, Ford opened every cabinet inside the safe, hoping for any indication that the necklace had been there... But all the papers were blank, washed clean by the freezing waters.

All except one.

It was an ink drawing, done by a talented hand. In it, Ford could see a naked young man, no older than twenty, looking at him with love-filled eyes. This was a man who was not ashamed of his nakedness, who seemed ready to face the world with strength and determination. Every trace was made with careful precision, as if the artist had intended to capture the very soul of his anonymous model.

But it was not that what called Ford attention. His eyes were focused on the young man's hand.

Because the anonymous Adonis was holding the Heart of the Sea.

* * *

72 hours after discovering the drawing, Ford was even more nervous than before.

He had showed off his discovery at the Media, covering his real interest with a long blabber about the miracle that had enabled the drawing to survive, and the question of the artist' identity. Then, he had received the call.

Someone had recognized the drawing, and that someone wanted to meet him and talk.

Even when Ford had told the voice on the other side of the phone that he would be welcomed aboard, the mysterious caller had insisted on a more intimate meeting at the port's hotel.

And Ford had agreed because the caller knew about the Cour de la Mer.

A knock at the door brought him out of his reverie. "Come in."

When he saw his visitor, Ford had to stifle a gasp. Although this man was dressed, and his hair was shorter, the likeness with the drawing was incredible... it was as if Ford was watching the model's twin.

"Mr. Harris?" He asked, surprised of the youth of his visitor.

"You can call me Alexander, or Xander. It's much better, Mr. Ford." The young man smiled, and grasped his hand. "Did you bring the drawing with you?"

"Of course... It is here..." Ford stammered, pointing to a table where he had placed the drawing, carefully extended in a container full of cold water, in order to preserve it. Xander smiled, even when his smile didn't reach his eyes, and turned to study the drawing.

"I'm very glad you found it... I had thought it was forever lost..."

"Do you know who he is?"

"Sure I do." The young man answered, and this time, his smile made Ford freeze. "It is me."

* * *


The harbor was full of excited people, either saying their good-byes or getting ready to board the most luxurious liner ever built. Everyone was talking about new beginnings, golden opportunities, and mankind progress.

Everyone that is, except for Alexander LaVelle Harris, only son and heir of one of the richest American families of the time.

The young man, who was just 18, was, to put it mildly, bored.

He barely dedicated a passing glance to the monstrous ship, before turning to his father, Mayor Wilkins of California. "I still don't understand why we have to return to America in that. Why cannot we wait for the Carpathia?"

"Because we're meeting with your fiancée aboard the Titianic, my son. _And_ it will make a good headline for next year's elections." The Mayor said, flashing his election' winning smile. "Now, smile, dear boy. People will think you're boarding to your funeral and not to your wedding!"

**If they saw the bride, they would understand** Alexander thought, and grimly walked behind his father, ready to meet his destiny.

* * *

"Did you really had to kill him, Angelus?" A young man with fuchsia hair asked to his companion, a handsome dark-haired man who was kneeling over a dead body. "I mean... weren't we supposed to win our tickets in a friendly poker game?"

"I was hungry, Oz." Angelus answered, as he wiped a little drop of blood from his lips. "Besides, this is much more fun, don't you think?" With cat-like grace, the man rose to his feet and grabbed his bag. "Now hurry, Drusilla must be waiting for us on board."

Oz opened his mouth to say something as Angelus ran towards the ship, but as he realized that the Titanic was parting, he decided to shut up and follow the vampire through the crowd.

* * *

Once the Titanic left the harbor, most of the passengers in second and third class retired to their rooms, while the First class passengers dedicated to mingle. Among those unfortunate forced to socialize was Alexander, who was pushed by his father to meet the Captain of the Ship, Wesley.

Surprisingly enough, even when the ship was the glory of man-made vessels, her captain was the weakest fellow Alexander had ever seen. He kept second guessing himself, always checking the proper protocol and shaking constantly. Thankfully for the youngster, the Captain was a busy man and thus, he couldn't give much time for Alexander and his father.

Among the passengers, Alexander could see Lord Rupert Giles and his wife Lady Cordelia. The couple had rocked the British nobility with their marriage. Lord Giles was a renowned businessman, and Cordelia was at least, half his age. Next to them, William Spike talked with Ethan Rayne. Both men were famous for their abilities in Scotland Yard, although some grisly adventures had made the press to dub Spike as 'The Bloody', while an underground newspaper accused Ethan Rayne of being a warlock. Looking at them among the crème of Society, Alexander could not believe those rumors.

However, his father stopped him from meeting them, since he had to be introduced to his fiancée.

True enough, waiting for them in the main dining hall was Lady Buffy Summers, duchess of Buffonia -wherever that was, thought Alexander with a lot of contempt- and her bodyguard, Miss Faith.

"Lady Buffy, Miss Faith." Alexander bowed in front of them following his Father's cue. He was not particularly happy upon seeing his future bride. Much less when she refused to meet his eyes, only paying attention to his father.

"Well, this is very impressive, Mayor. " Buffy said. "Your son is all you promised and more. I'm sure Mom will be happy to agree to our marriage as soon as we reach America."

"I dunno... he seems a little... weak." Faith reached to touch Alexander's cheek and the boy suddenly felt as a prize in a slave auction. Only his respect for his father made him stay, as both girls seemed to undress him with his eyes.

This was worse than a trip to hell.

* * *

In the third class deck, Angel, Oz and Drusilla were watching the ocean. They had left Ireland behind two days ago, and the two men were starting to get a little bored. However Drusilla, a pale, black-haired young woman was giggling happily, stretching her arms under the sunlight.

"Soon everybody is going to die!! Mrs. Edith promised me that we would dance around the dead bodies..."

"Shh, Dru. You don't want to spoil the end." Angelus smiled, as he looked at the prow. A young redhead girl named Willow was standing there, with her arms outstretched, yelling at the top of her lungs that she was the best witch in the world. She looked ridiculous.

"Say... doesn't anyone thinks it's a little strange?" Oz asked, wondering if he should go to the girl and warn her she could fall or threw her over the board. "I mean... you two are vampires, and we're out in the sun..."

"The author likes us." Dru giggled, as she kissed Oz passionately on his lips. "I'm going to get a tan!"

Angelus shook his head, amused by Dru's ramblings and looked up just in time to see Willow fall overboard. "Guess the author didn't like her."

"What are we going to do? Just enjoy ourselves?" The young werewolf managed to ask, once that Dru recalled that he still needed to breath, even if she did not.

"We just wait until this sinks, just as Dru dreamed. Then we steal all we can, and live in luxury in America." While Angelus explained the plan, Dru nodded as she launched in a waltz alone by herself.

"And then Angelus will bring someone new to pla-ay with us." She singed. "A cute one, just like you, Oz." The werewolf blushed. He knew first hand that Dru's dreams were always right. Even if Angelus didn't believe her, if she said that there would be a new member on the team, there would be. Oz just hoped that whoever Angelus meet would not be as crazy as his love.


It was a dark, warm night, and Angelus decided to give himself a little rest from Oz and Dru by walking to the stern. Sure, they were his best friends, but he could not stand them when they spend 24 hours fucking without any pause. Even he had his limits.

The night was star filled, and the vampire wondered if Dru's prophecies would become true. Of course, he would not say that out loud. Even if it was a new moon night, Oz was particularly strong when Dru's honor was on the line.

Of course, if Dru was right, that meant he would find a lover in that trip... And that wasn't something he was looking forward to. Angelus had had bad luck with women, even when he was a mortal. Darla, Dru... A silly gypsy girl who had tried to curse him... He really didn't want to get involved again. In fact, if he found a girl that looked like good for him, the vampire decided that he would throw her over the board.

A noise at his right made him turn, to see a young man sobbing. Usually, Angelus would not have even cared, but the fact that the young man was standing in the wrong side of the rail and that he was trying not to show he was crying was more than enough to call his attention.

Of course, the young man beautiful brown eyes, his long lashes that shimmer with his tears and his round, firm butt had nothing to do with it.

"You know that there are less painful ways to die, don't you?" Angelus asked, immediately kicking himself for asking such a stupid question.

"What do you care?" the young man looked at him, and Angelus felt something inside him snap. It was not only about his eyes, his face or his body. It was all about that mortal boy that make him feel warm inside. And they had barely met.

"I don't. It's just that if you're looking for the fast way to end your suffering, you choose the wrong lane... Why don't you just shoot yourself?" For a second, Angelus wondered who had forgotten to connect his brain to his mouth. What was he trying to do? Make him jump?!

"You know... that isn't what you're supposed to say to a man who's going to kill himself."

"Probably. But then... do you want me to stop you or to ignore you?" Angleus held out his hand, walking closer. "I'm Angelus O'Reilly. Do you have a name?"

"Alexander... LaVelle Harris." Alexander took Angelus hand, with such bad luck that he almost fell down.

However, the vampire was strong enough to carry him back on board without much effort, and soon both were on the deck, breathing hard.

"Wow! How did you do that?" Alexander asked, as he got to his feet. "I was sure that I was gone!"

"I'm very strong." Angelus smiled. "Say... your name is pretty long... Do you have a nickname or something?"

"Well... my friends in America called me Xander."

"ALEXANDER!!! What the fuck do you think you're doing here?!" Faith and Buffy came to where both men were staying, looking very angry. Angelus took only a look at the girls and decided he didn't like them. In fact, only Xander presence stopped him from killing them both.

"I just... came to get some air..." As Xander voice stammered, Angelus fought the urge to fling him over his shoulder and get away. He didn't know who were the girls, but he knew that he wanted them away from his newfound friend.

"Well, you can't!" Buffy looked at him, with a know-it-all grin. "Especially not in the Third class deck. How could you get lost?"

"Well, it's it a big ship. I'm sorry, Lady Buffy. It won't happen again."

"You bet it won't." Faith pushed him forward, getting him away from Angelus. "Now move it. You don't want to embarrass Buffy making her appear to dinner without her fiancée."

"No... I'm sorry... Goodbye Angelus. It was a pleasure."

Angelus watched as they left, as he began making plans. He wanted to keep Xander for himself.

"You've picked a nice catch." Spike smiled as he walked towards the older vampire. "Although I never thought he would be your type."

"Spike? What are you doing here?" Angelus blinked, surprised. He hadn't seen his childe in at least 50 years and the last he had heard was that he had joined Scotland Yard.

"The same thing that you. Fixing my love life."

"What's wrong with my love life?" He moved to walk away, but Spike grabbed his arm, blocking his way.

"It's non existent, for starters." The blond vampire laughed, as he carried his sire to the First Class deck. In any other circumstance, someone would have stopped him but for some strange reason no one even cared.

In fact, it seemed like it was perfectly normal that two male vampires strolled around the ship, even when there were at least ten or twelve locked doors that insured that passengers from the Third Class did not wander to the First.

But that, like many other things, was simply overlooked for plot's sake.

* * *

Xander sighed as he watched himself in the mirror. He was dressed with a black tuxedo, the most elegant of his extensive wardrobe, feeling like a figurine in a wedding cake.

"Dad... Do we have to continue this?" His father was finishing the knot on his tie, apparently not paying much attention. "I mean... I think I liked it better when you were a black priest in a satanic cult. At least you were more honest."

His words were received with a strong laughter from his father, who turned around to hug him. "But my dear Xander, it is all part of the same. You cannot rise in politics without some special... friends. Just remember that we need Lady Buffy for my plans. It is very important that she's on Sunnydale."

"What if I tell you I meet someone else?" The young man insisted, studying the expensive necklace he was supposed to give to his not loved fiancée sometime during dinner.

"That's wonderful, wonderful! The lucky lady will be welcomed on our house when everything is finished."

"He is not a lady..." Xander muttered before he knew what he was doing. However, Mayor Wilkins seemed even more pleased.

"That's even better, Alexander! You'll have to introduce us as soon as we finish dealing with the charming Lady Buffy."

"You approve?!!" Even as he talked, Xander was wondering who had slipped drugs on his father meal. He simply couldn't believe his luck.

"My dear boy, it seems that we have to have a long chat of my extracurricular activities..." As he spoke, Mayor Wilkins dragged his son to the door of the room. "But for now, we're late for dinner."

* * *

The main dinner hall was one of the most luxurious rooms Angelus had ever seen.

He was dressed with one of Spike's spare suits, and more than once he wondered how the heck his childe had ended up with so much wealth while he, Dru and Oz...

Just remembering the position in which he had found Dru and Oz when he was going to tell them he was planning to have dinner with Spike made him decide to change his thoughts' trail. For a so-called Pg-13 fic there was a lot of non-described sex going on.

Spike guided him to the table he shared with Ethan, Giles, his wife Cordelia, Buffy and Faith. Introductions were made, and it was clear to Angelus that the two single girls definitively didn't like him. It was perfect for Angelus, since the only thing he wanted to do with either was to strangle them, or perhaps impale them. Something painful. Still, all his thoughts went numb when Xander and his father appeared.

Over the course of dinner, Angelus and Xander had little chance to talk. Practically all the chat was taken over by Cordelia, who merrily enlightened them with her vast knowledge on fashion, theater and cities of the world. But while Faith and Buffy were practically asleep by the time dinner was served, Angelus could note that some things that Cordelia said were not the usual knowledge of a trivial socialite.

In fact, he had never known a socialite who knew that brown was the color to wear when you were digging corpses, or the best way to clean the wax spots that you could get in demon-summoning ceremonies.

Xander listened to all that with an absolute lack of surprise, which made Angelus wonder if there was something hidden in the young man.

When dinner was over, the men rose, ready to continue the time-honored British protocol that men should have some time together to talk. Cordelia kissed Giles passionately, promising to wait for him, but the other women on the table didn't even waited for them to finish, leaving the room without saying goodbye. It was obvious that Buffy had been surprised to see Angelus, and wanted to put as much distance as she could between them.

Thankfully, she didn't even thought of a good reason to take Xander with her.

The smoking room was almost full, and in every visible spot there were groups of men talking in loud voice about business or money. In the middle of the room, the band was playing. They were supposed to be in the main dinning hall, but it was pretty pointless to play music to dance when all the men were in one room and the women in another. The leader, a young man named Devon, wanted to see if they could impress any of the rich passengers enough to get them to produce a record of the band.

The results were surprising, especially because there were some couples dancing and no one even commented on it.

Which for Angelus was perfect.

During dinner, Xander had tried to look at him when neither Buffy nor Faith paid attention to them. And the Vampire was very sure of what he could read in the mortal's eyes.

Desire, Lust...

Something that could be turned to love.

While Spike and Ethan talked with Giles about the old times, Angelus shook his head. Apparently there was something wrong with his love life, and he was in the perfect place to fix it. With a full knowing smile, he walked towards Xander, and held out his hand.

"Care to join me?"

"I'd love to."

* * *

It was midday when Xander returned to his room, from a tedious breakfast with his father and fiancée. After a glorious night, in which Angelus had not only danced with him, but also kissed him for the first time, he had had to return to the bleakest nightmare that was his reality.

Still, it was hard to see things as grimly and hopeless as they had been a week before. Now he knew that his father approved, and that Angelus wanted him... probably as much as Xander wanted the vampire.

The mortal frowned. He supposed he must have been at least a little shocked finding out that the gorgeous man who saved his life was a vampire, but in truth, he wasn't. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more natural it seemed. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to spend the night... his life with Angelus.

Sure, he had to get things over with Buffy, and his father would be angry if there was no marriage, but even so...

Without thinking it twice, he grabbed his jacket and left the room. He had to find Angelus.

* * *

Angelus was in the same spot where they had meet, sitting near the railing, drawing. He liked to draw, a talent that he had explored and improved in the long days when he could not go out because Dru and Oz decided they wanted to stay in and... work their relationship. It helped him to relax, to concentrate in future plans.

Now, however, he couldn't quite capture the moment he wanted. All morning he had tried to convey on paper the look Xander had had on the railing the night they meet, or the bright smile with which the mortal had greeted Angelus at dinner the night before. But all his attempts looked empty to his immortal eyes.

"Hey, Angelus." Xander's voice broke his concentration, as he sat at his side. "I never thought I would find you outside..."

"You were looking for me?" The vampire didn't hide his surprise. He was glad to see him again.

"Yeah... but I started looking in the lower decks... I thought vampires couldn't be out in the Sun." hearing that, Angelus only shrugged his shoulders. He really hadn't thought about it, and it was not the time to start. Instead he rose to his feet and pulled the young mortal in a tight embrace.

"Weren't you supposed to spend the day with your fiancée?" He asked, before completing a passionate kiss. He hadn't been able to forget the sweet taste of Xander's mouth after kissing him the night before, found himself wondering about what would his blood taste like, what would his body taste like. It was unusual for him to be so obsessed with someone; in most cases, he would simply go straight to the point.

Now, it seemed like Angelus wanted to try the romantic approach.

"I prefer to spend the day with you." Xander answered, smiling.

And it was exactly what they did.

Sure, Faith and Buffy were looking for them, and so were a dozen of members of the crew. But the Titanic was a really big ship, and so, no one could find them.

Which was perfect for romance.


Dusk found them embraced, naked in Xander's bed. They had considered going to Angelus' bunk, but unfortunately Oz and Dru were still busy there.

Angelus woke first, and drank with the sight of his lover asleep in his arms. They had spent hours together, loving each other, learning to pleasure each other in the brief time they had. Unfortunately, as this is still a Pg-13 fic, he could not linger in those memories. Nor in the fact that everything seemed to be happening too fast.

In the other hand, according to Dru, they didn't had much time before the ship sunk and all the mortals inside it died, so it was better not to waste it in cheap philosophy. Trying very carefully not to wake up his lover, Angelus rose and grabbed a piece of paper from the nearby desk. He wanted to keep that moment engraved in his memory forever, and only knew one way.

He had barely begun sketching when Xander woke up, and the myriad of feelings inside the deep brown eyes could have took Angelus' breath away had he had any breath. "'Night, Angelus."

"'Night, Xander." The vampire smiled, and showed him the paper. "I was trying to use you as a model. I don't want to forget this night."

"I couldn't forget it either..." Smiling, he tried to get to his feet, but Angelus stopped him with a movement of his hand.

"I really would like to finish this drawing, Xander."

"I just wanted to show you something... I bet you will like it. " Swiftly, Xander walked to the safe box in the room and opened it, with such speed that one would think that there was no combination. Then he took out the most expensive diamond Angelus had ever seen, and handed it to him. "The 'Cour di le Mer'... Dad wants me to give it to Buffy. I think it should be in a museum... or with someone who will appreciate it."

"Wrap it in your wrist and go back to bed." Angelus told him, as he licked his lips with anticipation. Xander kissed him, and obeyed.

Enraptured with the vision before him, Angelus began to draw.

* * *

By the time they finally got dressed, the plot had reached a stalemate. It was either sink the ship or keep them going at it. Or both.

The ship hit an iceberg, something that shouldn't have surprised anyone since apparently according to the movie there wasn't anyone actually doing his work among the crew. It started sinking surprisingly fast, but no one even noticed. Everybody had their minds... and other body parts... otherwise occupied.

Coming back to our stars... When they were getting ready to leave, since Xander had decided to stay with Angelus all the time he could, Buffy, Faith and Wesley entered violently in the room. Buffy accused Angelus of raping her and stealing her necklace, and even when Xander had never gotten around to give it to her, the Captain believed her and sent Angelus to be locked in one of the lower levels of the ship. Sure, they had the itsy-bitsy trouble with water in those levels a very small fire in the machines' room, and in any logical mind that would have been murder... but we're talking about Wesley.

Some unknown and therefore unimportant member of the crew finally gave the alarm, sending the members of the first class to the deck, in a rather organized movement to fill the lifeboats. Women and children first, although no one had realized that there weren't enough boats and that the ship was not going to survive. Given their important position in society, Buffy and Faith were put in one of the first boats, and Xander took his chance to run away.

If he was going to die, he would die at Angelus' side.

* * *

One of the younger sailors helped Lady Cordelia to step on a boat, when the young woman turned to see her husband, determination written in her face. "I don't want to leave you, Giles."

"Neither do I dear, but women and children must go first. I promise I will meet you in New York."

With a last parting kiss, the couple had to say goodbye.

* * *

The doors connecting from Third Class to Second and First Class were closed.

Now, this really shouldn't matter - we all have seen how easy it was to pass from one class to another as long as your heart was set on it - but given the fact that the water seemed to be rising faster in this particular part of the ship than in the rest, the passengers were panicking. In fact, they were so terrified that they forgot that there were many doors that connected the different decks, and were all gathered at one of them.

Thus, Drusilla and Oz were completely alone in one of the other doors.

Given her vampire strength, Dru broke the lock with incredibly ease. Then they looted a couple of the bigger rooms, and under Oz' half-hearted protests, the fuchsia-haired werewolf was dressed in one of the elegant dresses they found on First Class, on the grounds that it was the only way to get him in one of the life boats. They lost some time as Dru decided to do his nails once they were doing drag, and thus they missed most of the dramatic and heroic happenings around the ship.

Even so, they managed to get in one of the lifeboats, where they had a wonderful view of the Titanic's final fate.

* * *

No one thought of guarding Angelus after they handcuffed him to one of the tubes in the lower decks. Everybody was busy trying to save themselves, and among the hysteria, it was easy to forgot a man handcuffed to a railing during a shipwreck, accused of rape.

That kind of things happens everyday, anyway.

Now, handcuffed was a little strong of a word, because the handcuffs were amazingly frail. Once he was sure he was alone, Angelus tugged at them twice, very hard and was free in seconds. Sure, he broke the tube in the process, but seriously, who was going to complain? He was well on his way to second class (Because of course, he never found a single closed door) when he met with Xander (Who likewise, wasn't stopped by a single passenger. One would think that they were alone in the Titanic). They kissed passionately and headed to the stern, while exchanging caresses. They knew the ship was sinking, they knew they hadn't much time... but they were not going to miss a chance.

As they ran to the stern, followed very closely by the water, which seemed to be disobeying every single fluid movement law ever written, they saw the passengers from Third class still trying to get the doors open. _How_ they managed to get pass that, is everyone's guess.

* * *

Captain Wesley watched it all from his post in front of the helm. He was determined not to move from there, every good British captain knew that if the ship sink, they would follow her. Since he didn't got any line, at least we all know he had a hero's death.

* * *

Giles, Spike and Ethan met at the bar, dressed in their best suits. There were many other gentlemen in similar fashion, and the band was still playing because Devon decided that if they were going to go, they would go with a bang. Or a splash, whatever came first. Spike was not worried, since he was a vampire he would not drown, while Ethan and Giles were eager to try a new spell they had found in a very old and forgotten library in London. In case it didn't work, Spike had agreed to turn them. Meanwhile, they had great company and drinks to enjoy.

* * *

As the ship was dangerously rising from the water, and it's body began to break because of the pressure and the weight, Angelus and Xander reached the stern, and grabbed the railing with all their strength. It was the same point where they had meet, and so, they got a little romantic, and kissed each other almost senseless. Fortunately, Angelus was strong enough to keep them from falling.

* * *

The prow sank violently, and even when the stern almost stabilized for a second, it was not long before it started to lift, as it began to join it's other half in the ocean floor. Angelus forced Xander to step to the other side of the railing so it wouldn't trap them when it sank.

"When I say let go, you let go and you swim as fast as you can to the surface, Xander!" He yelled, as the roaring waters got closer.

Xander seemed to consider it a second, before turning to see his lover. "Ah... Angelus... you do realize that when this thing sinks it is going to cause a funnel effect sucking everything in a least a 3 miles ratio causing then a counter effect wave that will probably cause the nearby life boats to sink as well, don't you? And that even if for some weird miracle we manage to survive, those are freezing waters and unless someone could get close to us before the sea calms again we will probably die from hypothermia in less than 5 minutes?"

"Xander... Just promise it, o.k.? I'll take care of those unimportant details!!"

"Oh... O.k. I promise."

* * *

The ship sank, and although every single law of physics in the universe said that what Xander said should have happened, the young mortal found himself soaking wet, holding to dear life in a table that probably was part of a First Class door. Swimming at his side, as if they were in a Southern California pool and not in the Northern Ocean, was Angelus.

"I thought we were not going to make it..." Xander said, looking at him with sad filled eyes. "C'mon... you have to try and get on this table or you will die."

"Xander, I'm a vampire. I'm already dead." Angelus smiled kissing Xander's cold hands. "Believe it or not, I am more worried about you... I... I don't want to lose you."

"I'd rather die before loosing you." Xander answered and before they could sicken themselves with such corny lines, they kissed passionately.

That was how the lifeboat found them, when they returned to see if they could find any survivors of the wreck.

* * *

When they reached New York, aboard the Carpathia, things had changed a lot.

Angelus sired Xander, since he was not going to loose the best lover he had ever had for something as trivial as death. They lived happily forever after.

The spell Ethan and Giles tried worked, and the press was amazed that they had managed to 'swim' to the Carpathia. For the papers, Lord Giles assured that it was his love for his darling Cordelia what helped him to survive.

Ethan and Spike continued their work as detectives until they got bored and decided to try again working in the wrong side of the law. Around 1930, Spike decided that he was not going to keep waiting and turned Ethan into a vampire. After that they had a little lovers' spat that lasted the whole World War II, but when it ended they returned to each other's side.

Drusilla and Oz were glad to be reunited with Angelus and Xander, and with the few things they salvaged from the Titanic, they decided to buy a house in Sunnydale, where they could terrorize the townspeople without any trouble.

Xander's father, Mayor Wilkins, won the election and began working on his ascension to the demon status. The ceremony is planned for the year 2000, to celebrate the millennium in the right way.

Devon and the band died, but all the survivors dearly remembered them.

In case anyone still cares, Buffy and Faith were in the same boat as Oz and Drusilla, and they discovered that Oz was not a woman. However, Dru managed to throw them off the boat, and convinced the sailor to row faster. Since no one really liked Buffy and Faith, and Oz looked really cute without the wig, they didn't complain.

Faith died from hypothermia faster than any known human being. Buffy was crushed to death by one of the Titanic's chimneys.

Oh... and in 1999, since he hated the fact that a grave robber was defiling the place where he and Angelus meet, Xander killed Ford breaking his neck because it was not worth his time to actually suck Ford's blood. After that, he retrieved the drawing that, in his opinion, was the only thing of value in the whole ship.

The End