Drabbles 1 - The Kiss

By Nancy

Fandom: Tour Of Duty

Pairing: Myron/f

Rating PG

This lot is for Tour of Duty which ran on CBS from 1987 to 1990 and was about a platoon of soldiers serving in Vietnam. The female characters are mine.

The Kiss refers to an incident that really happened in that I was so surprised and pleased that my husband had returned home early from a detachment when we were stationed in Ca. that I threw my arms around him and kissed the stuffing out of him right in front of his buddies. Of course it took him forever to live it down! :snerk:

Drabbles - The Kiss
By Nancy

"Hey My, wait up!" Becky called to him.

Myron scowled at her as she came up beside him. He really hated that she called him by that ridiculous nickname. (He would also die the death before he would admit that it would upset him even more if she didn't.)

"I need to speak to you."

"So speak." he said, wishing for the hundredth time that she didn't smell, look, sound so good. He also really resented that no matter how hot and humid it was she always managed to look immaculately groomed. It made him feel like no matter how much he showered and changed he still looked like a slob.

"You need to sign that affidavit on Phu An -"


Down she went in a mud puddle!

Now, why that should strike her as being particularly funny, Myron had no clue. But there she was sitting on her fanny in a mud puddle and laughing her self silly. The people around them started to laugh as well, but that wasn't from derision anywhere near as much as it was because Becky's laugh was so infectious. Unfortunately, Myron didn't get that.

His cheeks were turning red from embarrassment as he bent down to help her back up. "Can't you go five minutes without -"


He caught the glint of unholy glee that had come into her eyes too late. Like two seconds before she grabbed his hand and pulled him down into the mud as well. She jumped up and said "There, and let's hope that cold water cools down that bad temper of yours!"

He got up and advanced on her menacingly.

"Now My, I was just -" she squeaked, thinking she was going to be tossed back down into that puddle; face first this time.

But that's not what happened. Oh he did advance on her menacingly and she did try to get way but what he did next not only shocked her and everyone who was watching but it definitely shocked the heck out of Myron himself as well.

Because after all, wasn't it the last thing that anyone would expect that he would pull her roughly into his arms and kiss her?

"Now, are you going to behave?" he asked her, enjoying seeing her speechless for once.

"Uh, huh." she nodded.

"Good, I'll be by to sign that affidavit as soon as I change."

"Okay" she croaked.

He turned and went towards his hootch to fetch a clean towel and change of clothes.

She went all but skipping back to her hootch to do the same thing.

Myron didn`t notice the silly grin on her face and she didn`t notice the smug little smirk on his face either. And neither of them paid any attention to the cheers and catcalls of the men who had witnessed the whole thing.

