Drabbles: Kiss 2

By Nancy

Fandom: This lot is for Tour of Duty which ran on CBS from 1987 to 1990 and was about a platoon of soldiers serving in Vietnam. The female characters are mine.

Pairing: Scott Baker/F

The Kiss refers to an incident that realy happened in that I was so surprised and pleased that my husband had returned home early from a detachment when we were stationed in Ca. that I threw my arms around him and kissed the stuffing out of him right in front of his buddies. Of course it took him forever to live it down! :snerk:

Drabbles: Kiss 2
By Nancy

"Hey Baker, where you been man!" Scott cringed as his buddies (the whole lot of them from the looks of it) descended on him and Julie.

"Hey man, way to go!"

"She got a sister?"

"Nice of you to tell us!"

"Any more where she came from!"

Scott was ready to bash a few heads together by the time they had settled down and ordered beers for themselves.

And why it should come as such a shock to them that Scott could get a date, Julie wondered. He was sweet and charming and totally focused on her. A very refreshing change from the usual macho G.I. Julie sat back and watched as Scott handled his friend's nosiness.

Which she had to admit was in a pretty impressive manner.

He handled them quite simply by completely ignoring them.

"So were you ever able to get up to Petaluma? We went camping on the beach up there a lot." she asked to help him out.

"No, mostly we stayed down around Malibu where we lived. I hear it's nice up there though." He couldn't believe his good luck at finding a girl who loved surfing and being outdoors as much as he did and she was from California too. Oh man, why did the guys have to show up now?

"So sweet thing, how's Baker here treating you?" said Marcus Taylor. Taylor had never been one to pass up an opportunity with a woman.

Unfortunately, Julie wasn't as impressed as other girls had been with Marcus's smooth style. "Very nicely, thank you" and though this was said to Marcus she looked at Scott while she
said it with a big smile.

He turned beet red and grabbed for his orange juice. (He never did acquire a taste for beer.)

"Yeah well, if you ever get tired of the big lug you just be sure to look me up, I can treat you real nice too." Marcus told her, more than a little put out at her being more interested in Baker (of all people!) than him.

"I don't think that will be necessary, but thanks anyway." she said dryly. And she winked at Scott when she said that.

The other guys were loving seeing Taylor get pulled down a peg or two, he could really be annoying with all his bragging about his conquests.

"Anyway, I've got to be heading back to the infirmary now." Julie got up and had to suppress another urge to smile as all seven men politely stood up also. So, they weren't a bunch of
Neanderthals after all! "I'll see you later, okay?" she asked Scott.

"Sure, that'd be great." he said eagerly. He might as well hold on to this lucky break for as long as it lasted. No telling when it would come to an end.

That's when she overheard Taylor's crack about "dumb jocks". That did it. She'd show Mr. Chick Magnet Taylor just what she thought of dumb jocks herself!

She reached up and wrapping her arms around Scott's big shoulders, she kissed him within an inch of his life! Satisfied that she had let it be known just where Scott Baker stood with her, she smiled at him and told him that she would try and meet him for supper.

She then walked nonchalantly out of the restaurant to her jeep, not giving in to her laughter over the hoots and whistles of the guys congratulating Scott until she got outside.

