In Search of the Flame

by Tanith

Fandom: Veritas

Disclaimers – I own no-one

Rating – NC17

Pairing – Vincent/Nikko/possible other

Summery – Vincent has an accident

Series: sequel to ‘a cure for backache’

Feedback – yes please

In Search of the Flame
by Tanith

Three days later they were all on a plane, heading for Africa. Solomon had come back about 5am that morning but did not find anything out of the ordinary. Nikko had gone back to his own room about 4am and that is where his father found him later that day.

Nikko showered and dressed and met the others in the main room, Vincent wasn’t there, he asked where he was.

“Vincent has gone to pick up tickets and supplies, we are off to Africa. Maggie I want you to stay here, we need the support in case anything happens, is that okay?” Solomon asked.

“Sure Captain, I much prefer to have a warm bed, good food and a telephone than jungle, snakes and insects to eat” she replied with a smile.

Solomon shook his head, he still couldn’t get used to her sense of humour and in some cases she was right. But he had to follow the dairies and notes of his late wife. She was onto something and he had to find out what, at least to justify her death.

“Why Africa?” asked Nikko “What are we after this time?”

He still aches from the neck breaker Vincent had given him the other day and from what they had been doing last night. He poured a coffee.

“People, we are after the Eternal Flame” said Solomon

“What on earth is that?” asked Calvin.

Solomon took out a diary and a map and laid them on the table. The rest gathered round to look just as Vincent appeared with the stuff he had been to collect.

“Ah Vincent, put that down and come over here, you need to see this too” said Solomon.

None of them saw the smile that passed between Vincent and Nikko as he moved over to the table.

“Before we go any further, you had better know that someone else is looking for the flame too” said Vincent.

“Who, how do you know?” asked Calvin.

“While I was getting the tickets, there was a man called Johnson at the next ticket window. He was telling the woman there about this flame that he wished he could take her through so that she could live forever. That when he found it, he would come back for her. Of course he was just chatting her up and she found it amusing. When he had gone, I asked the woman where he was going, she said he was on this mornings flight to the Congo” said Vincent.

“Damn, I thought he had fallen off the face of the earth” replied Solomon “Okay we will worry about him when we get there, in the mean time, let’s look at this”

Two days later they were on the plane heading for Africa. It was a charter flight so they were the only ones on board. Solomon and Calvin were asleep and Nikko was in the kitchen area making some sandwiches when Vincent came in.

“Making me one of those I hope” he said

“Sure, coffee?” said Nikko.

Vincent nodded and peering round at the two men to make sure they were still asleep, he grabbed Nikko and pulling him into his arms, kissed him, the young man responded.

“Whoa…take it easy, they could wake up any time. There has been no time since that night for us to be together, I have missed you Nikko” said Vincent “I did wonder if you were having regrets”

“Regrets…are you kidding. I nearly came into your room last night but dad caught me in the corridor and I had to make out I was getting a drink. We’ll just have to find a way to be alone while we are out here” he replied.

“But that is going to be risky. If your father suspects anything, I am dead and

you will be sent back to college, you know that” said Vincent.

Nikko looked at the man, shocked at what he said. He couldn’t believe that his father would actually kill Vincent but the man assured him that he would. Solomon cared about two things in the world, one had been his wife and the other was Nikko and he had sworn that if anyone touched him or hurt him in any way, he would kill them. Just then they heard voices and realized that the two men were awake.

“Vincent walked out of the door carrying a sandwich and told the others that Nikko was making them. Nikko heard him and shook his head and putting his head round the door.

“Hey Vincent, I am not a chef, if you two want something you can get it yourself” he said.

“Oh come on” said Solomon “You don’t expect me to make my own lunch do you?”

He was smiling at Calvin when he said it and they all laughed. Nikko shook his head again and made some more, just to keep his father quiet. He could still taste Vincent on his lips and he couldn’t wait till he could get him alone somewhere.

Three days later they were standing on a ridge, south of the Congo, somewhere between Lisala and Buendo.

“We have to get into that small gully, the entrance to the caves should be there” said Solomon.

They roped themselves together and climbed down. It was hard and dangerous, one slip and they could have all fallen into the ravine that descended about 1000ft. As each one reached the ledge, they untied themselves and waited for the others. Vincent had gone down first, followed by Solomon, Nikko and Calvin last in line.

“So how do we get in?” asked Nikko

“Here is a drawing that your mother made, it seems that once inside the cave entrance, which is just here, there are stone stairs leading down to another door” replied his father.

They made their way carefully down the stairs and sure enough, at the bottom was a small room with a large stone door that seemed to be set into the wall.

There also didn’t seem to be a handle. They examined the door and looked at the diagrams that his wife had written down.

“It seems to be a puzzle” said Calvin “These symbols are raised and look like you have to push them in, but I imagine they have to be done in sequence”

“Did mum say what sequence?” asked Nikko.

Solomon turned the page and there was a list, numbered 1 – 10 with a drawing beside it. They corresponded with the symbols on the door. The only problem was the last three couldn’t be seen properly and they would have to guess.

“Okay, that is 7 of them, now for the last three, which one next?” said Solomon.

Vincent looked at the book and then at the door, he was the expert when it came to these things and after studying them for a while, he pushed the last three. There was a rumble and the door clicked open.

“Well done, come on let’s go” Solomon said.

Through the door they found a large room that seemed to be empty, with another door at the end of it. Calvin was just about to walk across to it when Vincent grabbed him.

“No, stay here. This is too easy. Someone trying to hide a relic as important as the eternal flame wouldn’t just leave a room empty. There has to be traps” he said

“Okay but where are they?” asked Nikko.

Vincent and Solomon told the others to stay where they were while they carefully looked around the wall closest to them.

“Solomon, over here?” said Vincent.

The man walked over to where Vincent was and saw the symbols that he had uncovered on the wall beside the door they had just come through. There was nothing in the notes about these things, the page seemed to have been torn out a long time ago.

“We have to chance what order they go in” said Solomon “Or we are going to

be here all day”

Nikko came over and saw that they were the same as the ones on the door that they had just figured out.

“What about doing them in the same sequence that we did for that lot. It’s a start” he said.

“Good boy” said his father “Okay lets try that, you two go and stand over there – just in case”

The three of them waited while Solomon pushed the symbols in the same order as before. Again there was a rumble and as they watched, it seemed like the outer skin of the wall just crumbled away and spears flew across the room from both directions. They all hit the deck just in case any of them came their way. Once the dust settled, they saw that there was only enough room to crawl across the room now.

“Well, whoever built this place certainly didn’t want anyone ever getting in” said Nikko

“Right, we’ll go one at a time, me first. Keep as low as you can, just in case there are any more traps and keep to the center of the room.”

“Shouldn’t I go first, I am the lightest and smallest” said Nikko.

“No way, you will wait here”

Nikko was fed-up with his father treating him like a child but reluctantly agreed after getting a funny look from Vincent. It took Solomon 15 minutes to reach the other wall without incident. He shouted to the others to come over, keeping in the same path he had made.

Once over, they saw that this door had no markings at all and looking at the book again, the notes wrote that there was four small holes, one at each side and top and bottom, something had to be inserted in them and pushed at the same time to release the door.

“Okay, what are we supposed to insert?” asked Calvin

“These might be it” said Vincent

He had picked up four long poles laying against the wall, under one of the

spears that were sticking out of the wall.

“It looks like they fit together” said Nikko “Look”

He had inserted them so that they formed a cross. They were also telescopic, which meant that they opened out into longer poles.

“Let’s try it. Nikko, you hold them as close to the centre of the door as you can, Vincent, you push the top one into the hole, but not all the way. Calvin, the bottom one, I’ll do the sides. Then we will have to push them outwards all at the same time” Solomon said.

“No we won’t” replied Nikko.

“Why Nikko?” asked Vincent.

“Look, there is a small button in the centre of this cross, I bet you press that and they all move together” said Nikko.

“Very clever, these people” replied Vincent.

The inserted the poles just enough so that Nikko could let go, then he turned round and holding the cross, pressed the button firmly. All the poles connected with the holes and there was a creaking as the door opened. They went through and found themselves in a long passageway.

“According to her notes, we should only have to go along here and through one more room and we are in the chamber that holds the flame” said Solomon.

“Dad, apart from the spears, this has all been too easy don’t you think. Getting in here I mean, surely the builders wouldn’t have made it this simple” said Nikko.

“For once I agree with Nikko” said Calvin “Something is going to happen, we have to be a bit more careful. You’re going to fast to be safe”

Solomon looked at the two of them then at Vincent. He just raised an eyebrow as if to say, at least they said it first.

“Okay, okay, you win. Maybe you’re right, maybe I have taken some risks but from now on we’ll be more careful, alright” said Solomon.

The others sighed and looked at the notes and the drawing for the passageway before proceeding any further.

“What do you think Vincent?” he asked.

“Well, going from the traps that were in there, I think we can expect some more here. All we have to do is find the trigger”

Calvin was already ahead of them and found the same sort of circle on the wall by the door, containing the same symbols as before. Solomon made the others go out of the room and wait while he pushed the symbols. No need for anyone else to get hurt if they went wrong. This time not only did spears come out of the walls but also the ceiling.

“Wow” said Calvin “This man was some genius”

They looked to see how easy it was to get across when Vincent stopped them.

“We are fools, I think we were lucky in that other room” he said.

“Vincent, what do you mean?” asked Solomon.

“Well, we used the symbols to activate the traps, but has it occurred to you that those must have been the way these builders used them to move about the place safely. Anyone else would trigger the same device but either by brushing past the wall or walking on the ground”

“My God, of course, we have over-ridden the safety device but not the trigger” said Nikko “We could still set something off without realizing it”

“So what do we do? We’ve come too far” said Solomon.

“This time I go first, you three stay here” said Vincent “I am heavier than all of you, if there is a trigger, it is more likely to be activated by weight than anything else”

“Be careful” said Nikko

Vincent nodded. Solomon made the other two move closer to the wall as he watched just in case Vincent needed his help. Calvin looked at Nikko.

“You seem to be concerned about Vincent all of a sudden, anything I should know” whispered Calvin.

“No, I would show the same concern if it was anyone else” replied Nikko quickly.

Calvin wasn’t convinced but left it there. Just as Vincent got about half way along the passage, there was a rumble underground and the floor of the passage just fell away, taking Vincent with it. Solomon and the others shouted but it was too late. The man had disappeared into a large hole.

Without warning, Vincent found himself falling down a shaft and hitting the ground hard, rocks falling on top of him. By the time the dust settled, he was unconscious and unable to hear Solomon shouting down to him.

“We have to get him out of there, he could be hurt” said Solomon “You’ll have to lower me down”

“No dad, let me go, it will be easier for you two to lower me down than to lower you. Please, trust me, I’ll be alright” said Nikko.

It was about 5 minutes before Vincent came round and holding his head, which hurt like hell, stood up and looked around him. He looked up the shaft and shouted to the others.

“Vincent, are you alright?” shouted back Solomon

“I think so, throw down a rope and I’ll climb out” he shouted up to them.

“No, one of us will come down, no-one does a climb like that on their own, you know that” shouted Solomon.

Vincent had to agree and so sat down to wait. This was a law made by Solomon a long time ago after a fellow climber fell while one his own. Since then he had made it a rule that it was safer with two than one climbing with no help at all.
Nikko had got the stuff together to go down after Vincent.

“Alright Nikko, but you will do exactly what I say. Once down there, tie the rope to Vincent and you come out together”

Nikko agreed and twenty minutes later, tied the rope round himself and lowered himself over the edge of the hole. They had to get the harness set up for safety. His father and Calvin lowered him down, they had no idea how deep the shaft was but they couldn’t just leave Vincent down there. It was about 100ft before Nikko shouted that he was at the bottom.

He turned around and saw Vincent sitting on a rock holding his head. He quickly untied himself and ran over to him.

“Vincent, are you alright? God I was so scared when you fell” he said.

“I’m fine, just a headache. Why did you come down, it isn’t safe”

“I persuaded dad that as I was the lightest. Anyway, this place isn’t safe for anyone”

Nikko knew that they couldn’t stay there long without his father wondering what was going on, so he shouted up to his father to throw down the other rope.

“It’s secure Nikko, get Vincent to start up first and then you one minute behind him, okay. Shout when your ready”

“Alright dad. Come on Vincent, let’s get out of here”

Vincent was already standing behind him and took the rope to tie round his waist. As he looked up from tying the rope, he felt dizzy and held onto the wall to steady himself.

“Hey you okay?” said Nikko looking over as he tied his own rope.

“Yes, just a little dizzy, I’ll be…fine…let’s…”

He never finished the sentence as he collapsed to the floor. Nikko ripped the rope off himself and ran to the mans side. He was out cold and examining him carefully, Nikko found a large gash at the back of his head where he had lost quite a bit of blood. Leaving him for a moment, he went to the bottom of the shaft and shouted up.

“DAD, Vincents collapsed. He has a gash on the back of his head about 2 inches long and it looks like he has lost quite a bit of blood. There is no way you will be able to pull him up, is there any other way out of here” shouted Nikko

“What’s his overall condition Nikko?” shouted Calvin

“His pulse is slow and weak, his pupils are dialated and he is not coming round any time soon”

Solomon looked worried and flicked through the books he had. There must be another way out of there. Nikko was right there was no way two of them could pull Vincent out of there easily unconscious.
At the back of the book, was directions to another entrance around the other side of the ridge but it would take hours to get there and more hours to get inside.

“We have no choice” said Calvin

“I am not leaving them down there, there must be another way” said Solomon.

“Look, lower a first aid kit, food and water to them and let’s get going. They will be alright for a while. Vincent could come round in a few minutes or not at all and need urgent medical attention. We have no choice Solomon”

The man knew Calvin was right but it didn’t make it any easier to leave his son and friend for anything longer than a few minutes. But he shouted down to Nikko and told him what they were going to do.

“Why didn’t we go that way in the first place dad?” shouted Nikko.

“Because I was in a hurry as usual Nikko, I’m sorry. I took short cuts. You’ll be fine, just take care of Vincent. We’ll be as quick as we can”

Nikko wasn’t surprised at his father taking short cuts again, he had done it before. Now all they could do was wait and hope that Vincent was okay. The young man couldn’t bear it if anything happened to him so soon after what they had done.
He took off his jacket and placed it under Vincents head, then he got the water and placed it to the mans lips. Managing to get some water into him, he pulled the mans coat together to keep him warm. All he could do now was sit with him and make sure he didn’t get any worse. After a couple of hours there had been no change and Nikko laid down beside Vincent and tried to sleep. It would be better than pacing the floor.

It took Solomon and Calvin five hours to get to where the other entrance was only to find it was blocked by a landslide. They would have to dig a way through and that would take them even longer than they had anticipated.

“Perhaps in future you will not take short cuts to get the job done faster” said Calvin.

“Shutup, I don’t need you to tell me my faults. I know them only too well. Just help me move this stuff” said Solomon.

Calvin thought better than to make any more comments while Solomon was in this mood. He just hoped they would be in time, for both men.

Nikko woke up and found that Vincent was awake and sitting up. He jumped up and grabbed the man.

“Vincent, are you alright, I’ve been so worried. You wouldn’t wake up and….”

“Hey, slow down. I think I’m alright. My head is thumping but I don’t feel dizzy any more. What happened?” he asked.

Nikko explained about him collapsing just as they were about to go up the shaft and what Solomon was doing when they realized that they couldn’t pull him up unconscious. He passed him some water.

“Let me see your head. That is quite a gash you have on the back, I need to make sure it is not bleeding” said Nikko.

“So your father was in a rush again. There was no need to come that way after all. Wait till I see him. This time he has put others at risk and it has to stop” said Vincent.

“He must have had a reason?” said Nikko.

“You have no idea what it is, have you? Why he wanted to find the Eternal Flame”

“Because it is in my mothers notes and the next relic on the list” replied Nikko

Vincent had stood up and walked over to the other side of the cave, holding on to the wall as he felt a bit giddy again. He tried not to let Nikko see. In fact, he felt terrible, he was having trouble seeing and guessed that the knock on the back of his head had caused more damage than at first thought.

“He wants to find the flame so that when your mother is found, he can put her in there and she will return to him” said Vincent.

“My God, he can’t be serious” said Nikko “She has been dead all these years and there is no way to find her, let alone bring her back to life.

“Well there is no need to worry about that now, we have to keep warm and hope that they aren’t too long in reaching us. I don’t think the air will last for that long down here” said Vincent.

Nikko couldn’t stand it any longer, he got up and ran to Vincent and the man wrapped his arms round him, kissing the top of his head.

“I know we wanted to be alone but I think even we have gone too far” said Vincent trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Nikko smiled and led Vincent back to where the supplies were and poured out some coffee from the flask and handed it to the man. They may as well make themselves comfortable while they waited.

Solomon and Calvin had managed to get inside the cave on the other side of the ridge and estimated that it would take them another 2 hours to reach Nikko and Vincent. As they walked through they found a passageway that according to the drawings would lead to the flame.

“I am beginning to wish I had come this way in the first place” said Solomon “I swear that I’ll never put my son at risk again for my own selfish ends”

“Well I think Nikko and Vincent will have something to say about that when we find them, don’t you” replied Calvin.

“You know something” said Nikko “When we get out of here, I am going to make love to you till you can take no more”

“Oh yeah, didn’t you do that the other night” laughed Vincent.

He pulled the man into his arms and they kissed passionately, tongues dueling, their breathing getting erratic. The next thing Nikko felt was a hand being wrapped around his hardening cock. Somehow Vincent had managed to undo his trousers and push his pants down. The young man gasped at the touch and rolled over, taking Vincent with him.

Moving down, Vincent pulled the jeans further down and holding the base of the mans cock, took him in his mouth. Nikko arched against him, this was the one thing that hadn’t happened the other night and he couldn’t stand the feelings that Vincent was producing. No-one had ever deep-throated him before and it was out of this world. It didn’t take long before he came and he had to bit on his hand to stop himself shouting out, just in case it echoed and his father heard the scream.

Vincent took his mouth away and moved up to kiss Nikko and for the first time, he tasted himself on the lips of his lover. It was exquisite and he tightened his grip on Vincent.

“I need you…inside me….please” he gasped “Can’t wait any longer”

“Are you sure, we should wait till we get back, you never been fucked like that before”

“I know, neither had you but I want you…oh please Vincent…please fuck me…now”

“Yes I had but not for many years, this will be your first time ever”

Nikko insisted so getting some of the cum, Vincent got Nikko to kneel and gently he inserted his finger into the young man. He felt him tense up and kissing along his spine, he tried to get him to relax. Soon he had relaxed enough for Vincent to get three fingers inside and he finger fucked him, the young man, moaning and pushing back, begging for more.

Suddenly he felt an emptiness as Vincent removed his fingers and undoing his trousers, took his now weeping cock and positioned it at the entrance, pushing slowly in. Nikko took it all and pushed back as if he had been doing this all his life.

“Harder…for Gods sake harder…” he moaned loudly.

Soon the only sound that could be heard were two bodies slapping together as Vincent fucked him good. Soon he felt himself cuming and told Nikko to cum with him. Within a few minutes, both men were exhausted and sated, breathing heavy on the sandy floor.

“We had better clean up, in case your father arrives” said Vincent getting a cloth from the rucksack, throwing it in the corner when he had finished “Are you alright Nikko?”

The young man took Vincents face in both hands and kissed him softly.

“More than alright…I think I am falling in love with you” he said softly.

“Oh Nikko, I fell in love with you the first time you kissed me”

Standing up Vincent made sure that there was no evidence of what they had done. Nikko tidied himself up and poured another coffee, which by now was cold but he needed something.

“Vincent do you want one?” he asked.

The man was leaning on the wall holding his head again. Nikko got up and went over to him.

“Vincent, are you alright…Vincent…what is it?”

“I suddenly got this pain in my head and…I can’t see Nikko…I can’t see”

He collapsed against the young man, who helped him sit down, then getting the torch, shone it into the mans eyes.

“Can you see anything?” he asked.

“Just a dim light, shadows, nothing else”

“Okay take it easy, it must be something to do with that knock on the head. Look we’ll be out of here soon, it can’t be much longer. Then we’ll get you to hospital”

Nikko could see the tears in the mans eyes and he pulled him into his arms and held him tight. At that moment, he didn’t care who found them, Vincent needed him.

About half an hour later, they heard a rustling and Solomon and Calvin appeared through the other side of the cave. Nikko jumped up but not before Solomon saw him.

“Dad, we have to get Vincent to hospital, he came round and seemed fine but about an hour ago, he felt dizzy, got this pain in his head and now he can’t see”

“Vincent…let me see”

“Remind me to kill you when we get out of here and I can see you” said Vincent

Solomon knew by the tone of his voice that he meant every word so he lightened the mood quickly.

“Come on, we can be out of here in half an hour. It took us a long time because there had been a rock fall and we had to move that first. There is a helicopter waiting at the top of the ridge. I radioed through when we left you” he said.

Vincent allowed himself to be helped up by Calvin. He prayed that this thing wouldn’t last long, it was scaring him. He needed Nikko and called his name.

“It’s okay Calvin, I’ll help him” said Nikko, wrapping his arm round the mans waist.

“I’ve got you, hang on, we’ll soon be out of here” he whispered.

They were soon all on the helicopter and flying out of there. Solomon had said they would go back but not before Vincent was well again. Later that day at the hospital in the main city, the doctor told them that Vincent should have his sight back within a couple of days. The blow on the head had only jarred the nerves and with rest and medication he would be fine.

“Thank God” said Solomon.

When the doctor had gone, Nikko turned to his father.

“Vincent told me the real reason you wanted to find the flame. You’re crazy dad, nothing can bring mum back, not God, not me, not you and certainly not any stupid flame. What were you thinking? When we went to Antarctica you told me we worked as a team and didn’t take risks. Now what are you doing, taking risks and it could have caused Vincent to lose his sight. I’ve had it with you dad, you’re a hypocrite”

“That’s enough Nikko. I did it because I believed that it might bring back someone I loved, I was willing to take that risk” said Solomon.

“Oh so you didn’t care about Vincent, Calvin or me, just the great Solomon Zond, that is all that matters” replied Nikko “You’ve never wanted me here and today proved it. You don’t know how to love a living person”

Nikko knew he had gone too far and wasn’t surprised when Solomon went to slap him across the face but stopped short and looked at his sons face. Nikko, with tears in his eyes, left the room.

“Nikko…I’m sorry…come back please” pleaded Solomon knowing her also had gone too far.

Calvin just looked at his boss and walked out of the room. When he got back to the hotel he found Nikko in his room and he could see he had been crying.

“Thought you would want to know, Vincent’s sight has come back, the second lot of drops worked and they are letting him out tomorrow” said Calvin.

“Thank you…where’s dad?” he asked.

“In the bar, getting drunk I reckon. Look I’m not taking sides but you were both out of order at the hospital. You both need to sort out your problems and stop trying to gain points with each other”

“I know, I’ll try when he comes back”

Calvin was about to go when he remembered something.

“By the way, your dad saw you holding Vincent when we found you and it wasn’t the way you would hold someone who had only lost their sight. Look it’s none of my business but if there is anything going on between you and Vincent, don’t let you dad find out. Believe me he will kill Vincent and I say that not lightly”

Nikko looked at Calvin and knew there was nothing to say, he knew and all Nikko did was nodd his head in understanding.
Later that night, he heard his father come in and went to see him. He was surprised to see that he wasn’t drunk in the slightest. The man turned round when he heard the door go.

“Dad are you alright?”

“Yes, I think so…you?”

“Mmm…I’m sorry about what I said, I didn’t mean it” said Nikko

“I know, I think we both said things we shouldn’t have said. you were right though, I am obsessed with your mother and I should accept that she is dead and I am never going to see her again. I love you Nikko, I really do and I am sorry if I have not shown it. If you want to, I’d still like to carry on your mothers work and find out what she discovered but no more silly dreams of bringing her back” said Solomon.

Nikko walked over to his father and the man pulled him into his arms and hugged him.

“I agree if you promise me one thing” said Nikko

“What’s that?”

“That we forget about this eternal flame and never, ever take risks again, we go together or not at all”

Solomon agreed and was about to ask his son something else but decided against it.

“Go on, go to bed and we will go home as soon as Vincent is back, okay”

“Oh Calvin said that he had his sight back, the medication worked, he is being released tomorrow” said Nikko.

“Good, then I’ll change the flight, we can be home by tomorrow night”

Twenty-four hours later they were back at the lab and apartments, Vincent was feeling better and his eyesight was improving minute by minute, the others had showered and gone out for a quick meal leaving Solomon writing. Once he knew they were gone, he got up and walked down to Vincents room.
The man looked up as he walked in, but carried on with what he was doing just asking Solomon what he wanted.

“What do I want…this” he said.

He swung the chair that Vincent was sitting on round and hit him hard in the face. Being taken by surprise, the man flew backwards and was stunned for a few seconds as to why he had been hit.

“Come on…get up you bastard” Solomon shouted at him.

“What…what’s going on, what the hell did you do that for?” said Vincent getting up, holding his jaw.

Solomon had better have a bloody good reason or he was going to kill him.

“Why did I do that, because of what you have been doing to Nikko, I heard you, you bastard, he is my son”

He flew at Vincent before giving him a chance to explain and knocked the hell out of him, leaving him in a bloody heap on the floor, before leaving the room.
Solomon had gone out by the time the others returned and they assumed that him and Vincent had gone for a drink. Getting the sphere out of its box, they placed it on the lab table and all looked and listened to it.

“I have fed all the data into the computer but still can’t find any reason for this humming. Any ideas anyone?” asked Maggie.

“What if it is a signal…either too somewhere or from somewhere, maybe outer space” said Calvin.

“I wondered that the other night, it seems louder when it is dark” replied Nikko.

“Well, these markings must mean something” said Calvin

Back in Vincents room, he was coming round and managed to get up, his nose was bleeding and his mouth was swollen plus his sides hurt where Solomon had kicked him. How the hell had he found out about him and Nikko. He got to the door of the room and opened it, he could hear voices in the lab and slowly, walked, well staggered down the hall.

“Okay, let’s see if any of the drawings are…oh my God Vincent!” said Maggie

They all turned round to see Vincent leaning against the door frame, blood covering his face and holding his side. Calvin was closest and in two strides was at the mans side as it looked like he was going to pass out but didn’t. Nikko also rushed to his side.

“Get him over to the sofa” said Juliet “and bring me some water and the medical chest”

“Who the hell did this?” asked Nikko.

“Your dad…somehow he knows” replied Vincent.

Nikko couldn’t believe it, how had his father found out. He looked at Calvin and the man knew what he was thinking.

“I didn’t say anything, I swear, none of my business” he said his hands in the air.

Just then the door closed and Solomon walked in. he saw Vincent on the sofa and pushing past Maggie, went to fly at him again. Calvin grabbed him and tried to stop him. He pushed him aside and jumped on the man who defended himself with his hands, he didn’t want to get into a major fight with this man.

“LEAVE HIM” shouted Nikko

But the man took no notice, not until a shot echoed round the room and they all stopped dead and turned round. Nikko had got the gun out of the desk and fired it into the air.

“Get away from him dad or I swear I’ll shoot”

“Put the gun down Nikko, he is the one you want to shoot, not me” said Solomon.

“Why what has he done to you?”

“What do you mean what has he done, he raped you last night, a young boy, he deserves whatever he gets” shouted Solomon and he punched Vincent again.

This time the shot was closer and ricocheted off the wall, just missing his dad and Vincent. His father got up this time.

“Right, for one dad, Vincent did not rape me, I seduced him the night he brought the sphere back. Two, I am not a young boy, I am a young man who has known that he prefers men to girls since I was 10 years old. Trouble is dad, you have never been around, never asked about my private life. Yes I’ve been out with girls but have never fancied them in that way. I have had male lovers since I was 13. As for Vincent, he didn’t want to go with me at first, I had to persuade him. So don’t you dare accuse him of rape and never, ever touch him like this again or so help me dad, I’ll kill you” said Nikko.

They all stood around the room, looking stunned at the statement Nikko had just dished out, no-one more so than Vincent and his father. Glaring at his son, the man grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the place. Nikko put the gun down and went over to Vincent.

“Are you alright? Juliet is he going to be okay?” Nikko asked.

“He will be fine, just needs a bit TLC. You certainly know how to drop a bombshell” she said.

“Nikko, go and find your father” said Vincent “Sort this out, for me”

“After what he has done” replied Nikko.

“Because of what he has done, if you don’t, things may get worse” he said.

Nikko knew he was right, he had hated pulling the gun but it was the only way he knew that would stop his father. He bent down and kissed Vincent, right in front of everyone and then walked out of the door. He knew where his father would be, the park across the road. He was right and saw him sitting on a bench by the lake.

“Dad…I’m sorry…can we talk?”

“I suppose…”

Nikko could see that he had been crying and he hadn’t done that since his mother had died. He sat beside him and looked at his face.

“Look please don’t say anything till I have finished. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pull the gun but I had to stop you. Vincent didn’t do anything that I didn’t want him to do. I meant it when I said I seduced him. After you went out that night, I went to help him with the sphere. After a while his neck was hurting and I gave him a massage, suddenly he got up and left. So I followed him and he told me to leave, but I knew he felt something and I refused to go. We ended up making love. Dad I am not a kid any more. Can I ask you something personnal?”

“Yes, within reason” said Solomon.

“When you were with mum, when you, you know, had sex, how did she make you feel?”

“Nikko, I think that is a bit too personal especially as you are my son”

“Please dad, tell me”

Solomon sat there for a moment and then looking across the lake….

“She made me feel good, she knew just how to turn me on, to love me and when I said the other day, the night I went out with Bella, that it was a dry spell, I meant it. I don’t think I could find anyone who made me feel like she did”

“It’s the same for me and Vincent…..”

“How the hell can it be the same?” said Solomon

“Just listen dad….when he touches me, I feel like every nerve ending is on fire, not a burning fire but a sensual, erotic fire that turns me inside out. I never want it to end, we become one, we fly dad, that’s the only way I can describe it, we fly”

Solomon was miles away, what his son described was exactly what his mother used to do to him… he heard Nikko calling him.

“Did you hear what I said?” he asked.

“Yes, every word…it was like you were describing your mother and me. Oh Nikko what have I done. I had no idea”

“You never stopped to ask, you just ploughed in, you could have killed Vincent, you know he is not 100%, he only came out of hospital yesterday…I love him dad, I love him so much and I love you too. But please don’t make me choose”

Solomon looked at him and for the first time, saw that he WAS no longer a kid but a young man who happened to prefer men. He grabbed him and pulled him into his arms, both of them in tears. They stayed like that for a while and then getting up, they walked back to the lab.
When they went in, Vincent was in his room and the others were still looking at the sphere, they turned.

“Okay, I have something to say, Calvin go and get Vincent please”

A few minutes later, the man came in, a few cuts and bruises but a lot better than he had. He was a bit wary at first.

“Okay people, I have something to say. Vincent I am sorry, I can’t say it any plainer, I got it wrong and Nikko has explained a few things to me. The rest of you, I have excepted that Nikko is no longer a child and has his own life to lead. If that includes Vincent in it, then I have to abide with that. I can’t lose him as well and I certainly don’t want to lose your friendship either Vincent…okay”

He went over and held a hand out to the man, who looking at Nikko took it, knowing that no more would be said on the subject. He was about to say something else when Nikko interrupted.

“Now I want to say something. I know it has been a shock to you that I am gay..Calvin you’re safe before you start worrying…but me and Vincent are an item, I don’t know for how long, some things don’t last for ever, I have come to realize that but at the moment he is all I ever want. I…I love him, so you are going to have to put up with us. That’s it”

Vincent didn’t what to say and disappeared back to his room before he embarrassed himself. The others all smiled and nodded. Nikko followed Vincent.

“Come on, let’s have another look at this thing before we got onto the next mission” said Solomon.

Nikko walked into Vincents room without knocking, the man was looking out of the window, tears were on his cheek. No-one had openly said they loved him before and it shocked him. He didn’t hear the door open, nor the man walk over not until his felt him touch his shoulder. Thinking it was Solomon, he swung round. Nikko saw the tears.

“Oh Vince, come here…I never meant to hurt you” he said.

“You didn’t hurt me, I…couldn’t believe it when you said you loved me in front of everyone, no-one has ever done that before. I’ve always been a loner, no-one ever stays that long”

Nikko pulled him into his arms and kissed him, trying not to hurt his lip, but Vincent didn’t care, he pushed the man onto the bed and clothes were ripped off as they needed to touch flesh, not caring that the others were only down the hall. Soon they were both riding that roller coaster to oblivion.

Solomon went past the room and guessing what was going on, not liking too much yet, went back into the lab and shut the door. He would show them what their next mission would be later.
