Untitled drabble



Pairing: Harry/Lee

pov: Chip

based on: "X-Factor"

word count: 105 words

Notes: Another one of the unfinished and stilling around ficlet :)

Untitled drabble
by Heidi

Chip walked into the Admiral's office, his own stomach tight with the news he had to give. News he wished he didn't have to report. News that they still hadn't found the Admiral.

Lee was hurting and more than anything, he wished he could reach out and comfort his friend. Lee wouldn't want platitudes and sympathetic gestures, not when the man he loved was missing and possibly dead. He started to reach for Lee but checked his motion before he connected with his friend's shoulder. clenching his fist, he made his decision. If he couldn't comfort Lee, he'd do whatever Lee needed him to do.