Title: A Profile of Ian Nottingham
Author/pseudonym: Kirana
Fandom: Witchblade
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Status: New/Complet
Archive: WWOMB, Mareen's site, all others ask.
Feedback: Is a good thing
E-mail address for feedback:
kirana_44@hotmail.comSeries/Sequel: Nope
Other websites:
http://members.fortunecity.com/kirana44/Disclaimers: I’m not disclaim this.
Notes: I wrote this after watching witchblade for close to four hours, I blame it on that.
Summary: exactly what the title says.
A Profile of Ian Nottingham
by Kirana
Ian Nottingham is a much more complex person than he first appears.
At first glance he seems to be totally loyal to Kenneth Irons, to be completely submissive to him.
But then with further observation it is obvious that he is not. Ian seems to rebel against Kenneth where Sara Pezzini is concerned. He appears to want to help her learn more, or at lest not impede her, about the herself and the Witchblade, and generally more than
Kenneth want him to let her.
In several instances Ian goes against Kenneth’s expressed wishes to help Sarah out. He also seems to spend more time following Sara and watching her back than he is specifically ordered to.
It is quite possible that with only a minimum of effort Sara could convince Ian to switch his alliance entirely to her.