FIC: Duke's Blade

Author: Selena

Fandoms: Dukes of Hazzard and Witchblade

Pairing: Eventually Luke/Sara

rating: PG 13


Warning: This is very silly and not for one minute should be taken seriously

Summery: Something strange happened and now the witchblade is on the wrist of Daisy Duke.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters in these shows, or any of the shows mentioned in the story. I only own the ones I made up, if there are any made up one’s in the story yet, I don’t know if there will be.

Duke’s Blade
By Selena

Sara woke up from her dream with a start. Immediately she felt her wrist, the Witchblade was gone, again. She still did not understand the powers behind the Witchblade, or why she was the one chosen to wield it. Maybe chosen wasn’t the right word; the blade was constantly testing her. And it never seemed to be enough. She had gone through hell and back for that thing, yet it always seemed to be looking for an alternative wielder. So far it had always come back to her. Where was it this time? Would it come back? And what would she have to do to earn it back?

Her cell phone rang. She answered it after the first ring.


“So it’s gone then,” the soft male voice on the line said matter of factly.

“Gabriel?” Sara asked, slightly shocked. “What?”

“The Witchblade. It’s gone.”

“How the hell did you know that?”

“So I’m right?” He sounded strange, puzzled.

“I’ll ask again, how did you know that?”

Gabriel didn’t answer right away, Sara could hear him breathing.

“I don’t Know” He said eventually. “For the last few weeks I have felt like it’s calling to me. It’s so strange. I woke up this morning from the strangest dream. And I felt like I was gone, but you know, I was still here. It was the blade that was gone. I knew it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about this.”

“I just did. I didn’t tell you about it before coz I knew you would freak.”

“Right, coz you know, I am freaking.”

“Come over, I will help you find it.”

“Right, five minutes” She hung up. She got out of bed, and pulled on the jeans she had been wearing last night. They were still on the floor where she had dropped them before falling into bed. She put on her coat, knowing that it would be freezing out, and picked up he gun. She didn’t know why she felt the need to carry it. She didn’t like to have it on her when she wasn’t on official business. She was like that even before the Witchblade found her. She was only going to Gabriel’s. If she were honest with herself she would admit that it was because she didn’t fully trust him anymore. Ever since she had taken down Cyberfaust. He claimed not to remember anything that happened that day, but she wasn’t so sure. He had been distant, and now this thing with the Blade. And his hand. The two rings intertwined burned onto his flesh, just like irons. Holstering her weapon she left her apartment.

She was right, it did only take her five minutes for her to reach Gabriel’s shop. She and her Beaull ran every red light from here to there.

“Found it yet?” She said as soon as she walked through the door.

“Well hello and good morning to you to, chief” there was every hint of sarcasm in his voice.

“I don’t like this.” She snapped. “I don’t like not knowing where it is, I don’t like not knowing who has it and what they could be doing with it.”

“Easy, chief. I understand.”

“And I don’t like it calling to you.” She turned to look him in the eye. “And what do you mean it calls to you? How? Why? Are you turning into Irons now? Do you know my every move? Gonna start leaving me crazy messages from beyond the grave?”

“Whoa, Sara. Chill, it’s not like that. I just feel this connection with it, I kinda like it, and it means that I am connected to you, in a way. It feels good.”

“Oh” Sara said, softening a little. “Right” She looked away from him, to his desk. There were maps all over the place. “What are you doing?”

Gabriel grinned.

“I had this idea, that since the Blade called out to me, maybe it would point me to where ever it is.”

“That’s great. Did it?”

Gabriel looked down at the floor

“No, it didn’t. But I do know where it is.”

Sara scowled.

“Just out with it, Bowman. This cryptic crap is annoying me.”

Gabriel walked over to his vast bookshelf; glancing over the volumes he selected one and handed it to her. The cover read: Quantum Slides, by Dr Al. S. Beckett. “What the hell is this?”

“There is a theory that there is more than one dimension. There are thousands and they are all different. They all exist at the same time, the same
place. They are every where.”

“Yeah, I know this. I have seen the T.V show.”

“This isn’t a T.V show, this is real. They are real, and the Blade has gone to one of them.”


“I don’t know. Maybe to give you something to do, maybe it thought it would make a good story. I don’t know. Whatever the reason it is done now. But the answer is in that book. Open it.”

“Where to?”

“It doesn’t matter. Open it.”

Sara opened the book in the middle. Instantly the picture on the page jumped out at her. It looked like a family photo that could have been taken by anyone, the caption underneath said that Dr. Beckett had taken it when he had visited this world. The three faces smiled up at her. Two good-looking young men and an attractive woman. It was the woman that had caught her eye, she had an arm around the dark haired one, and on her wrist she was wearing the Witchblade.

“Holy crap.”

“Yup, that’s what I thought too.”

“So, do you have any idea just how we can get to this place.” Sara asked. “This. . . . . . Hazzard County?”