Type: definitely a PWP
Rating: FRAO is the new term, I guess
This was actually written for Peja's "60 second Porn" challenge on the Fanfic H/C list, but could also apply here for the "Skinner's got a secret" challenge.

By Longdog

It's late at night when he corners me in his office, the door locked. Skinner gives me that "look", and I obediently strip. He shoves me up against the wall, and I feel him shove a lubed finger into me. I'm lucky I get that much prep. He hands me a condom, which I slip on my instantly hard cock, not that I'm going to get to use it. I hear his zipper go down, and I brace myself.

His other hand comes up to cover my mouth, and I know this is going to be a fast, rough fuck. I feel the blunt head of his massive cock against my ass, and then he enters me with one hard thrust, my cry of pain and joy muffled. He pauses for a few seconds, but then lust gets the better of him and, growling in my ear, he begins pounding into my ass. I can hardly get my breath as his powerful thrusts drive the air from my lungs. My sweet spot is taking a beating as the head of his cock slides by, the stimulation wringing soft whimpers from me. He's fucking me so hard against the wall that my hipbones are going to be bruised tomorrow, but I don't care. It feels too good.

"My bitch," he breathes in my ear. "Such a tight ass. You sweet fuck!" He loves to talk dirty to me, and I love hearing it. He pounds ever harder and faster into my ass, and I can no longer tell whether it's pain or ecstasy I'm feeling. I want to reach down and jerk myself off, but I don't dare. But I don't need to anyway, since the heavy pounding of my prostate has me on the edge of orgasm.

"I'm gonna fill your ass with my come, bitch. You're mine. My come's gonna run out your asshole and down your legs." He growls again and shoves harder, mashing my iron-hard cock against the wall. It drives me over the edge, and I come hard, my cry smothered by his big hand. He drives into me four or five more times, and then with a hard bite to the nape of my neck, he shoves his cock even deeper into me and freezes. With a cross between a grunt and a groan, he comes deep in my ass…I can feel his cock pulsing as his hot come fills me.

As I moan softly, he bites me one more time while the last aftershocks of his orgasm move through him. We stand coupled together for a few minutes, gasping for breath, and then he pulls out roughly.

I lean against the wall trying to recover, semen running down my thighs, as he steps back to admire his handiwork. He likes to see what he does to me as much as I like him doing it. I know I am to stay in place till he releases me. He so loves his little domination games, and I love him enough to submit.

"Okay Mulder," he says finally, and I know it's over…for now. I remove the condom, and reach for my clothes.

Yes, I'm his dirty little secret….and I love it.