Choices: Prey

By Kat Sanders

9 February 2000

Fandom: XMen

Pairing: Wolverine/Remy

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and I am not making any money off this story. If you are underage where you live, go away!

Summary: PWP W/? Wolverine is on the hunt, but who is his prey?

Notes: This is the third in a collection series. This collection is called Choices. Each story will take place in a different fandom. If you are interested in reading the other stories, please email me and I will send them to you. The fandoms are Buffy/Angel (1), Sentinel (2), Marvel (3), Poltergeist (4), Voyager (5), and Anita Blake (6). Feel free to archive.


Choices 3: Prey

By Kat Sanders

Wolverine prowled around the X-men Mansion. He was bored. It had been far to quiet for far to long. He almost wished for a super villain to threaten the world just so he could have something to do. All his skills were getting rusty. He needed to hunt, but who would be his prey.

Wolverine prowled into the kitchen and spotted Iceman. Would he do? Nah, to easy. Iceman always made way to much noise. What was the challenge in that? Wolverine left the kitchen before Iceman could speak around the bagel in his mouth.

Wolverine paused outside Xavier's office. His enhanced hearing picked up Xavier, Cyclops and Jean Grey going over battle plans. Xavier would read his mind before he could get close, and Jean would never approve of Cyclops as Wolverine's prey.

Wolverine headed down the hall towards the living room. He could hear Storm and Rogue arguing. Something about Storm making it rain on Rogue every time she left the house. It seemed that Storm was still a little pissed about Rogue leaving Remy out in the cold.

Wolverine walked in the living room to see Joseph slack jaw stare at the two women. Wolverine shook his head. No challenging prey here. He turned and headed out of the living room.

Wolverine's head jerked up, as he smelled a particular scent. He heard the front door close and then the roar of a Harley. That's it.

Wolverine's grin turned feral. He eyes shown bright. He took a cigar out and lit it. He knew his prey. He knew his prey's watering holes. He was ready to hunt the Cajun...
