Title: Dark Dreams

Author: Phantasmas aka Phan

Pairing: X-Men: Remy/Bobby

Rating: PG-13? Could get worse ;)

Summary: Remy starts to have disturbing dreams (not about Antarctica either, evil grin follows)

Archive: Yes, but please tell me where so I can do a happy dance and squeal.


Series/Sequel: More if enough people beg. Come on, Please beg. Please.

Web Page: None

Disclaimer: Please don’t sue. The X-Men, X-Mansion, and other X-Stuff are Marvel’s, they are not Mine. The only ones I would want are Remy & Bobby. And they wouldn’t leave my sight, at least not without an armed escort. And I would have handcuffs, squezie-cheese, and a large supply of peanut putter! And..., anyway on to the story!

Additional Disclaimer: Kids, don’t try this at home without your parents supervision. ;p

Warnings: First Post. Had 5 hours sleep, Idea hit at 7:20 in morning. Had to write it down. Apologize if Gambit’s accent is wrong, please don’t throw things. And without further delay, the story.

Dark Dreams
By Phantasmas

Gambit pulled up to the X-mansion at 3 AM. Nothing at all out of the ordinary, except that he hadn't taken his lover with him. Muttering to himself Remy shook his head feeling his auburn hair float free.

"Merde." Remy muttered. "No helmet. Anoder ting f' Drake t' bitch abou'." He sighed and closed his eyes. ~No,~ he said to himself, ~Bobby doesn' 'bitch'. He cares and let's y' know dat he cares. How did he ever get mixed up wit' me?~

Getting off his bike, Remy walked to the front door. ~Got to apologize. Don't remember what we fought over, but dat didn' stop Remy from apologizing to da ladies now, Did it?~ Remy chuckled, digging in his tight jeans for his key, Remy didn't notice that the front door was slightly ajar, until he put his key in the lock. Or tried to put his key in. ~Dat's strange~ Remy thought.

Gambit drew cards from one of the many decks he had stashed in his jacket. Charging them up, he prepared to throw them at any ambusher or ambushers that attacked him. Silently opening the door enough to let him pass, he stole into the entrance as smooth and invisible as a shadow.

With his unique vision and by the glow of the cards Gambit noticed objects on the wood floor of the entrance. He squatted down and picked up one of the objects, never taking his eyes off the other doors into the hall. It was a rose petal. A line of rose petals, and they lead up to the family room door. A warm glow leaked out from under that self same door.

Remy chuckled to himself, decharging the cards. ~Guess mon ami isn't going t' let me off dat easy.~ Standing up, he closed the front door, and walked to the family room entrance. Making sure his boot steps were audible, he reached the door and slowly opened it, savoring the sight before him.

All the furniture had been pushed back against the walls. The fireplace had a cozy fire lit and glowing candles covered every flat surface in the room. Giving the room an airy, erotic, twilight look. The line of rose petals continued into the room, up to a fake bear skin run in the middle with a plate of dark chocolates near by. A bowl of fresh strawberries, and a chilled bottle of champagne with two half filled glasses were next to chocolates.

And most of all, on the rug, was Bobby, his truest love. He lay on his side with one arm holding up his head and the other in front of him petting the rug. Bobby's lightly toned muscular form was clothed only in a white silk robe that wasn't tied closed. One flap of the robe flowed across the rug and the other covered his apparent arousal.

"Hi Handsome" Bobby whispered as he looked at Remy, his warm brown eyes half closed and a sensually lazy smile on his cute face. "Come here often?" he seductively inquired, with raised eyebrows. Remy crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway.

"Not as often as I would like," Remy answered, with a raised eyebrow and smirk. Bobby blushed and demurely looked down at the floor, his brown bangs covering his forehead. Remy looked at Bobby hungrily. ~He did all dis f' me, f' us. He's so shy when we are around da others, but when we're alone... He can be like an untamed tiger.~ "Cher..." Remy began softly as he quickly walked into the room and knelt down by the rug. "I want to apolo..."

Bobby looked up and stopped his words with a finger against his lips, frowned and shushed him.

"A kiss first, then you can apologize for being a prick." Bobby informed him. Both Remy's eyebrows went up at that ultimatum.

Grinning Remy cocked his head to the side. ~A prick? I t'ought y' liked it when I'm a prick!~ he almost teased out loud.

Bobby moved his hand from Remy's lips and placed it on Remy's jean clad muscular thigh. He tilted his head up, closed his eyes and waited for Remy.

Remy placed his hand against Bobby's cheek, enjoying the feel of his lover's skin against his palm. Slowly moving his hand, Remy drew his fingers along Bobby's jaw line and under his chin, slowly tilting Bobby's face up toward him. Remy moved forward, closed his eyes and prepared himself to feel Bobby's soft lips against his.

Remy frowned midway to the kiss as a growl came from Bobby's throat. Not a growl of lust, but of blood lust. Snapping open his eyes, Remy stared into the cold flat eyes of a merciless killer. Bobby's form had taken on a grayish, humped cast, a set of four dragonfly-like wings sprouted from his back. Multi-jointed legs grew out of his chest. His arms stretched and changed into thick tentacles. Bobby's hair fell out, his teeth became long and sharp, his head and face elongated becoming wedge shaped. His skin took on an armored appearance and his legs atrophied and withdrew into his body while a pair of long stingers grew out of his lower back and over his body .

Within moments, its metamorphoses complete, a Brood soldier crouched before Gambit. The Brood, an insectoid race of aliens that incubated inside human hosts. Preferably mutant hosts when they could manage it, because of the parasitic ability of the egg to 'absorb' the genetic abilities and powers of the host. Making the race more dangerous every generation.

"Non!" Remy screamed as he staggered and fell back, completely horrified. Robert Drake, his lover, was gone, transformed into a Brood soldier, forever lost to him.

Taking advantage of Gambit's shock, the Brood warrior wasted no time, it launched itself at him. Intending to impale the mutant on its stingers and paralyze him with its venom, making him a supreme candidate for egg implantation.

"Non!!!" Remy screamed as he abruptly sat up in bed. Completely drenched in sweat.

Bobby immediately moved over to hug his lover and comfort him.

Remy thrashed and fought wildly, throwing off Bobby's embrace. Escaping the grasp of his lover, Remy got up from the bed and backed up against a wall. Looking around the room, not knowing where he was, Remy covered his face with his hands and slid down the wall to the floor, Bobby followed him frantically trying to calm him down. Remy was shaking and sobbing Bobby's name over and over.

"Remy," Bobby called out to him, holding his hand hesitantly near Remy's shoulder, afraid to touch him least he set off another bought of flailing limbs. "It's ok. I'm here. You're awake now. The nightmare is over. Please look at me." Bobby was scared, Remy had never reacted this violently to a nightmare before.

"Bobby?" Remy quietly whispered as he moved his hands apart and looked at his lover. It had only been a dream, a fucking nightmare. He reached out, grabbed Bobby and embraced him. Holding Bobby's head against his chest, Remy kissed Bobby's hair and told him over and over, "Never going to leave y' alone again. Don' wanna lose y'."

Bobby ran his fingers along Remy's arms hugged him back, all the while whispering soft words of love and comfort.


After a while Remy loosed his hug enough for Bobby to be able to look up at Remy's tear stained face. Bobby had never seen Remy behave like this after a nightmare. Usually Remy grabbed at Bobby and hugged him for his warmth, not fighting any contact.

"Are you alright?" Bobby asked. Bobby's love and concern flowed into Remy's ragged mind like warm honey. "Was it about Antarctica?" Bobby knew Remy wouldn't talk about the dream unless Bobby made enough of a pest out of himself.

"Oui." Remy sighed. "Just 'noder nightmare." Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back and against the wall. Not wanting to look at his lover's deep brown eyes. Remy had a perfect poker face, but Bobby has become adapt at reading his red on black eyes. Remy didn't want to upset Bobby anymore then he already was.


Outside the Mansion, in the woods, a shadowy figure watched the no longer sleeping lovers.

"You will be mine again LeBeau." The being stated quietly to the night air. "Even if I have to break you down and put the pieces back together the way I want them."


To be continued????