Nine Months

by Morgana


Fandom: XMen

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Remy/Scott

Summary: What would it have been like for Remy and Scott if Apocalypse hadn't interfered and Remy had been nine months pregnant? This is just a little alternate ending for Return to Innocence. I'll be adding more scenes in a few days when I get back from my vacation and oh, yeah, Remy insisted this bit was NC-17

Many thanks to Mems for beta reading the parts

NOTE: These are four stories and should be read in the correct order, otherwise they won't make much sense. The Eyes Of A Child is the first story, followed by Shadows and Insanity. Return to Innocence is now finished. Please note that this story deals with rape and child abuse and is therefore rated NC-17.

Authors Warning! Please read this warning carefully and then decide whether or not to read "Eyes of a child".

In this story I describe Remy's childhood in an Alternate Universe. Remy escapes from the Antiquary, but ends up on the streets of New Orleans where he has to survive on his own. He doesn't have any real friends and is forced to sell his body to stay alive. Remy is a nine year hustler in this story and the sexual acts are described in a graphic manner. There is even one scene in which Remy faces rape. If you don't like to read these kind of stories go back and chose another story or go to another site. Please do not write me, telling me I've got a sick mind. This is fanfiction and like all my other stories this one will have a happy end.

Author's note - I stole Jean-Luc's speech from as I don't know too much about the subject myself. No copyright infringement is intended.

Nine Months

by Morgana


Peanut butter

A loud bang woke Scott and immediately he reached for his lover. Remy was nine months pregnant and really, although he loved him dearly, he was counting the days until the delivery. Living together had become hell. "What are you up to this time?"

Tired, Scott left the bed and draped a morning robe over his shoulders. The loud bangs originated from the kitchen and Scott shuddered involuntarily. What was it this time?

"Remy?" Stepping into the kitchen, he hid his smile just in time. Remy's mood swings were unpredictable and he didn't want to set off his lover because of an amused smile. Remy was sitting on the kitchen floor, surrounded by open jars, shredded packages and a box of cornflakes. "Remy? What are you doing? It's the middle of the night." But he already knew what was going on. Remy was craving a particular food item and...

"We're outta peanut butta..." Remy complained. "Why don' we have any peanut butta? I want some! If you love me, you'll get me some peanut butta...!" Waving his arms, he reached for Scott, who now sat on his heels beside him. "Sorry, cher... need peanut butta. De li'l one wants it."

Scott still hid his grin. Although Remy was a man, mood swings, food cravings and aches, had hit him just as hard as it did women. "If you want peanut butter, you'll get it. I'll drive over to the mansion and see if they have some."

"Non! You can' leave me 'lone! You've gotta stay!" Remy whimpered softly. His hand came to rest beneath his belly, supporting it. "Stop kickin' me! De baby's kickin' me..." Tears suddenly streamed down his cheeks. "I can' do dis anymore. You did dis to me!"

Scott allowed for a tiny smile to break through on his face. They had had this argument before. "Why don't you stay here while I give Bobby a call so he can check for the peanut butter?" He had lost count of the times that he had woken Bobby in the middle of the night because Remy was craving food. Remy nodded weakly and he quickly made the call.

"Bobby? I need your help."

Bobby yawned, stretched and yawned again. He had been expecting Scott to call. Remy was due in one week and getting crankier. "What does he want this time?"

"Peanut butter," Scott whispered, keeping an eye on his lover from the living room. They had retreated to the boathouse two months ago when Remy's condition had become clearly visible to everyone. Some team members hadn't hidden their disapproval and he had deemed it wiser to remove Remy from the mansion. And I love living here with him...

"Peanut butter? That shouldn't be a problem. I'll be with you in five."

"Thanks, Bobby."

"No problem, man..." Bobby got to his feet and slipped into some jeans and sweats. After saying good-bye to Scott on the phone, he moved downstairs to collect the peanut butter.


Back at the boathouse, Remy was drying his tears. "Cher, hate bein' dis emotional..."

Scott dropped the phone onto the couch and joined his lover on the kitchen floor. He wrapped his arms around Remy and rocked him slowly. "One more week, Remy, and then Hank and Nathan will perform the caesarian section... Our baby will be born in one week. You've got to hold onto that."

Remy nodded against his shoulder. "Why did I do dis?" At the time, carrying Scott's child had seemed a good idea, but now? "Cher, can' even see my feet anymore... Can' move 'round on my own... I'm fat... Why still want me?"

"Oh, Remy..." Scott kissed the top of Remy's head, tucking it beneath his chin. "I know it's been hard on you and I admire you for following through. I couldn't have done it." Remy smiled against his chest and his lover began to calm down. Using the empathic link that connected them, he sent his love and adoration into Remy's mind. "Just one more week, love, and then we'll be holding our child in our arms."

"I still want peanut butta..." But this time Remy managed a smile. "Help me to my feet?"

Scott almost suggested carrying him back to their bedroom, but Remy was too heavy and he didn't want to risk accidentally dropping his lover. He pulled Remy to his feet and watched his lover's eyes inspect the food items on the floor. "Anything you want?"

"De marmalade and some crackers, mais I've gotta have de peanut butta first..." He allowed Scott to lead him back to their room, knowing his lover would collect the items he desired later. "Sorry, I'm bein' a nuisance..."

"Remy, you're pregnant and this is perfectly normal behavior," he assured Remy as the Cajun tried to get comfortable in bed.

"Cher, stay?"

Scott grinned. "I thought you wanted that marmalade and some crackers?"

"You ain' fair, cher..." Remy closed his eyes. The little trip to the kitchen had exhausted him. "Hurry up."

Scott hurried back to the kitchen, cleaned up the mess and waited for Bobby to drop off the peanut butter. Bobby arrived five minutes later, iced up, and changed into human form as he entered the kitchen.

"That bad?" Bobby saw the dark circles under Scott's eyes. "It's only one more week."

"That's what I keep telling Remy. Thanks, Bobby." He took hold of the peanut butter and headed back to their bedroom.

Amused, Bobby realized Scott had forgotten about him. Smiling, he followed Scott until he was close enough to peek at Remy. "Wow..." Nine months pregnant, Remy's belly clearly showed beneath the comforter. "I'm glad I'm not in his shoes..." He let himself out and returned to the mansion, whistling and humming softly.


Scott sat down on the side of the bed, watching Remy sleep. Had Jean loved him as much as Remy did? It was unfair to compare them, but he couldn't help himself. He had been mad as hell when he had found out about Essex helping Remy to get pregnant, but once he had grown used to the idea, he started looking forward to having his own little family. It amazed him that Remy was willing to do this, to carry his child.

Remy stirred. The smell of food invaded his nostrils and his nose twitched. "Hum... peanut butta..."

Scott handed him the open jar. "Knock yourself out." Entranced, he watched Remy dip his fingers in the peanut butter jar, followed by another dip in the sticky marmalade and then the Cajun licked off his fingers. "Crackers?" He offered Remy some, and he promptly replaced his fingers with a cracker.

"You want some too?" Remy offered belatedly.

"No, I'm not hungry..." Scott slipped between the covers and Remy moved into his arms.

"Dis is nice." Remy licked the remnants of marmalade from his fingers and then placed the empty jars on the nightstand. "Must mean you love me."

Scott secretly prayed that Remy wasn't craving anything else. Whenever Remy craved something, he was the one who was sent on the errand to fetch it. Even if it meant going into town to get the goods. "Of course I love you, Remy."

Remy wiggled closer and rested his head on Scott's chest. "Dis bien, cher? Don' wanna squeeze de life outta you..."

Scott smiled, saddened. Remy was really worried about the weight he had gained. "No, it's just fine, Remy. You feel just fine, love."

Reassured, Remy's eyes closed. "'msleepycher..."

'That's okay, darling. You need sleep..."

Remy rubbed his face against Scott's naked chest and drifted off into sleep. Je t'aime...

Scott pressed another kiss onto Remy's locks. "I love you too, Remy."



"I can' even see my feet! I'm ugly! How can you still love me? You don' want me no more! I know you're lookin' for a new lover... You can' possibly want me no more!" Naked, Remy stood in front of the bathroom mirror and horrified, he stared at his belly. "Non... I'm ugly..."

Scott drew in a deep breath and was ready to reassure his lover again. Remy had mentioned feeling ugly a few times before, but he had never seemed this frustrated. "You're beautiful, love."

Remy firmly shook his head. "Look at me! I'm huge! I can' even... can' even..."

"What?" Scott approached his lover and came to a halt behind him. Slowly, lovingly, his hands caressed Remy's back. "What is it you can't?"

"Can' even have sex! We haven' had sex in... weeks!" Most of the time he felt too tired or even downright nauseous and he had been the one pushing Scott away, but he had conveniently forgotten that. "You don' touch me no more!" Sobbing softly, he tried to wipe away his tears before they dripped down his face.

Scott gently kissed the nape of Remy's neck. "I only want you, love."

"Prove it!" Remy turned around. It had been his intention to spin around, but the extra weight was slowing him down. He swayed on his feet and ended up in Scott's arms. "I'm fat... huge!"

Scott lifted Remy's chin until their eyes met. "You're carrying my child, Remy. That makes you even sexier."

"Sexier?" Remy laughed, bitterly. "I'm as sexy as... as..." At a loss, he gestured wildly at his mirror image. "Why aren' you carryin' de child? Why am I dis huge?"

"You went to see Essex, remember? You didn't even tell me." Scott stared deeply into his lover's eyes. His hands tangled in the long, soft locks and he leaned in closer to press a kiss on Remy's lips. "Want me to prove how sexy you are? Come to bed with me then."

Suddenly, Remy hesitated. Scott wasn't reacting according to plan. His lover should be long gone, not kissing him! "Cher?"

"I'd gladly carry you, but I can't take the risk, come on, Remy." He led his baffled lover to their bed and helped Remy lie down. "Let me love you?"

"Cher, I'm..."

"Yeah, you're huge... Now there's even more of you to love."

Those words shut Remy up. Looking up, he swallowed hard. "Would you wear de necklace for me? Wanna see your eyes... Wanna know I don't repulse you..."

"Oh, love..." Scott shook his head. But if that was what it took to convince Remy he would do it. He walked over to the closet and slipped the necklace over his head. After removing his visor, he returned to the bed. "Better?"

Breathlessly, Remy nodded his head. Scott's eyes were draped with desire and his thoughts echoed that passion. He chided himself. He was an empath and would be the first to know if Scott had stopped loving him. "Cher, sorry..." It seemed that lately, all he was doing was apologizing.

Scott lay down beside Remy, careful not to put any weight on his lover. "Just let me do the work, okay?" Remy relaxed as his hands explored the soft flesh. He even tickled his lover, and Remy's laughter flowed through the room.

"Ai, baby's kickin' 'gain." Hank had assured him that it was a sign that the baby was perfectly healthy, but he still worried.

Scott rested his hand on Remy's belly. "I can feel it." Locking eyes with Remy, he wondered how he could ever repay his lover for giving him this gift.

"Make love to me?" Remy wasn't sure making love was still possible. He would stop the moment he was hurting the baby, but he craved feeling Scott inside him. It had been weeks since they had last made love.

"Are you sure it's safe to do that?" Seeing Remy's disappointed expression, he sighed. Kissing his lover, he thought everything over. Maybe things would work out if Remy was on his side. "We're going to stop when you feel uncomfortable, okay, love?"

Remy nodded his head, excited that Scott wanted to make love to him. He felt damned unattractive and couldn't believe Scott wanted to be with him in that way. "Of course, cher..." Scott's fingers curled around his cock, which had grown hard at the mention of making love. "Can' even see my dick..."

"But I can," Scott teased, pumping slowly. Yes, Remy's belly made things difficult, but they could overcome these little problems. "Does it feel good?" He leaned in closer and licked the skin beneath Remy's collarbone while his other hand teased a nipple into hardness.

"Oui, cher..." Panting softly, Remy tried to raise his hips, eager to increase the stimulation, but Scott chided him.

"Don't. Let me do the work, okay? We had a deal..." Scott claimed his lover's lips, which parted invitingly. I missed this... Remy's mood swings were a force to be reckoned with and made the Cajun unpredictable.

Moaning softly, Remy lost himself in his lover's caresses. He needed this, needed it badly. "Inside me?" He would die if Scott refused him now. If he says non, he don' love me no more...

Scott caught that thought. Remy tried shielding his thoughts when he was feeling low, but his control wasn't as total as it had been before the pregnancy. "Yeah, I want to be inside you, Remy... and remember... I'll know when it hurts..."

"How do you wanna do dis?" It didn't matter that Scott had stopped pumping him. The prospect of feeling Scott inside him was enough to keep him rock hard.

The expression in Remy's eyes almost made him come. "Remy, what about on your side? Do you think that will work?"

"I'll try," Remy vowed passionately. "Uh, cher, you might need to roll me over t'ough..."

Scott felt the sudden unease in Remy's mind and interpret it correctly. "Hey, I'll love you always. It doesn't matter if we can't do this right now."

"It matters," Remy said, frustrated. With Scott's help, he rolled onto his left side. Scott spooned up behind him and he sighed blissfully, feeling his lover's cock between his ass cheeks. Wiggling closer, he enjoyed feeling Scott's skin against his. "Cher, are you gonna try?"

Scott was trying to push back any second thoughts he had about this. The link would tell him if Remy was in any pain and he would stop at once. "Remy," he whispered, licking his lover's back. "I want you so bad. You're sexy... I love your ass... Those round mounds fit perfectly in my hands..." To prove his point he rubbed his lover's buttocks. Remy purred and Scott smiled. You really want this...

Oh, oui... Remy pushed several pillows against his body and they cradled him perfectly. He was actually really comfortable like this and Scott would be doing most of the work. He could simply lie there and enjoy the ride.

Scott opened the drawer of their nightstand and uncovered the lube. "We're going slow, okay?"

Remy nodded against the pillows. "Oui." He purred contently as Scott's slippery finger massaged his guardian ring. "Missed dis, cher..." Feeling terribly relaxed, he easily accepted Scott's finger inside him. A luxurious purr escaped his throat as Scott rubbed his prostate. "Oui, cher... oui..."

Scott pulled back and added more lube. "Two?"

"Oui..." Although he was eager to feel Scott inside him, he forced himself to remain calm. Scott was right. They had to go slow, but he almost melted from ecstasy when Scott returned with two fingers, scissoring them and opening him. A jolt of lust swept through him as Scott touched his prostate again. "Cher... please, now... need you..."

Scott nodded his head. Remy was ready for him, but... We'll try, Remy. As long as the baby was okay with this, he was okay with this. He didn't know if Remy was able to deal with the pressure inside his body when he finally took his lover.

"Please, cher... need you..." He was begging and wiggled his ass closer. Suddenly the tip of Scott's cock pushed against the guardian ring and he sighed, relaxing, wanting this, needing this.

Scott had added extra lubrication to make sure he wasn't hurting his lover and was quite surprised when he easily slid inside the hot channel. Holding his breath, he focused on the link, but Remy didn't seem to be in any pain. Pure, undulated ecstasy slithered through the Cajun's mind.

Pressing closer to his lover, he started a slow and shallow rhythm, not wanting to penetrate Remy too deeply. "How's this, love?"

Remy groaned, hungrily. "Perfect, cher." He loved it when Scott took him hard, but this wasn't the time for hard and fast. This was about slow and passionate. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the friction inside him. Scott's lips brushed his neck and a wet tongue slithered toward his ear. Scott nibbled on his earlobe and Remy pushed back. "Mon Dieu..." Panting hard, his eyes widened, feeling Scott's fingers slip back around his cock. "Feels bien... so bien..."

Scott controlled his own urges and concentrated on making lazy love to Remy. It had been a long time since he had moved inside this hot channel and he wanted to take his lover hard, but the baby and Remy's comfort came first. In the past, Remy had loved hearing him proclaim his love, had actually gotten off of it.

Wickedly, Scott licked Remy's ear, nibbled on the sexy earlobe and whispered softly. "Remy, I love you... Your skin's so soft, your ass is perfect and oh, you're so tight... You're mine, you know that, do you? I want to make love to you forever."


Remy climaxed and his lover's come dripped onto his fingers. "Yes, that's it, love... One more thrust, just one more and then... oh..." He froze, coming inside his lover's body. The hot channel contracted around him, milking him dry and he gently bit Remy, drawing a single droplet of blood. "Oh, Remy..."

Remy smiled smugly as Scott's climax swept through him. "Guess you still love me den..." For the moment, everything was right.

"Yeah, and I'll prove it again and again... It's a pleasure to prove it to you. I love you, Remy."

Remy moved closer to Scott and settled down in his lover's arms. He moaned at the loss as Scott pulled out. "Wish you could stay inside me."

"I don't think you'd be comfortable, Remy. And we have to consider the baby." He folded his arms around Remy, kissing and licking the sweaty skin. "Think you can sleep now?"

"Oui, mais I'm gettin' hungry."

Scott cringed. "No..." He was lying comfortable in bed with Remy in his arms. He didn't want to make the trip into the kitchen to find they didn't have the food Remy craved.

Remy smiled, receiving most of Scott's thoughts. "You gotta clean us up anyway. You made a mess."

"I made a mess?" Scott elbowed himself into a sitting position and saw the smug grin on Remy's face. "You made the mess!" But he was smiling himself. Remy was in a good mood and bantering would lift his lover's spirits even more. "Okay, I'll clean you up and... what do you want from the kitchen?"

Remy looked over his shoulder. "A pastrami sandwich with pickles?"

Scott shook his head in disbelief. "Pickles. Of course it has to be pickles. I guess that means I've got to wake up Bobby again..."

"Please, cher... I want pickles on my sandwich." Remy turned on the puppy dog look, the one that always got him what he wanted. It was so easy to wind Scott around his little finger.

Scott sighed. "I'll see what I can do."

"Now clean me up, cher. I'm all sticky!"

"One more week," Scott reminded himself. "One more week and this is over."


Sleeping in the bathroom.

"Remy? Where are you?" His lover couldn't have gotten far, considering the extra weight he was carrying. Scott searched the first floor and then cocked his head, concentrating. Remy, love, where are you?


Startled. Remy definitely sounded startled. Why? Worried, Scott honed in on his lover's thoughts and let them pull him in the correct direction. Suddenly, he realized that he was on his way to the bathroom. "Remy, are you in there?"

"Sorry, cher... Merde!"

Remy's tone made him hurry and he resolutely opened the bathroom door. "Hey, Remy, what's..." He chuckled softly, seeing Remy's predicament. "Don't tell me you fell asleep like that!" Remy was sitting on the toilet. His sweat pants dangled around his ankles and one hand supported his back, while the other was trying to rub his belly. Sleepy eyes met his and Scott shook his head. "Why didn't you call me? I could have helped you to get in to bed."

"Never realized what was happenin', cher," Remy apologized. "Mon Dieu, I gotta go 'gain!" He didn't bother getting up and stayed seated on the toilet. His belly was always in the way when he tried to aim for the porcelain bowl.

"Hank should arrive any moment now." Scott helped his lover to his feet, pulled up the sweats and flushed the toilet. "Wash your hands, darling."

Remy slowly washed his hands. "Can' believe I fell 'sleep in de bat'room, cher! Mebbe you should move a bed in here! I spend more time in here dan in de bedroom!" The fetus pressed down on his bladder and was sending him to the bathroom frequently. "I feel tired all de time..." Moving about while carrying the extra weight exhausted him.

"Only three more days, my heart, and then we'll have our little b... baby in our arms." Damn it! He’d almost given away the baby's gender! Remy had chosen not to know whether it was a boy or a girl, but Hank had told him at his own request. They were expecting a little baby boy! "Let me help you back to the bedroom."

Remy nodded, drained, and leaned heavily on Scott as his lover guided him to the bedroom. He frowned, finding McCoy already there and setting up his equipment to run another one of his tests. "Where's Nat'an?" After telling Scott about Essex's involvement, they had also told McCoy. They had decided that both McCoy and Nathan would monitor his pregnancy. To make things less stressful they had also decided that both men would be present at any examination, so that he didn't have to suffer through two separate exams.

Scott nodded his head, acknowledging Hank's presence. Hank smiled, and helped Scott lower Remy onto the bed. "This won't take long," Hank promised.

"I'm too not late, am I?" Nathan entered the bedroom, taking in his son's appearance, searching for any symptoms that would tell him that something was wrong with Remy, but his son looked just fine... for a nine months pregnant man.

"Let's get dis over wit'... I wanna go back to sleep and Scott, cher? Grilled cheese sandwiches sound perfect... I'm a bit hungry."

"You can't be hungry again!" Scott's mouth was agape, and he shook his head in disbelief. He had made pancakes only one hour ago and Remy had eaten them all, with sugar, maple syrup, marmalade, adding layer after layer to his pancakes!

"Please, cher... grilled cheese sandwiches... extra cheese, no crust... please, cher... Need dose sandwiches." Remy tried to sit upright, but McCoy and Nathan gently pushed him down. "Extra, extra cheese!"

Sighing, Scott gave in. Only three more days... and I wonder how many more times I will find him asleep in the bathroom!


Witnessing a miracle.

"Cher, I'm scared... I can' do dis! What if somet'in' goes wrong and I screw up? What if... what if..."

"Remy, sweetheart, calm down." Scott soothingly rubbed the knuckles of his lover's left hand. They were at Hank's lab and McCoy and Nathan were getting ready to perform the caesarian section. "We've got two doctors instead of one. They're the best. Just think about it! Only a few more minutes and you'll be holding our son..." Scott quickly covered his mouth with his right hand. "Shit! Can't believe I said that!" Remy was staring at him with big eyes. The Cajun looked vulnerable in the white medical gown, hooked up to several monitors and IV's.

"A boy? We're gonna have a baby boy? Mon Dieu! A li'l boy!" He should have been mad at Scott for giving his child's gender away, but he was so thrilled,- and high on medication!-, that he really didn't care. "A li'l boy... He needs a name, cher!" His placed his other hand protectively on his stomach. "He's kickin' 'gain!"

Scott's hand joined his lover's, eager to feel the movement. "We already decided on a name, love."

"You sure? I mean... You never met Benjamin and..."

"Remy, I'm okay with Benjamin, Benny. I think it's a good name." Hearing that Remy wanted to name the baby after a good friend that had died had surprised him, but once Remy had told him about Benjamin and Dave, he had understood why it was so important to Remy to remember them. He was about to reassure Remy again, when Hank and Nathan joined them.

"Scott? You should leave now..." Hank eyed his friend, uncertain if Scott would follow his advice. They had discussed this earlier and Scott had agreed to leave, but...

"No way, I'm staying!" Scott ignored Remy's shocked expression. "Talk me through it." They had told him everything in detail, but he needed to hear it again!

Worried, Hank exchanged a look with Nathan. At first, he had found it hard to trust the former villain, but Nathan had proven himself to be trustworthy. "I'd still prefer it if you'd let me put you under an anesthetic, Remy." He wasn't sure how well Remy would handle the surgery.

"Non, I wanna be conscious when Benny's born!" Remy firmly shook his head and grabbed Scott's hand.

Nathan acted at once. "You will be conscious when Benny's born," he assured Remy. My grandson will be born within a few minutes! And I even like the name... Benjamin...

The spinal anesthesia had taken effect, making the lower half Remy's body numb. "I want you to drink this, Remy." Hank helped Remy swallow the antacid, which would reduce the level of acid in his stomach and prevent vomiting, while Nathan washed Remy's belly with an antibacterial solution. Seeing Scott's rising panic, he locked eyes with his friend. "Remy's in the best hands, Scott."

"I know that," Scott said, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "Remy, look at me... I'll stay the entire time... Just look at me."

Remy's big eyes locked with his lover's. Preferring telepathic speech at this point, he focused his thoughts. Cher, please don' leave me... I ain' sure I can do dis.

You're going to be just fine. Scott gently caressed Remy's hand. "Just hold on a little longer, sweetheart."

"I'm making the incision," Hank announced, deciding on a transverse incision. "This part will only take a few minutes."

Nathan reached out empathically, reassuring his son and making sure that Remy wasn't in pain. I can see the baby, Remy...

Mon Dieu! Remy squeezed Scott's hand hard. He wasn't in any pain, but the nervousness and fear were getting to him. Nathan had assured him that the baby was healthy after evaluating several ultrasounds, but he needed to hold Benny in his arms in order to believe that. Cher, what's happenin'? He closed his eyes, but they flashed open again, hearing Benny cry out, as he left the warm shelter of his body. "Cher? Is he okay?"

Hank handed Scott a pair of scissors. "I take you want to cut the umbilical cord?"

Scott's hand trembled as he cut the umbilical cord and he tried to control his nerves. Benny was covered in blood and Hank quickly handed the baby to Nathan who checked the baby's reflexes and began to clean him up. "Benny looks okay, Remy. He's crying, can't you hear him?" Concerned, he locked eyes with Remy, but the expression in them reassured him. Remy was coping.

"Oui, I hear him, cher..." Remy's head lolled to the right and his eyes closed.

"Scott, he's merely tired..." Hank had seen the panicked expression in his friend's eyes.

Realizing he had scared his lover, Remy opened his eyes and weakly nodded his head. "I'm bien, cher..."

Hank removed the placenta and closed the incision. Working calmly, he closed the abdomen and sutured the skin. "These will dissolve in time, Remy, so you won't need another operation."

Nathan had cleaned Benny up and wrapped the baby, who had gone strangely quiet, in a warm blanket. "Remy? Meet Benny." Gently, he placed the baby in Remy's arms.

Scott moved quickly and helped Remy hold the baby; his lover lacked the strength to cradle Benny against his chest. "He's beautiful, Remy."

"Cher... count his toes and fingers?" Entranced, Remy stared at the big black on red eyes. "Mon Dieu, look at his eyes!"

"They're stunning," Scott whispered, pleased, while indulging Remy and counting the baby's toes and fingers. "He's got ten fingers and ten toes, Remy. Just perfect." Holding his breath, he stared at Benny's tiny hands, which tried to grab his. Giving in, he let Benny's fingers curl around his thumb. "Just perfect, my heart."

Remy smiled tiredly. "He's wort' it, you know, cher... All de mood swings... de mornin' sickness..."

"Don't forget the food cravings," Scott teased, delighted, when Remy gestured him to take hold of the baby. He reacted at once, lifted Benny and sighed, feeling the tiny, warm body rest against his chest.

Hank and Nathan checked Remy's vital signs, but tried to give the couple the privacy they craved. Exchanging pleased smiles, Nathan nodded his head. My grandson... Later, once Remy had rested, he would spend some time with his family, trying to build some sort of relationship with his grandson. "You did well, Remy. You can rest now."

Remy's smile grew even more pleased, feeling Nathan's affection for him and Benny. I'm glad I found out you're my fat'er...

"Remy, Nathan's right. You should rest now. Don't worry about Benny. I won't let him out of my sight!" Scott promised passionately. His words reassured Remy, who finally closed his eyes. "I love you, Remy LeBeau."

Je t'aime, cher... Remy felt Benny's presence clearly in his mind and it convinced him that he wouldn't lose contact with his son should he go to sleep. Benny was close... Scott was close... Life was good.

Scott supported Benny's head and pressed a tender kiss on his son's brow. "You've got the best dad you could wish for, Benny. Remy's going to protect you, love you... even spoil you if I don't stop him." He felt truly humbled as he looked into the black on red eyes. "I'll always love you too, Benny..." Rocking his son in his arms, he looked at his lover, who was finally peacefully asleep. "Thank you, Remy. Thank you for Benny."

Curiously, Benny tried to focus his eyes. Waves of love and affection swept through him and feeling cherished, he rested his head against a strong shoulder. He closed his eyes and sped toward the mind that had kept him company these last few months.

Oui, petit, you're safe here... Je t'aime...

Although Benny didn't understand the words, the love spoke for itself and he let himself be drawn near.

Remy smiled in his sleep, cradling Benny's presence in his mind. Scott... Benny... I finally know de meanin' of love... Je t'aime...

The End

May 2002