Title: Tears In Heaven

Fandom: X-Men 2: X-Men United

Pairing: (Wolverine/Cyclops), (Bobby/Pyro), Wolverine and Bobby's POVs

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Foul Language, violence, m/m sex. major angst.

Summary: After the events of X-Men 2, sometimes even heroes become victims.

Spoilers: For the movie; both of them! Never read the comics, so if I'm getting their histories' wrong, I'm sorry.

Notes: Pyro never goes with Magneto. (I'm assuming both Pyro and Bobby are 18 so no red flags are drawn for any reason. Stupid, I know, but I've been yelled at before.)

Disclaimers: X-Men belong to their people, I don't own them! The song Tears In Heaven belongs to Eric Clapton and I'm sure you've all heard it and can sing along.

Dedication: To Paula, the CPR to my muse and gives me the inspiration to write. I will give you Valium but will still continue to tell the truth, girly. And to Dea, the sweetest girl in the world who needs A VACATION from her worries- and this is coming from a girl who has severe depression and high anxiety.<g>


Tears In Heaven
By Slayerknight


He claws at me, all the fight draining out of him like a faucet suddenly and brutally shut off. He was willing to fight for her-so was I- but now there's nothing to fight for. I can handle my grief, always could, but his cries of denial and pain slice through me, deeper than my own tools. I can almost feel the despair pouring out of him as he looks for something to hold on to. The feel of tears, wet and messy as they drip down my face, is an odd sensation for me. I never cried for anyone. For a brief moment as my arms hold him closer and he closes his vizor-less eyes to bury his face in my neck, I wonder who I'm crying for.

I didn't want to leave him alone, physically or literally, so we slid to the floor. He shamelessly whimpers and shakes against me. His beloved wife is dead. That's a grief I don't know but can relate to. Nothing I say can help, so it's a silent journey to Washington. I laid my head on top of his and just listened to Cyclops let go of his wife.



I watched Wolverine offer what little comfort he could to Scott. Each would have probably suffered separately if our leader hadn't collapsed into The newest member of the X-Men.

Rogue is crying quietly and I rub her back from where I sit in the back of the ship on the floor. There's a distance between us now. She sees something I don't; something about me. None of that really matters now. She cries for Jean Grey, a loosing soul who never had the chance for redemption.

Which brings my mind back to the warm body beside me. It must have been 10 degrees outside but Pyro was always slightly warm. I glance over at him briefly. His deep brown eyes are blank, a slight hint of fear as he curls his legs up band wraps his arms around them. Part of me wants to comfort him and the other part wants to kick the shit out of him. I'd been baby-sitting him for a while now and this almost- betrayal had me angry and upset. I leaned over and whispered to him.

"I saw you."

If he was surprised he didn't show it. "Don't make a big deal about it: I didn't go with them."

Didn't change the facts. "But you almost did. Why?"

He shrugged. "I was sick of being told I was wrong for using my powers." He flicked open his lighter and a tiny flame came out, dancing like a ballerina into his palm. "If this is going to make me an outcast, I should be able to use it more."

Impulsively, my right hand reached over to brush over his. I let my tight control of my emotions go but he didn't flinch away. He moved closer to me but that was it. A sting of guilt shot through me. Pyro was vulnerable and I'd jumped. And standing outside of Magneto's ship was pretty much rock bottom for him, specially after all we'd been taught.

"You're not an outsider." I mumbled.


I'm awakened from the light sleep I'd been in by the sound of the door
opening. It cracked slightly and then whoever was there hesitated before
closing it. My roommate, Colossus, well, he slept like a rock and obviously
hadn't heard a thing. I tensed as the person moved towards me. Maybe it was
another attack, only one quieter. Then Pyro came close to my bed and I could
make out his profile. He, too, was in his pajamas.

"You asleep?" He whispered to me, glancing at the out-cold Peter Rasputin.

"No." I admitted. Jean's death had been too upsetting. The professor had
given a small speech about sacrifice after they'd gotten home but they were
hollow words and everyone knew it. The idea of one of them dying had never
really stuck.

"Me neither." He fidgeted with his shirt's button and took a few steps
closer. He sat down on the edge of my bed and the give in the mattress made
my heart beat faster and my blood rush downwards.

"Tell me to leave." He leaned closer to me, his whole body shaking.

I shook my head and he kissed me. It was soft but forceful. He went to
quickly pull away but my hand wrapped around his head and kissed him again.
The kisses were messy and forceful and so good. His body was still shaking
from nerves and I pulled him down on top of me, wrapping my arms around him
tightly. His hair was gel-free and felt soft against my face as we kissed.
Frantic touches of exploration but the touch was new and electrifying. I
flipped him over and, kissing his neck, slowly let my hand drift down under
his boxers to caress his hard cock. He jumped and moaned, tightening slightly
in fear and I stop.

I pull back and look into the dark eyes that are suddenly filled with fear.
John had never told me about his time in the foster homes but my heart sank
as my imagination took hold. He shook his head and pulled me down for another
kiss. We slipped our clothes off and he started to move against me, sending a
jolt of pleasure down to my feet. He broke the kiss to nuzzle and lick at my

"Can we just do this tonight?"

I nodded and moved quicker against him. I've never had the feel of another
man against me; hard erections, pre-cum, and sweat. His body was hotter now,
dragging his hands over my back and chest. The heat was incredible and
intoxicating. I kissed him harder, wanting more of him. The friction was
building and I could feel the tenseness in Pyro's. I kissed him hard as we
came, muffling our gasps as he came, tumbling me over with him.

We lay there for a few seconds before Pyro moved to the side of the bed. I
moved closer to him, wanting to be near him now, but he backed away. I

"I won't hurt you, John. I promise; I never will."

He just shook his head slightly. "I juust thought- my body gets hotter when
I- people don't like to be around me afterwards."

I laid down on the bed, allowing him some space. My hand reached out and
smoothed back some of the unruly hair from his face. That gesture seemed to
placate him and he moved a little closer. A thought occurred to me.

"Do you want to sleep on the edge?" I smiled at him." You know, easier

He shook his head fiercely, a memory of the past creeping up. He snuggled up
beside me and I held him closer, knowing that the true villains I couldn't
protect him from.


I'd already worked out in the gym, gone for a run, and had a drink. Nothing
was calming the racing thoughts in my head. I needed something and I hadn't
gotten it yet. Finally, my mind and body wandered to the last place it wanted

I knocked loudly on the door. It took a couple of second but Cyke answered.
What surprised me was that he was wearing neither his vizor or glasses but
red contacts.Must be what he slept in. It made him look...younger, more

"Thanks for helping me back there but I want to be alone now. I'm fine,

My heightened hearing wasn't needed to sense the shakiness in Scott's voice
and body. My instincts were kicking in and I wanted to what? Fuck him?
Definitely, but not now, Jean's death was too fresh for the both of them.
Beat him? Well, it was a long time coming but no. Hold him? He didn't do
holding yet he'd done so with Scott before.

I walked past him straight into his room. He was sleeping in one of the gust
rooms. Probably couldn't stand the reminders of Jean right now. I'd watched
him in the President's office, the barely hidden grief, trying to stand
strong as the leader when he was at his weakest. Another smell that drew me
to him. His face during the professor's speech was impassive. He wasn't
there, mentally. Probably off in some great memory of the most beautiful
woman alive.

"Not quite sure what's worse." I said casually as I observed the room. and
the unkempt bed. "Having tons of wonderful memories of her or none at all."

"The former. Knowing you can see her but never touch her again." He voice
wavered again.

No nasty remarks. No protective gestures. No one for him to be protective of
anymore. That emptiness. I felt a little of it but Scott, the very small
softer side of him couldn't imagine the enormity of it.

"You should sleep." The word hypocrite echoed in my mind.

"Right. Tell that to her. She keeps popping up in my brain." But he sat down
on the bed in his undershirt and boxers.

I went into the bathroom and got Scott a glass of water. While he just sat
there, staring off into another time. I dropped three sleeping pills I'd
found in Jean's med-lab and waited for them to dissolve. I made sure these
wouldn't be detected in Scott's taste.

I brought the cup out to him and he stared at me for a moment before taking
it. Pain radiated off him. I watched him drink it down. I sat down beside him
on the bed and we stayed that way in silence. Tears fell quietly from his
eyes and his back shook a little but that was it as he daydreamed of the
paradise lost.

He started to sway a bit as the drugs kicked in and I helped lie him down on
his right side, facing the windows. I took off my shoes and pants and laid
down next to him. I pressed up against him, my arms holding him tightly as
his body still shook with tremors. I nuzzled his dark hair, smelling the
faint scent of his shampoo. Coconut. I settled in closer as my nerves calmed.
Scott's slow, even breathing lulled me to sleep soon after.

