Title: The Beast Within

Author/pseudonym: Coniraya

Fandom: Crossover

Pairing: Wolverine/?

Rating: NC17

Archive: yes to list archives anyone else just email me I'll say yes

E-mail address for feedback: Coniraya_feedback@hotmail.com

Notes: First story in this fandom ever feedback is much appreciated.

I totally have writers block on my story Death Is Only the Beginning so this is my story that came to me and please read the warnings.

MAJOR WARNINGS: Okay so much squickiness bestiality and bloodplay and very rough sex. Where did this come from? The twisted roads in my mind.


The Beast Within

by Coniraya

Wolverine stepped out in the darkness surrounding 1600 Greymalkin Lane and raised his face the wind. He took a deep breath and held it as he analyzed the smells on the wind. The automatic defense system had notified him that something was out here that it couldn't positively identify it as human or animal. Everyone else in the mansion was asleep so leaving the monitoring room on auto-alert he set off to investigate for himself.

To Wolverines surprise he didn't catch the smell of Sabretooth which was what he had been expecting instead there was something weird on the wind something he had never smelled before. It was something that held a hint of wildness that excited Wolverine, something primal that awoke the same thing in him. The very core of his being felt the scent and it longed to claim or be claimed. He hadn't felt that need to claim someone since the first time he had seen Jeannie. Of course that had been a spectacular failure even though he was sure she was somewhat interested her connection with one-eye was too strong and his pride wouldn't let him keep pursuing her if she clearly wasn't going to do anything and his honor wouldn't let him do anything now that they were married. Shaking of the melancholy mood his thoughts had taken Wolverine took note of the direction the scent was strongest in and took of into the woods that surrounded the mansion.

Whatever the creature was it had broken onto the grounds and they had to make sure it wasn't a threat. The trail was erratic as if the beast was incapable of making a decision. At one point it would walk in a straight line towards the mansion as if it were a man then a few steps further it would bound of through the brush following the weak scent of a deer of squirrel. As Wolverine puzzled over the bizarre behavior of the beast he again felt his beast rise up stronger than before. As if the scent was known to him and he had the right to feel this weird possessiveness over it. He again tried to identify the smell and noticed something he had missed before there was the distinct scent of man-made clothing. The mystery just got trickier and trickier something that smelt of the wild and acted at least partly on instinct but apparently had enough intelligence to at least steal clothing. Wolverine quickly tracked the smell deeper in the forest as he got closer and closer to the scent his beast reared up further, now the beast was barely on a leash.

The scent grew stronger and stronger and when it was joined by the iron tint of blood it took

all of Wolverines' not inconsiderable will power to keep from going feral, as it was his dick was so hard he was surprised it hadn't ripped through his jeans. The spot in the forest that was the origin of the blood scent sported the carcass of deer ripped apart by what looked like sharp teeth but then Wolverines' eyesight picked up something else on the ground, a fingerprint. The print was a little distorted but it was clearly there right on the tree next to the carcass, a fingerprint painted in bright red blood.

To Wolverines' consternation the erection had not gone down on the discovery of the carcass in fact he felt as if it were made of admantium instead of his claws. As he felt the scent grow stronger he ran faster and faster. He knew his healing factor was going into overdrive to compensate for the cramps he should be experiencing all over his body. He finally slammed through some trees and came upon it in a clearing. The thing leapt up and prepared to run when Wolverine tackled it to the ground. He proceeded to hold it down as it tried to squirm away from him. He was shocked into leaping off of it when a gruff voice spoke from it.

"Please… let ….me….go." Wolverine backed up a few steps and stared at the thing that had led him on this wild chase through the forest. First of all, it wasn't an it, it was a he a boy who didn't look much older than twenty-three. The boy wasn't a regular boy though that was obvious from the way he looked, instead of normal eyes they were just opaque black and his face had a pointed feral look. His pointed teeth were visible through his pulled back lips and his ears ended in points. The boys' hands looked human except that there was an extra joint and they ended in claws. Wolverine slowly let his claws extend and circled the boy.

"What are ya?"

"Were…wolf…please leave….don't want….to hurt you…it is…hard…enough….not to…turn completely" Wolverine noticed that the words were forced as if it pained him to talk.

"But it's not even a full moon."

"Lost control …. Now change….when….ever I have…. strong emotions…please leave." Wolverine thought about it and realized that if he left the boy alone he might hurt someone.

"How do ya turn back?"

"Have to …calm…relax." Then the boy let out a growl that again awoke the beast within himself.

"I'll stay and watch out for ya."

"No…harder to …control…around you…beast calls out."

Wolverine let out his own growl at that and before he knew what was happening the boy was on him. Harsh teeth cut into his mouth and their blood mingled together in the kiss. Wolverine felt claws shredding his shirt and cutting into his sides. He returned the favor and felt the boy start to growl and his beast rose up in answer. He used his strength to flip the boy over and try to take control of the kiss. He ran his lips down the boys' jaw line to the throat and bit until he tasted blood. The boys let out a combination of a scream and a howl and pushed wolverine back to the bottom. He used one hand to hold both of Wolverines' hands pinned to the forest floor. The boy then used his other hand to shred Wolverines jeans while he trailed bites down his throat. Wolverine lost the control with his beast and just let it go and went feral.

After struggling for a few minutes while the boy just clamped his teeth around Wolverines' throat his beast just gave up and decided to enjoy being claimed. The boy sensed his acquiescence and smiled with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Good beast…my beast…always mine."

Wolverine reacted to the deeper voice and felt his whole body go limp, he wanted to be claimed by this boy with the black eyes. The boy whose beast was edging closer to the surface as they continued to couple in the dark wild forest. Wolverine looked down and realized his jeans had actually been shredded off of his body and that the boys' were down around his knees the penis that looked up at him from the dense curls that were getting darker and thicker was large for the boys' size and thick.

Wolverine felt himself tense up in anticipation. A second later his hands were released.

"Stay still…my beast…I pleasure you." The boy slid down his body laying harsh bites all along the way.

Wolverine felt claws run lightly down his penis and shuddered in need. Then a rough tongue

began to lap at his balls and he let a growl out and began pushing up for more friction. The tongue slithered lower and Wolverine raised his legs up and grasped his knees and there it was. A tongue longer that a human would have teasing his sphincter and darting inside to taste him. Its rough surface created a great sensation and made his ass even more sensitive than usual. The teasing hand on his penis tightened just enough with a hint of claw at the head. The tongue moved between his balls and ass, and finally just as the hand squeezed him tightly the tongue shot into his ass, Wolverine screamed his release to the stars above. His eyes dropped closed as he felt the boy move back up and gather blood from his many bites in one hand.

Then seconds later Wolverine felt something more blunt than a tongue at his entrance. His body was so relaxed that the penis pushed inside him almost effortlessly. He grunted as the rhythm immediately turned harsh and hard he felt his erection return and moan aloud as the boy set up a punishing pace. All the while a litany of words was whispered to him in that guttural voice.

"Sweet beast…my beast…sweet ass…all mine….need you….want you…."

Wolverine looked up as the words trailed off and he saw hair sprouting all over the boys' body. The dick inside him expanded to even bigger proportions and instead of being disgusted of the

werewolf now fucking him he became more excited and came without even touching himself.

The beast sniffed the air and howled at the scent of the spilled seed and the thrusting became even more erratic until felt the wolf explode inside of him. As a last act the wolf clamped its teeth around Wolverines throat one more time and fell asleep. Wolverine watched as the form reverted back to that of a boy. After thinking of what to do for a second he simply pulled the boy closer and fell asleep himself.

Wolverine was awakened by the body he was holding shaking. He opened his eyes to see the boy sobbing silently.

"What's wrong wit ya?"

"I'm so sorry so sorry so sorry."

"Fer what?" At that the boy looked up through watery eyes and Wolverine realized what the problem was. "Look ya didn't do anythin' I didn't want ya too."

"Really." The boy looked hopeful but still horrified.

"Yeah I wanted everythin' that happened last night."

"But I marked you took you as my mate."

"Like I said nothin' happened that I didn't want. Now we got a mansion up here we help mutants but I don't think the Professor would mind if we housed a werewolf."

"What if I come close to changing again?"

"Then we'll come back to these woods and do it again and if ya don't change we'll do it in the house." Usually Wolverine wouldn't be so free with the invites but first he was lonely and second his beast still called out for the boy. The boy smiled at him and stuck his hand out.

"If that's going to happen I'm going to need to know your name."

"Logan but most call me Wolverine."

"Daniel but most call me Oz"