Title: The REAL endings

Fandom: X-Force

Pairing: Rictor/Shatterstar

Status: complete

Archive: Yes

E-mail address for feedback:

Series/Sequel: X-Force 43 and 59

Disclaimers: These characters are Marvel's, not mine

Summary: How XFC 43 and 59 REALLY should have ended.


The Real Endings

XFC 43

Ric: There something you wanna talk about, Star?

Star: I don't think you would understand.

Ric: Try me.

Star: All right. I have never been with someone...like that...in that way. I have never...

Ric: Star, that ain't nothing to be ashamed of, dude. I mean, I talk a good game...but I never hit a home run either.

Star: No...I am not making myself clear...until tonight I have never even felt such stirrings within me.

Ric: Oh. Listen you're not from this planet--so maybe y'know--- that's normal. Are you--I mean--do you--have--what it takes?

Star: I was bioengineered to fully simulate physical human interaction. But no one ever bothered to instill the emotional requirements which I have learned are attached to such actions.

Ric: Okay. That's cool. We'll work it out together. I mean, it's all social stuff, right? You can learn that.

Star: I suppose. How?

Ric: How? Well, I could, we could... you don't light the nightclubs, do you?

Star: Actually I feel the extreme opposite.

Ric: That's bad. That girl would have been a perfect start.

Star: That is another thing. I cannot agree with you in that.

Ric: No? Why not?

Star: Because that is the role of somebody else.

Ric: And who might that be?

Star: I... you, Julio.

Ric: What?! No, I mean, aren't we talking about kissing and stuff?

Star: Yes. I was not sure until tonight, but now I know that this is what I want. You. I want you, Julio.

Ric: But... but...

Star: Now, Julio.

Ric: I... okay. You're my friend, and friends always help each other. I'll help you with that. But I gotta tell ya, I've never done this before.

Star: Neither have I.

Star stands up and Ric approaches him, and they look into each other's eyes as the rain slowly ceases. Ric moves his hand to Star's hair and <Man, I can't believe I'm doing this!> kisses him. Star, at the first second, doesn't know what to do, but then he feels Ric's tongue inside his mouth and does the same thing. Moments later, he's taking Ric's breath away.

Ric: Dios, amigo! Didn't think you'd be that good!

Star: I liked it too. But now that I felt how good those sensations can be, I want more.

Ric: <Okay, brain. News for you: I just kissed a man and I liked it! What the hell? Am I...? Ah, fuck it, I like him too much already to waste this.> Yeah, Star. I like you too much already to waste this. I want more too.


Ric: Guys, we have news for you...



XFC 59/ 60

Star: I do not recall ever being in Boston. Do they have something there called "Red Sox"?

Ric: Si. They have fans who believe in them even when they are losing. Like you and me, amigo.

Star: Julio?

It is the last voice Shatterstar thought he would hear this day ...and it is the first sign that everything just might turn out all right. His name is Julio Richter. For a time, he fought side-by-
side with X-Force, using his extraordinary power to shake the earth and the name Rictor. Then, abruptly, he took a leave of absence. A decision that was the most difficult for Shatterstar, his very best friend.

Ric: Que pasa, Star? Don't have your head screwed on straight anymore, huh?

Star: Julio, is it really you?

Ric: Si. Who else would come all the way from Mexico to see your sorry self?

Star: Oh, Julio. I cannot believe it! I have missed you so much! There's so much I need to say to you...

Ric: I... I got some stuff to say too. Can we go to your room?


Ric: I... Star, y'know, the real reason I left the X-Force is because I... didn't have the guts to tell that I... the truth is, I... love you!

Star: But I love you too, Julio. If you had stayed here, I would have told you before.

Ric: Then... why didn't you tell me before I left?

Star: I did not know it would stop you from going. I thought you did not feel the same. When we used to go to that club...

Ric: Oh, hey, I was just trying to make you feel nice, I mean, I didn't think you feel the same! And, shit, what am I saying. You just said you love me too!

And that's when Ric pulls Star closer to him and tenderly kisses him, like they both wanted from a long time.


Star: I am so glad to finally have gotten to the floor of all this.

Ric: "Bottom," amigo. "To the bottom of this."

Star: Whatever, Rictor.

