Title: The Ties That Bind

Author: Xanax

Rating: NC-17

Fandom: X-Men Comicverse

Pairing: Logan/Remy

Permission to post: Anyone who wants it, feel free, just give me credit.

Series: Voyeur

Disclaimer: As much as I wish it weren’t true, Logan and Remy aren’t mine; I’m just having a bit of fun. They belong to Marvel, not me.

Summary: Logan has something a little more permanent in mind. Will Remy agree? Takes place a week after “Dangerous Liaisons”.

The Ties That Bind

The kid was sound asleep on the floor of the garage, curled up next to his bike and his abandoned tools. Logan wasn’t really surprised, in spite of the obviously uncomfortable location the boy had chosen to crash in; the kid hadn’t gotten much sleep lately and did have a tendency to crash wherever he happened to be when he got tired – napping like the little boy he so resembled asleep.

Logan had been looking for him all morning, but the kid had been nowhere to be found – hiding from Cyke, probably – Remy had an uncanny ability to disappear when there were chores to be done. Shaking his head with a snort, Logan debated whether he should wake the kid up or leave him alone. Might as well wake him up, he decided; the kid could always go back to sleep again afterwards.

“Rise and shine, boy,” Logan said softly, crossing his arms across his chest.


Remy sat up with a snort, scrambling onto his knees before he was even entirely awake, and tried shake away the sleepiness still clouding his head. Forcing his drowsy eyes open, he fixed his stare on Logan’s boots, unsure if he should be worried or not. He’d been avoiding his chores, that was true, but Scott was the one who wanted him to do them, not Logan – although he couldn’t rule out the possibility that Logan intended to punish him for shirking his responsibilities.

Head bowed and eyes demurely lowered, Remy hesitantly reached out with his empathy, sighing audibly in relief when he felt nothing but affection and lust. Logan wasn’t angry with him.

Smiling, Logan stood silent for a moment, eyes fixed on the top of Remy’s tousled head, pleased with how well-trained the boy was. “Y’know, Cyke’s gonna have a shit fit if he finds out you’re hiding in here,” Logan said amiably.

“I know,” Remy answered innocently, hesitantly looking up. “Why do you think I’m in here?”

“You really do have a death wish, kid,” Logan laughed, reaching out to run his fingers through the boy’s unruly bangs.

“I’m a masochist,” Remy answered with a careless shrug.

Logan snorted; the kid was a real treasure. “Yeah, I know. Damn good thing too, ‘cause I got plans for you tonight,” he said, giving the boy an evil grin.

Remy bit his lip, breath hitching and cock stirring in response to Logan’s statement. Whatever Logan intended to do to him, he wanted it; he loved everything Logan did to him. “When?” Remy asked, trying to hide his eagerness.

“I told you,” Logan answered smugly, “tonight.”

Subsiding with a careless shrug, Remy nuzzled at Logan’s hand; he knew better than to push at times like this. As much as he would have liked to have known how long he had to wait, he knew his place - if Logan wanted him to know any more, he’d tell him. Until then, he’d have to wait.

“Good boy,” Logan praised, running his thumb over the boy’s pouty lips. Remy was a quick learner and had enough sense not to push him; Logan was proud of his boy.

“You gonna come get me or am I s’posed to meet you tonight?” Remy asked, drawing Logan’s thumb into his mouth with a soft moan.

“Fuck, Rem,” Logan muttered, cock throbbing at the feel of the boy’s sinful mouth working at his thumb.

“Dat’s de idea,” Remy mumbled, pulling away enough to be able to talk. “Now which is it gonna be?”

“Meet me in my room. You know the drill,” Logan warned.

“How’m I s’posed t’…” Remy started.

“That’s your problem, not mine, boy,” Logan growled, making it clear there was no room for discussion.

“Oui, Maître,” Remy answered softly, knowing better than to push Logan any further. He’d just have to stay in, that was all; it was a sacrifice he was more than willing to make.

“Tonight, Rem,” Logan reiterated. “Be there.”

~ Later That Night ~

Logan hadn’t told Remy what time he was expected to meet him, and the boy was anxious; he knew Logan’s security shift started at midnight, which meant that he was expected no earlier than that, but it still didn’t answer the question of when he should leave. Stalking back and forth across his room for what seemed like the millionth time, Remy gave in. There was no harm in being early, was there? He’d just leave now and be sure he was there on time.

Grabbing his toy box and running his fingers through his hair to get the tangles out, he padded down the hall to Logan’s room, forcing himself to keep his pace slow, trying to calm his pounding heart. A whole day spent waiting in pleasurable agony had strained the boy’s patience and he could hardly wait for Logan to come and claim him.

Awkwardly opening the door to Logan’s room – left unlocked so that he could get in without having to pick the lock, or rather have an excuse to do it – with a scowl, Remy kicked the door shut behind him and deposited the toy box on the bed, attention immediately arrested by a folded sheet of paper lying on the bed. There was no way he was going to be able to wait patiently knowing that it was there and that he hadn’t seen whatever was on it; he had a thief’s curiosity and the note, if it was a note, was an open invitation to snoop.

Feeling vaguely guilty, Remy unfolded the sheet of paper and smiled as he saw that it was indeed a note; one addressed to him. That had to make it alright to read it. After all, Logan wouldn’t have written him a note if he hadn’t wanted him reading it, now would he? Pleased with his leap of logic, Remy settled on the edge of the bed and read:

“Rem –

This is important, so pay attention. I love you, kiddo, and I want you to be mine. No one else’s. Now you think about this real good, ‘cause I want to put my mark on you so everyone knows you’re taken. And don’t go agreeing too fast; I know how you are.

I want you to sit down and meditate on this for a while; that’s an order. This isn’t gonna be something temporary like a collar; this is a serious decision. It’ll hurt, but I’m sure that won’t dissuade you; I just want you to know what you’re in for, that’s all.

Now you be my good boy and focus for a while. Think about it good and hard ‘cause this isn’t something I can take back once I do it.

– Logan”

Reminding himself to breathe, Remy stared at the note, rereading it to be sure he wasn’t mistaken. Logan wanted a commitment, a real honest-to-God commitment. Tears starting in his eyes, Remy dropped the note on the bed and settled on his knees by the foot of the bed, reminding himself that he couldn’t rush into a decision like this, no matter how badly he wanted to. Logan had said to meditate and he intended to follow his Master’s orders; Logan knew better than he did.


The boy had had long enough to think; he’d watched Remy enter his room almost a half-hour before and Logan couldn’t wait any longer. Abandoning his station in the security control room, he set off for his room, forcing himself to keep his pace slow in spite of the insistent ache in his cock.

Stopping outside the door to his room, Logan inhaled deeply, biting back a growl at the overpowering smell of lust on the other side of the door. His boy was in there, just as Logan had told him to be, and the kid wanted it just as bad as he did. Licking his lips with a low growl, Logan opened the door and stepped in.


Remy felt Logan in the hallway before he heard the door click open, but he remained perfectly still, gaze never shifting from the floor in front of his knees in spite of the wave of lust that hit him as Logan entered the room. Smiling softly to himself, Remy held his breath as Logan moved to stand in front of him; he had made his decision and desperately wanted to tell his Master what he had decided.

The urge to peek and see what Logan was doing was overwhelming, but Remy forced himself to remain still, knowing only that Logan was pleased with him and as turned on as he was. Gaze fixed on Logan’s boots and breath held, Remy waited for his Master’s instructions.

The boy was gorgeous; breathtaking on his knees with the flickering candles lighting the room casting alluring shadows over the his gorgeous body and bringing out all the shades of gold and cinnamon and mahogany in his unruly hair, their flames reflected in his demurely lowered ruby eyes – the effect both beautiful and frightening – transforming the kneeling boy into a fallen angel; wicked and dangerous and ethereally beautiful.

Reminding himself to breathe, Logan simply stared, transfixed by the boy’s beauty. He knew that Remy was a mere mortal like any other, but he couldn’t shake the notion that to touch such a beautiful creature would be somehow blasphemous. Falling to his knees in front of the kneeling boy, Logan hesitantly reached a hand out and lifted the boy’s chin, breath catching all over again at the sight of the boy’s beautiful burning eyes fixed on him.

Biting back a whimper, Remy leaned eagerly into Logan’s touch. The other man’s lust and need were overpowering at this close of range and he was desperate. His forced meditation had given him time to think and he knew what he wanted. He’d known from the first moment he’d read Logan’s words, but now the conviction that it was the right thing to do was unshakable; he knew he wasn’t just being impulsive, this was really what he wanted.

“Did ya think about it like I told ya to, boy?” Logan asked softly. Remy could see the fear in his eyes.

“Oui, Maître,” Remy whispered, holding Logan’s gaze steadily.

“What’s it gonna be, boy? You want this or not?” Logan asked, voice tinged with apprehension.

“S’il te plaît,” Remy answered simply. He didn’t trust himself to say anything more and knew that Logan would understand.

“You’re sure? It’ll be permanent and it’s gonna hurt,” Logan warned perfunctorily. Remy knew what he wanted and once he had made up his mind there was no changing it; Logan knew it and Remy knew it.

“Oui, Maître,” Remy confirmed, eyes glowing a fiery red.

Logan had hoped that the boy would agree to let him mark him, but Remy was unpredictable at times and stubborn as a mule. If the kid had decided that he didn’t want to commit, then there would have been nothing he could do about it. But the kid had agreed and the knowledge that he was going to get to claim this gorgeous creature as his, and his alone, was making him so hard he could barely think.

“Chin up, boy,” Logan said with satisfaction, giving the boy a feral grin. Retrieving the boy’s collar, Logan fastened it around the boy’s neck, biting back a growl at the soft moan the boy made as it was buckled. The meditation had apparently done the boy good; Remy was totally focused on him, oblivious to everything else around him.

“Down,” Logan ordered, pleased when the boy immediately pressed his forehead to the floor, submitting without a second’s hesitation.

Whimpering in anticipation, Remy struggled to remain still. All he could focus on was Logan’s lust and his own frantic need, the combination driving him wild. He couldn’t wait for Logan to mark him – however he intended to do it – he wanted it, craved it, and the need was almost unbearable.

“Up,” Logan ordered, patting Remy on the ass. “Those jeans are coming off.”

Tensing his legs, Remy lifted his ass, biting back a moan of pleasure as Logan undid his jeans, tugging them off his hips and down his thighs with a snarl, freeing his straining cock. Awkwardly lifting one knee and then the other, Remy allowed Logan to strip his jeans the rest of the way off, leaving him naked and panting. “Stay,” Logan ordered.

Straining to identify the sounds from behind him, Remy chewed on his lip, impatient. Logan was digging through the toy box, that much Remy was sure of, but what he was looking for, he didn’t know. There were so many possibilities that it was impossible to guess and the wait was pure torture.


Digging through the boy’s collection of restraints, Logan settled on an armbinder and decided against a gag, hoping that the boy didn’t end up waking the entire mansion because of it. The boy was getting better and better at keeping quiet, but Logan wasn’t sure how well Remy would be able to restrain himself with what he had planned. It was going to hurt like hell, but Logan was willing to risk it; he knew what his boy could handle.

Kneeling at the boy’s side, Logan grabbed both thin wrists and wrenched the boy’s arms behind his back, buckling the armbinder onto them tight enough to bruise and hard enough that the boy gasped in pain.

Standing up, he hungrily eyed the submissive picture the boy made; so beautiful and so helpless with his arms tied behind his back, wrist to elbow. Even Remy couldn’t get out of this particular restraint, and the boy knew it. He was helpless, which was just the way Logan wanted him; he was in control and he decided what would happen to his captive thief.

“Mine,” Logan purred, rubbing his hand soothingly over the boy’s back.

Whimpering, Remy fought back the need to beg. Logan was torturing him, driving him wild with need and he couldn’t wait much longer. He wanted to be marked – he was Logan’s boy, his pet, and wanted the world to know it.

“Up,” Logan ordered and grabbed a handful of the boy’s hair, tugging him roughly into a sitting position. “You ready, boy? Last chance to change your mind.”

“Oui, Maître,” Remy insisted, practically panting with desire.

“That’s my boy,” Logan whispered with a wicked grin. “Sit up straight for me and focus, okay?”

Sitting up straighter, Remy closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind; it was so hard with his need and Logan’s desire overpowering all other feeling. Unable to calm himself, Remy settled for focusing on his desire to be marked; it would have to do. Taking several deep breaths, Remy relaxed as best he could.

“Good boy,” Logan praised, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of the boy’s neck in reward. “Deep breaths.”

Snikt! Remy gasped as he heard Logan’s claws released and shivered in anticipation. Eyes closed in nervous concentration, Remy whimpered as one wickedly sharp claw was run lightly down his spine.

“Ready?” Logan asked softly, his breath hot against the back of Remy’s neck.

“Oui, Maître,” Remy whispered, cock dripping onto the hardwood floor beneath his knees. Heart pounding, he bit his lip to keep from screaming in pleasured agony as the first cut was made over his shoulderblade – Logan’s claw immediately followed by his tongue, laving at the bloodied wound.

Snarling low in his throat, Logan carefully cut the skin of the boy’s shoulder, lapping at the blood flowing from the cuts with barely restrained hunger. Remy’s whimpers had changed to soft moans after the first two or three cuts and the boy was far gone now, moaning in pleasure at each new cut, eyes dilated in a classic endorphin rush, cock rock hard and dripping steadily onto the hardwood floor.

“You wanna come, boy?” Logan growled dangerously, cutting a carefully controlled curve into the boy’s shoulder.

Focusing as best he could on his Master’s voice, Remy nodded eagerly, cock throbbing painfully. God, yes, he wanted…needed…to come.

“Go on, boy,” Logan purred dangerously, nuzzling at the bleeding cuts on the boy’s shoulder, smearing his chin with blood and making Remy moan in agonized pleasure. “Come for me.”

Sinking his teeth into his lip to keep from screaming, Remy surrendered gratefully with a mental scream of agonized pleasure, unable to focus on anything other than unbearable ecstasy of his climax, the edges of his vision going black and the sound of sound of blood rushing in his ears deafening him.


The boy was slowly coming around, trying to focus on Logan and looking for all the world like a sleepy child. Eyes unfocused, Remy tried to make the room stop spinning long enough to get his bearings. He could feel Logan’s mark on his shoulder – a low constant burning that was as pleasurable as it was painful – and smiled drowsily.

“You okay, boy?” Logan asked softly, smiling as the boy tried to focus on him.

“Oui, Maître,” Remy whispered, blinking hard to try to bring the room into focus.

“Sit up,” Logan ordered, sitting back to give the boy room to move.

Wincing in pain, Remy levered himself into sitting position, holding onto the bedsheets to keep his balance, noting for the first time that he wasn’t on the floor anymore. He still felt dizzy, but the room had finally stopped spinning, thankfully.

“Sit still while I clean this up,” Logan said softly, wringing out the wet washcloth he had retrieved while Remy was passed out.

Letting his eyes fall closed, Remy sighed in pleasure as Logan carefully wiped the dried blood from his shoulder, the touch gentle and the heat comforting. Just as suddenly the touch was withdrawn and Remy huffed in disappointment.

“Open your eyes and look, boy,” Logan ordered, squeezing Remy’s arm to let him know that he wanted the boy to look over his shoulder.

Turning his stiff neck as best he could, Remy peered over his shoulder, gasping as Logan’s mark came into view, reflected in the small mirror his Master was holding. “What’s it say?” Remy asked softly, eyeing the kanji marking his shoulder.

“Owned,” Logan answered, pressing a kiss to the still-bleeding mark. “You’re mine, boy. No one else’s.”

“Oui, Maître,” Remy agreed softly, transfixed by the mirror’s reflection.

“Give me your wrist, boy,” Logan purred, putting down the mirror and retrieving a strip of red silk from the floor beside the bed.

Obeying without hesitation, Remy held out his arm, whimpering in pleasure as one end of the silk tie was wrapped around his wrist and knotted firmly. Relaxing into Logan’s control, Remy allowed the other man to pull his wrist behind his neck, running the silk tie around the back of his neck.

Snapping his fingers, Logan pointed at the boy’s other wrist, which Remy dutifully raised, allowing Logan to tie the other end of the tie around it so that he was left with both wrists restrained behind his neck, the position showing off the boy’s hard nipples and washboard stomach.

“Beautiful,” Logan purred, moving to sit on the bed in front of the panting boy and planting one powerful hand in the middle of his chest, pushing the boy down onto the bed with a barely restrained snarl of need.

Pressing a kiss to the middle of the boy’s chest, Logan kissed his way down Remy’s chest and stomach, lapping at the head of the boy’s straining cock and earning a strangled moan as Remy bucked up, trying to get Logan to take him into his mouth. Continuing his path downwards, Logan gave the boy an evil grin before moving down to lap at the boy’s balls, licking and sucking until Remy was almost sobbing in need.

“More already? I’d have thought you’d be worn out after all that,” Logan teased, breath hot against Remy’s aching cock, smirking at the glare the boy shot at him. “This what you want?” he continued throatily, reaching down to cup the rock hard bulge straining against the front of his pants.

Remy nodded frantically, eyes wide with fevered desire. Yes, he wanted it – wanted it so bad it hurt. Eyes fixed on his Master, Remy watched with wide eyes as Logan stripped off his jeans and shirt, standing naked by the side of the bed, cock rock hard and dripping onto the hardwood floor beneath his feet.

Lazily fisting his aching cock, Logan grinned evilly as Remy whimpered frantically, hips hitching up in time to his strokes. Eyeing the boy hungrily, Logan slicked his cock with precum, growling low in his throat. “Ready?” he whispered throatily, hand moving in a hard rhythm up and down his rock hard shaft.

Nodding eagerly, Remy let his eyes fall closed in anticipation as Logan moved to kneel on the bed between his splayed knees. Whimpering in need, Remy arched his back, begging silently for Logan to take him. Heart pounding, Remy felt Logan lean over him, their cocks rubbing together, both of them moaning in frantic pleasure.

Logan steadied the boy’s hips with shaking hands and thrust, hard, biting back a howl at the stab of pleasure – both his and Remy’s – that hit him as he sunk himself to the hilt. Growling low in his throat, he set a hard, fast rhythm, driven harder and faster by Remy’s frantic moans and mewling whimpers.

Moaning in frantic pleasure, Remy bucked up into Logan’s thrusts, the pain of his shoulder rubbing against the sheets just one more pleasurable torment, driving him closer and closer to the edge with each passing second. Pulling at the ties restraining his wrists, Remy arched into Logan’s thrusts, rubbing his cock against Logan’s hard belly with a desperate moan.

Eyes squeezed shut, Logan thrust harder and with less control, driven harder and harder toward the brink with every thrust. Knowing that Remy would be waiting for permission, Logan licked his way up the boy’s neck before purring in his ear, “You’re mine, boy. Mine. You come for me. Now!”

Eyes falling closed, Remy arched up into Logan’s thrusts, sinking his teeth into his lip to silence himself as he gave in to his climax – coming helplessly, hopelessly hard, cum slicking his belly and dripping onto the rumpled sheets.

Groaning raggedly, Logan froze, sinking himself to the hilt and giving into his climax with a frantic snarl, driven helplessly over the edge by the hard rush of ecstasy flooding his mind. Deaf to everything other than Remy’s frantic whimpers and racing heart and blind to everything other than his beautiful boy.


“Don’ you have t’ go back t’ work?” Remy asked sleepily.

“Not tonight, kiddo,” Logan answered softly. “Now go to sleep.”

Too tired and too contented with Logan’s presence to argue, Remy gave up the fight to keep his eyes open and sighed in pleasure as Logan pulled him closer, tucking the boy’s head under his chin. If Logan wanted to stay with him instead of going back to work, he wasn’t going to argue. It felt wonderful.


Sighing contentedly, Logan smiled as he felt Remy settle down to sleep, plastered against his side. There was no way he was going back to work, not tonight, not with his boy sleeping so peacefully at his side. Settling the boy more securely against his chest, Logan leaned back enough to get a glimpse of the boy’s sleeping face – so contented and so peaceful – and lanky body pressed so pleasingly against him, beautiful against the bloodstained sheets.

“Je t’aime toujours, Rem,” Logan whispered softly, and he intended to do just that; Remy was his now and nothing would ever change that.