Title: Did You Notice I was Gone?

Series: Sorrow After Sins, Part one, A.

Author:(chrissy Synth) Whipblade

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Disclaimers: Most of these are Marvel's characters, I am making no profit from these works nor any other. If you really feel you must put your very bored lawyers into action and attempt to A)Track me down across the world wide web, then B) find true grounds to charge me with something, feel free to. Warning, I have no money with the exception of three pennies I found in a parking lot.

Other characters and situations are mine that I really do not want to lay claim to, with the Exception of Sasha Blair and Pinky who are MINE! muahahahah! Mine...yessssssssssss

Summary : Sabretooth, Mystique, Magneto and The Blob are captured, tortured and.. killed?

-Character death : But you wouldn't really care.

Era: Cartoon Movie Cross over. Mostly cartoon.

Rating: NC-17, to be safe R! - This is for Language, graphic violence and adult situations that are
not bleeped out with fuzzy spots.

lil' note: Wolverine slash 'visable' is in chapter Turnin' Tides.. hinted Kurt Wolverine 'ship. Character exploration, Mind games, Rape.. lots of it. Male on male situations, death, blood, bondage, slavery. Extreme situations, do not try this at home. Totally NOT for the faint of heart. ADULT CONTENT. If you are not mature enough to deal with this, head back now. Last warning, you asked for it. Good luck. Please send
feedback, but no flames, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

-Special thanks to Andrea for her timeless patience in beta-ing this sucker, as well as her help with the Sabretooth persona. and Angela, for her input and wisdom. Jeannie for her mastertry, to Moirae, for her Beta-ing help. Also a big thanks to Justin and Gray Heart for putting up with my wicket mind and hounding
me to continue on. - and a Final thank you to Storm Keeper, who without her story X-Men Friends of Humanity, I never would have been inspired. -To All involved and not, A heart felt thank you for
making this fic (series) possible.

Sorrow After Sins 1a: Did You Notice I Was Gone?
by Whipblade

The long dark tunnel was asphyxiating. The magna formed rocks created millions of years ago beaded with sweat, how condensation could sustain the suffocating heat was beyond Victor Creed's understanding. Steam vented off from various cracks in the volcanos walls. A sudden vented heat blast burned into his neck, twisting and tangling the blond hair, whipping it around into his face.

Sabretooth snarled as he jerked his head back, flipping the burned hair behind him. Wham ! A guard slammed Sabretooth square in the back with the butt of his high power laser rifle. The tall mutant growled, wanting to gut them all right then and there, but no.

Victor Creed knew when to fight and right now, walking down this hallway with thirty five guards and only three mutants, this was not the time to fight. Not to mention being inside a volcano.

Another bead of sweat trickled down Sabretooth's forehead.

Furrowing his brow the best he could, he moved the droplet from its course that would of put it in his eye, to running down the bridge of his nose, then over the metal muzzle that covered his face. Sabretooth's senses hampered by the steel muzzle annoyed the man. So did the fact that he had blunt ended metal gloves covering his claws, shackled tight behind him.

Creed hadn't been able to sniff at any of the guards around him. They wore dark brown to light brown army uniforms, not any United States militia.

Each uniform had a vivid logo on the back and shoulder, for the Anti Mutant faction, F.O.H. Friends of Humanity. 'These "men", he used the word loosely, " are no better than the Nazi's of World War II." ' he thought.

Up ahead Sabretooth caught a glimpse of Magneto jerking sideways as his shoulder got blasted by one of the annoying steam vents. The guards surrounding Sabretooth's former employer, pistol whipped Magneto back into line. They all continued onward.

Sabretooth didn't get dragged here willingly. Not even after someone slapped a genetic inhibitor collar around his neck. His keen sense of smell had remained even with the loss of his mutated healing factor. Sabretooth had been taken down, muzzled and then gloved by a whole army of what seemed to be F.O.H soldiers.

It had only been a week, but the F.O.H had flown Sabretooth, locked up in a electric cage with the inhibitor collar that he still wore around his neck, out of America and over the ocean. It was a long trip, Magneto had also been on that flight. But the man remained mute for the whole trip, as well as now. Sabretooth wanted nothing more than to sniff at that Magneto, he was out of character, as was the six months pregnant Mystique.

For the woman who was carrying her second child of Sabretooth's in a selfish last ditch effort to "raise" something, she certainly didn't look at him too much. Just cried and looked pathetic.

Which made Sabretooth think, and think hard. If they weren't who they appeared to be, who were they? Not many shape shifters out there, and once Sabretooth saw the vast opening at the end of the dark tunnel, he started to wonder.

Did they know their fate, or did the F.O.H have that convincing of a story to any shape shifting mutant ? Die willingly, or be killed by thousands of bullets and lasers. Thrilling choice.

A choice Sabretooth could do without. He stopped dead in his tracks. Sabretooth saw how the volcano walls opened up, allowing guards ability to watch mutants be casted off into the center of the volcano.

Sabretooth growled as he took a step back. Three stun guns shot into his back, courtesy of the guards behind him.

A guard, using the butt of his high power laser rifle hit Sabretooth square in the back. He knew the odds were against him. Him against possibly 30 with maybe no back up, not to mention being in side of a volcano and he didn't know the way out of. Sabretooth no longer cared, knowing these bastards were planning to kill him. He had to die sometime, and right now he wanted to be out of the suffocating heat.

Sabretooth roared as he brought his elbows up behind him, the guard behind him howled in pain as he crashed to the floor, jaw already swelling.

Twisting further rotating his shoulders near out of their sockets, Sabretooth brought his cuffed hands to
his front. A guard behind him charged, slamming his laser riffle into the large mutants back.

Sabretooth growled spinning, his cuffed hands locked around the muzzle of the riffle snatching it from the guard. A second guard jumped Sabretooth from behind. Sabretooth flipped the man off his back and into the guard in front of him, the two crashed to the floor. Shouting and now laser fire directed at the raging Sabretooth filled the chaotic hallway.

Sabretooth roared loud and long behind his muzzle as he used the blunt ended metal claws on his hands to rip across the eyes of a guard, blinding him, then break the neck of another. Five men piled onto Sabretooth's back, to be crushed back against a stone wall. A laser blast tore into Sabretooth's femur, blood poured out of the wound, but he ignored it. Sabretooth leapt over the heads of nearby guards, landing heavily on one, bones crushing underneath. Quickly they surrounded him, only to become mince meat to the awkwardly held laser in Sabretooth's hands.

The ones who started to fire into Sabretooth's back, soon found themselves in the same prone position on the floor as the eight before. More guards stormed down the hallway towards the fight.

Sabretooth caught a glimpse of Mystique and Magneto, standing with one guard each watching but not attempting to join in. Sabretooth didn't stop to wonder what they knew that he didn't. A riffle butt cracked him over the head, interrupting any thoughts he had. Momentarily dazed, the guards attacked Sabretooth and forced him down.

Tackled to the ground, thick chains soon became attached to the inhibitor collar and muzzle, as well as his ankles chained together.

Multiple guards now held each chain. Sabretooth, slowly stumbled to his feet growling, weak from the laser and bullet wounds.

Growling in defiance, the guards dragged him along back down the tunnel. 50 more surrounding the 20. They all soon caught up with the two guards holding back the other two mutants.

Sabretooth twisted and turned, testing for any sign of weakness, but it was no use. He was as good as stuck. He limped along, burning in pain from each wound.

Sabretooth's amber eyes watched as Magneto was the first one thrusted over the edge. Millions of miles away from civilization in a place undetectable by any type of radar, Magneto gave them the satisfaction of screaming.

Erik Magnus Lensher was dead, Mystique wept for him.

She locked eyes with Sabretooth, then she too was forced over the edge. The seeping sulfur smell followed as she and the unborn child of his, both gone. The gathered must of have been a hundred F.O.H members, shouted and hollered happily, it was like a big celebration, without the confetti, drinks and food.

The guards behind Sabretooth, shoved their last captive forward. Sabretooth looked down from the ledge into the red bubbly lava. Evidence of any bodies shoved into the lava was non existent.

The guards pushed Sabretooth forward, but didn't move the large mutant. Sabretooth dug his heels into the floor and pressed back against the resistance. Be damned if he was going to die this way.

The 20 guards holding onto Sabretooth's chains all jumped off the cliff, their sacrifice will be all worth it once Sabretooth died then and there. Digging his heals further into the dirt ground, he couldn't hold them all up. Over the edge he plunged down. Past sleek walls centuries of activity had built, falling further into the dormant beasts red belly. The weight pulling him down, then finally lessened as the 20 guards all let go,
screaming as they hit the lava. Sabretooth's feet became fire itself, burning as he neared the lava, twisting Sabretooth brought his metal gloved claws over his head and dug them into the wall the best he could, kicking his feet against the rock, Sabretooth slid down the side of the volcano, determined to stop. His long
brown over coat flipped up covering his head.

Finally he stopped. Tilting his head back, the coat tails flipped off his head. Sabretooth looked down and saw he had stopped just inches above the lava. Peering up Sabretooth noticed the crater had a small lip around it, The mass trying to look over the lip from where they dropped their hated mutant foes. Sabretooth thanked his stars that they had been stupid enough not to drop the mutants from the top of the volcanos cap.

From above he heard the F.O.H swearing.

"I didn't see it."

"I heard it"

"He's dead. Lets go."

It felt like an eternity before they all left, but not one of them saw him.

Suddenly Sabretooth caught a faint whiff of smoke as his back started to feel hotter than his feet.

Sabretooth grumbled as his coat burned creeping up past his knees. Squirming slightly Sabretooth's boots suddenly slipped, with a sharp cry Sabretooth fell with a roared as his legs swung down dipping into the lava. Swiftly twisting, Sabretooth got them both out. Clinging to the wall higher above the lava now, Sabretooth let out a shaky breath as he realized that the inhibitor collar was still around his neck. He couldn't remove it, not in his current wall hanging position.

His legs, burning and being eaten by the lava, if he looked down he would see that up to mid shine, was bare bone, minus the feet. He looked at the lava, then up. Taking a breath Sabretooth slid down, The lavas heat burning, threatening to set more clothing on fire. Sabretooth dipped the back of his neck into the lava.

Screaming out in pain the collar and his skin burned, melting away.

Sabretooth quickly pulled away as the muzzle burned off.

He whimpered between low snarls as he clawed his way up by inch by suffocating inch with his still burning coat upon his back and blood pouring from the wounds that once had been where his legs were, all the way up to the to the rim of the volcano. Dragging himself painfully over the edge, he tumbled down the steep rocky slop 40 meters, putting out the fire that had consumed most of his clothing.

Sabretooth laid against a broken tree that broke his fall. He stayed there moaning, awaiting, either for the lava to finish off him, for his healing factor to kick in, or for the F.O.H to find him and finish him off. Sabretooth let darkness consume him.


Far away in Westchester, New York, United States. A natural occurrence of strong winds swept the area. At the Xavier School For Gifted Children, they dealt with the disturbance, and many others.

The large office with oak paneling covering the walls, hard wood flooring done in a cherry stain, matched the red curtains with gold leaf embroidery, was crowded. In front of the curtains sat a large maple desk. Seated at the desk with the chilly night wind at his back was Professor Charles Xavier. His X-Men gathered around the front of the desk. This particular night each one of them held a flash light as candles flickered illuminating very little.

"Before the power outage, Cerebro had picked up several distress calls from some where over seas." Charles Xavier explained to his students.

"Power outage Chuck? I thought this was a self sufficient school. What happened to the Generators?" Wolverine asked a little confused.

"They blew up." Storm calmly replied. "Thus is the reason why we are standing around in the dark. Our personal power supply has been temporarily diverted."

"Diverted to where sugah?" Rouge asked.

"To the hanger, and the laboratories." Jean replied.

"Why we're here again?" Nightcrawler asked curiously.

"Because Cerebro had picked up distress calls from over seas." Cyclops answered the blue furry mutant with a tail.

"Ja? Where?" Nightcrawler once again asked.

"Some where in the Iran, Iraq area. The system crashed before I was able to pin point it exactly." Xavier explained.

"What are we waiting for? Lets go get them!" Wolverine hastily stated.

"We don't know where they are Logan." Jean said calmly.

"We won't know where they are unless we look." Wolverine pointed out.

Cyclops nodded. "Hank, Bobby and Nightcrawler stay here until you can pin point their locations.

The rest of you, if your willing, will go on a reckon rescue mission." The leader of the X-Men ordered as he turned on a heel and walked out.

Wolverine nodded, then followed Cyclops out. Storm, Jean and Rouge also walked out of the dark office, dull yellow light floating in front of them as they pointed their flashlights at various entrances.


It was bright as mid day when Sabretooth opened his eye lids. He didn't know how much time had passed by, the sun was noon high, but had it been hours? Days? Or even weeks? He just didn't know. He slowly sat up checking himself over. Good, he was fully healed, a little light headed, but healed none the less. Sabretooth couldn't recall ever being that bad off before, then healing.

Stiffly getting to his feet he limped working out the kinks in his legs, he stood there looking around in the bright daylight. No one was around, craning his neck he popped the stiffness out and then twisted his back, checking each muscle and working all the aches and pains out. Walking away from the tree and his landing site, Sabretooth looked around the vast area. It was barren, not warm but not too chilly. Blue sky brown rocky ground with very little vegetation. Rocks, ferns and a few scattered trees. Sabretooth stubbed
his toe and cursed. He limped slightly "Fuck." He swore as his healing factor quickly went back to work.

Sabretooth looked at the gloves on his hands, with a mighty roar he ripped them off and toss them over his shoulder.

The sound of mechanical whirl filled the air.

Sabretooth took cover behind some ferns and rocks.

Spotting the chopper a distance a ways, Sabretooth watched as uniformed F.O.H men stepped out of a large helicopters with three mutants. Sabretooth couldn't make them all out, but he knew one of them. The Blob was literally dragged into the compound that was a small building and steel door from the out side.

Sabretooth suspected the Blob was heading for the same fate as Magneto and Mystique.

The F.O.H men walked out of the building, but with different uniforms on. Dark brown uniforms that looked strikingly like an Iraq army uniform, but with alterations. Sabretooth furrowed his brows. The nearest volcano to Iraq was in the Taurus mountains of Turkey, Sabretooth's puzzlement vanished quickly as the chopper took off.

Sabretooth laid and waited as a new sound filled the air.

A white jet with a yellow stripe painted along the side, in the center was an eagle that faded from the top red to blue on the bottom, Sabretooth could just make out the white letters F.O.H in the center of the eagle. Sabretooth watched as he counted 17 F.O.H uniformed men getting off the jet dragging along five mutant prisoners, none of them he recognized. As the men walked away, Sabretooth scampered behind the jet unnoticed.

Sliding along the jets side, he disappeared inside the shutting doors.

Sabretooth growled as he looked at the small cockpit of the jet. He growled again punching buttons till he was frustrated then finally he got it.

The autopilot was programmed to fly towards America, with no exact location.

"Mister?" A small weak girls voice whimpered in German.

Sabretooth whipped around and looked at the two beaten girls, both sickly thin, one with long red hair and big orange eyes, the other had metal gloves, just like he'd had, over her hands.

"Twenty seconds to lift off" The computer chimed in English.

Sabretooth looked from the console then to the girls. "Fuck!" He cursed as he heard voices approaching. Sabretooth slid behind the cockpit door trying to conceal himself from any ones view.

"Get that one." A tall muscular man ordered in broken English. 13 others walked aboard, all talking drowning out the count down. Suddenly the doors shut and sealed.

"Auto programed take off initiated." The computer chimed again as the jet started to climb.

"THE HELL!?" One of them, the pilot shouted in a foreign language, as he ran to the controls.

Sabretooth growled. The F.O.H pilot turned his head, only to get his throat torn out by huge claws.

Sabretooth jumped over the falling corpse as three men wheeling stun guns shot at Sabretooth.

Sabretooth was knocked back against the jets dash, as the three started to advance. Sabretooth roared as he kicked at one and then flipped forward, slashing at an other. The guards however were too many in the small quarters, they quickly over powered Sabretooth with stun weapons, then finally with spiked billy clubs and batons.

Sabretooth roared as he sprang up against the clubs and stun guns force, swinging a fist attempting to punch the nearest one, Sabretooth found himself cornered. Cursing at himself for not spinning fast enough to slash at the someone who snapped a new inhibitor around his neck from behind. Chains clamped down around his ankles.

Before Sabretooth could fully turn to face his attackers, six stun guns burned their way into Sabretooth's side, then metal gloves once again found their selves covering his hands.

"Beat that mother fucker to shit!" A shorter chubby middle east F.O.H guard snapped as he pushed the dead pilot off the dash and onto the floor. "Turn this junk around." Someone demanded.

Snarling and watching them Sabretooth was forced into a small cubby hole that he barely fit into.

The two girls looked at him frightened.

"I can't, Yen was the only one who could by pass the systems, now he's fucking dead, and the other three pilots are back at the volcano!" One snapped as he fiddled with the buttons." The console is trashed, we have no control over the steering. I may be able to fix it." He continued.

"Fucking wonderful. Where are we headed? Sanjeev." Someone close to Sabretooth asked.

Sanjeev, the new pilot sighed as he sat in one of the blood splattered seats. "We are heading full speed towards America."

"Dammit! No good mutant!" A man snapped pistol whipping Sabretooth with the stun gun.

"Rrrrah!" Sabretooth snarled pulling at his chains.

"Forget him Jim, we got bigger problems" Sanjeev snapped.

Sitting there staring at the two frail's in the corner, Sabretooth started to wonder what everyone was saying. He could speak french, some German, Chinese, Japanese, but this was rather new to him. Although the accent did sound very close to the one he heard from TV on a CNN news cast from Iran. But Sabretooth wasn't a complete moron.

Just because he didn't understand word for word what each one said, he got the hints from body language, voice tones and facial expressions.

He also picked out names. Sanjeev, the new pilot had to die before he turned the small air craft around.


In the Taurus mountains of Turkey, bordering Iraq the underground secrete headquarters of a world wide terrorist organization, in unison with Friends Of Humanity scrambled around for the radar readings of the missing jet and crew.

In a control room, not much different than United States of America's NASA control room.

"Sir," A Turkish voice called from the melee of panicked personal and blinking buttons.

"What is it?" The commander barked in no real direction.

"The jet has vanished, sir." The same voice said from the depth of army men and women, others gasped at the news.

"WHAT!?" The commander snapped getting to his feet.

"The crew is AWOL, they deserted with two mutants." A third voice slowly concluded.

"IS THERE ANYBODY SANE IN THIS COUNTRY!!??" The commander screamed, his words echoing over the now mute personal.


A growl, almost like a thunder clap far off in the distant rolled along at a low altitude. With the cover of thick gray fog, the stealth X-Jet code named The Black Bird flew. Its inability to be picked up by any radar what so ever gave the X-Men an advantage, as well as made the Black Bird an invaluable piece of hardware.

Rumbling, the Black Bird swept over Iran. Its scanners on full as well as a crew member scanning with her mind. Together, mutant and machinery tried to locate Mutants in distress.

From inside the Black Bird the X Men assessed their current position. Cyclops sat in the co-pilots seat looking over the geological charts, while Wolverine concentrated on flying the plane. The cockpit didn't differ too much from an ordinary Black Bird SR-71, except it had more seats to carry the full team around, as well as heavy armory equipment when needed.

"Anything, Jean?" Cyclops asked over his shoulder at his wife as she mentally reached out to any and all mutants below.

"Nothing, Cyclops." Jean replied her eyes closed, and her hands near her head. She focused on trying to find the source.


The two slumbering mutants awoke with a start. Sabretooth only continued to look curiously on.

"MAYDAY! IF ANYONE CAN HEAR THIS PLEASE RESPOND! MAYDAY MAYDAY!!!" Sanjeev screamed over the sparking static filled radio. "WE ARE GOING DOWN! I REPEATWE ARE GOING DOWN!!!!!!!"

The 12 crew member rushed around dawning on life preservers.

Sabretooth sat up to see out of the Jets windows. He expected to see water, but instead the tops of trees were rushing up trying to greet the plane.

Sabretooth wrapped his arms around the red head. The two jammed themselves into the corner and waited. Much as he didn't want to, he thought it best to save this stupid red head. She wasn't much to look at but she seemed to keep the stupid humans occupied. He knew he could figure the best way out while they amused themselves with her.

The little German girl, who was on the other side cried. Sabretooth knew she was going to die soon, either by a plane crash, or starvation.

It was like a blur of images from a movie. Everything in slow motion yet not. The trees reached up and grabbed the out of fuel jet plane. Whipping branches and thick palm trunks slammed against the white object nosily. The plane was ripped apart, wing by wing, tail fin by tail fin, Shattering window by shattering window. The jet creaked and cracked. Then finally snapped in two as it landed heavily into the rocky ground.

Sabretooth moaned as he came too. His brain felt scrambled, along with every inch of his body that felt like pain itself. Slowly opening his eyes, Sabretooth stared at a very bleak image, he realized he was looking down. Below him laid the upside down wreckage of the plane, the crew scattered, all looking pretty much alive. The small girl he had been holding onto slipped out of his arms on the way down. He could see her red hair blowing softly in the light breeze. From this height, Sabretooth couldn't tell if she was alive or not.

Grabbing the tree branch tightly, Sabretooth carefully hoisted himself up onto it. Sitting up perched, Sabretooth looked around. As far as he could. A mass of water was on three sides of him. He figured it was the ocean they had been crossing. A body was floating face down in the water, it bobbed up and down with each wave.

Grunting, Sabretooth maneuvered himself on the branch then slid closer to the tree trunk, till he finally rested against it. Winching Sabretooth growled looking at the tree he leaned against. It was some sort of leafy tree. Blood dripped down Sabretooth's forehead, whipping it away he grabbed on to the rough bark.

Sanjeev looked up at the blue sky. White clouds danced around above the black smoke from the burning and broken trees around the crash site.

Movement caught his eyes, the large mutant was climbing down from 15 feet above. Slowly getting to his knees, Sanjeev hobbled up holding his head.

Stan stood against a tree trunk, a bone stuck out from his shin. He winced and muttered. What looked like a part of an arm laid in the sand not far from him. Grunting, Stan shifted again as he took the weight off of his broken leg.

She had no name she could think of, she was young and only 16 when they kidnaped her from her home in Ireland. That was nearly a year ago, she was still afraid, now alone and tired of it all. She didn't want to be alone anymore, She was almost rescued by a cur mutant but now.., the cur that was about to save her maybe dead. She wanted to weep for him, but she didn't seem to have the strength left. All she wanted was to see her brothers and sisters back in her little home on Ireland.

She stayed where she was, her side a flash of burning pain. She stared up at the sky waiting...

Hoping maybe death would take her from the hell, maybe even she could go where ever the snarling mutant outcast that tried to save her went to, her snarling sexy mutant outcast, her cur.

His name was Omaha, the leader of this small group of soldiers. The last thing he remembered he was buckling up in the co-pilots seat, now he was curdled up in a ball along a shore line. The trail of debris and small fires stretched on both sides of him. He muttered in coherently, waiting for someone to find him. Blood splatted his face and chest. He didn't move, he couldn't of even if he tried.

Sabretooth set his feet painfully onto the hot sand.

Limping he headed towards where he saw the red head from 15 feet above.

Walking up to her still form Sabretooth kneeled. "Hey ya girlie?"

She looked at the mutant who tried to rescue her and the little German girl. She didn't talk, she knew better than to talk, she only smiled.

Sabretooth looked her over. "Ya look fine."

She shook her head no, stiffly she moved her right arm and pointed to her left side.

Sabretooth touched her side gently, she flinched.

"Hurt hu?"

She nodded.

"Wanna die?" Sabretooth snarled.

She shook her head no. Sabretooth frowned.

"Lifting your shirt frail." He warned. She nodded as he lifted the rag of a top strewn over her.

Sabretooth sighed. By the look of her side, she either had cracked or broken ribs.. or just one hell of a bruise. There was no swelling or signs of internal bleeding. Being a homicidal maniac, you tend to know what things look like.

"You'll be fine ." Sabretooth said to her pulling down her shirt.

Once again she smiled.

Sabretooth caught a glimpse of something moving.

Squinting, he spotted hair, and a hand poking up from the sand. Above the plane rested.

"The other kid didn't make it." He told the red head.

She nodded understanding.


Sanjeev walked over to Stan with the medical supplies salvaged from the wreck.

"That looks bad." Sanjeev commented.

"Try feeling it!" Stan snapped.

Sanjeev studied it. "Who was near you?"

Stan thought for a moment. "I think Ohamn. Why?"

Sanjeev pulled out the bone sticking from Stan's leg."Because I think Ohamn may be dead."

Stan passed out without even a scream.

It took most of the day for the body count to finally come in. Out of the 13, 2 were dead. Out of the mutants one dead, one was injured one was very pissed off.

Sabretooth and the girl hobbled only a few feet once she was able to move, only to be stopped by five guys wheeling stun guns and rifles.


The Black Bird landed back at its hanger shining like a freshly washed car in the bright lights. The crew, low on spirt exited the low on fuel jet.

"We couldn't' find a thing professor." Cyclops said as he walked down the steps of the Black Bird.

"I haven't found a trace of the distress call either.

Perhaps it is already too late." Professor X sighed.

"Nonsense Professor. We just need to get Cerebro and the power back on and...." Jean smiled.

"News flash Jeanie." Wolverine started as he cut her off. "The power is back on."


On the banks of a country known as Genosha, a guard through a pair of high-tech binoculars, spotted the distressed plane go down on one of Genosha's islands. From his perch in the guard tower high above the labor camps, he radioed to the ground, alerting the rescue team that he thought he saw the F.O.H logo.

The Rescue & Retrieval unit team dispatched within minutes.

The guard watched as the AS 332 Super Puma disappeared on the other side of the island then appeared back in view within minutes.


Charles Xavier pressed the joy stick on the arm of his wheel chair, the automatic chair rolled forward. Dark shimmering steel surrounded the man as he exited the Cerebro unit.

His awaiting students greeted him with curious and worried eyes.

"Any sign Professor?" Cyclops asked readily.

Charles lowered his bald head, Scott Summers always ready for action for the good of the universe. "None what so ever. Either the Cerebro unit had flawed during the power shortage, or worse. Whatever happened., has ended."

"I am sure they have just been brought to a place where Cerebro can not reach them, Professor." Jean tried to comfort her teacher.

Charles Xavier nodded, knowing that maybe that ray of hope his students hung onto, would one day brake through. Charles himself had his doubts, but also hoped.

Out of sight, out of mind. The distress call Cerebro picked up, was well forgotten by the end of the next mission only days later.


The AS 332 Super Puma landed among several other helicopters, the SH-2 Sea sprite, and BO 105 along with some Genosha military adapted Apache, to name a few. The crew unloaded helping the Iraqi soldiers in F.O.H uniforms and then the two restrained Mutant prisoners. A short man in a gray suit and tie strolled towards the Rescue & Retrieval unit. Two body guards in black suits carrying high power laser rifles walked
on either side of the short man.

"Welcome to Genosha!!" The short man greeted the foreign crew. "My name is Commander Zeekieal, the mutants you have brought here will be taken into the Genosha government custody until further notice." Zeekieal said formally.

"Well that's all fine and dandy, but what are we going to do here? Mister Zeekie?" Sanjeev snapped his broken English filled with annoyance and frustration from the days event.

"You are free to move about and relax at a resort free of charge. Shop with in the stores, no worry of money. If you feel you need to contact your government please do so. The phone lines are clear and un tapped out side of the miliary complexes. And the name is Commander Zeekieal." Zeekieal stated coldly.

"Shut up Sanjeev." One of Sabretooth's original captives snapped in Turkish. "We thank you for your hospitality, could we see the mutants restrained first? Then be shown to our hotel?" He finished in English.

"Certainly, Follow me." Zeekieal nodded not smiling at all. He turned on his heal, two body guards in tow. The injured and disoriented Iraqi or Turkish crew behind him, and five armed men from the Genosha unit, surrounding the mutants who both grumbled about being poked with the muzzle of rifles.

Sabretooth snarled as they were paraded down dimly lit hallways with flickering flourescent lights jammed into the ceiling. Sabretooth glared at the Genosha guards around him and the red head who limped due to her side injury. The original guards that Sabretooth had tried to escape twice now, walked ahead of him. He still hadn't figured out what terrorist organization, if any, they belonged to. They looked like all of them could of been born in Iraq, but they spoke enough English to understand and communicate with the Genoshians.. Yet the uniforms also screamed of Iran, Iraq, but Sabretooth knew the only volcano close
enough, active or otherwise is in the Taurus Mountains in Turkey. They certainly didn't act like the F.O.H, only appeared like them in the uniforms. Obviously to put blame on the wrong hands, and hide what they are really doing and planning. Sabretooth started to wonder just what they were hiding.

Finally they all stopped. Sabretooth was roughly shoved into a small cell. Once again shackled and his collar removed, then replaced with a much heavier Genosha inhibitor collar. A red blinking light flashed under Sabretooth's chin. The red head was chained across from Sabretooth. Both of them had the same collars on, both of them chained up like crucified rag dolls. The cold walls slick with condensation that put a bitter chill in the air, the whole place reeked like a basement long abandoned, filled with mold and musk The two nations guards left through the only door, a steel barred prison one. The cell was hardly big enough to fit five men in.

Sabretooth growled as he pulled on his new restraints.

"Damn people who keep using adamantium!" Sabretooth snarled loudly.

The red head looked at him, then giggled.

Sabretooth tilted his head. "You think it's funny hu, frail?" He snapped.

She just nodded smiling, her orange eyes dancing as they looked up and down Sabretooth's body.

End part 1
tbc part 2.