I found this draft of Brian's resumé crumpled in the wastebasket.

                     Brian A. Kinney

6 Fuller Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

                  Pennsylvania State University
                                               Bachelor of Arts in Communications, 1994

Senior Thesis - "Eye-movement and Eroticism;
                                               How viewers scan advertising."
3.79 on a 4 point scale

Carnegie Mellon University
                                               Design Studio I and II, 1995
                                               Computer Skills Workshop, 1996

Art Institute of Pittsburgh
                                               Design and Technology, 1997

EMPLOYMENT:                MARC USA/Pittsburgh
                                                Assistant Marketing Strategist, 1994-97

Ryder Associates
                                                Marketing Strategist, 1997-99
                                                Account Manager, 1999-2001

Van-Gard Advertizing
                                                Account Manager, 2001- 2003
                                                Associate/Partner, 2002- 2003

ACCOUNTS/CAMPAIGNS: Brown Athletics              Steel Town Beer
                                                  Liberty Air                      Huggies Baby Wipes
                                                  Fire Pit Steak House        Pool Boy Beverages
                                                  Old Pitt Beer                   Undergear
                                                  Easton Heights Teabag     Church Brew Works
                                                  Cedar Point                     Laser Storm Pittsburgh

AWARDS:                          - MARC USA Scholarship in Advertising, 1993
                                                - Annual Creativity Award, Advertising Age, 2000
                                                - Atlas Award, "Advertiser of the Year",
                                                   American Association of Advertisers, 2002
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