Sha Gojyo

With his easy going manner, charm and good looks Gojyo is nothing if not lover. But as much as he chases skirts he still has his morals and leaves his partners very happy in the morning. How do I know? Those ladies in the first episode looked like repeat customers to me. But along with being flirt, he has a kind heart, strong loyalties and a mischievous nature. He's a rough and tumble big brother for Goku, best friends with Hakkai and a smoking and verbal sparing partner with Sanzo. He spends less time get hit with the paper fan, but almost more time getting shot at I think. In many ways he reminds me Yohji Kudou from Weiss Kreuz, it's probably what makes him my favorite Saiyuki character.

Gojyo is a half demon, his mother human and his father demon. We don't know anything about Gojyo's human mother and from flashbacks we can assume that he considered his father's demon wife as his mother so he must have known her longer. Unfortunately this was hard on her and in the end she snapped. The color of his hair and eyes a constant reminder of his half blood and her husbands infidelity. Gojyo bears two scars on his left cheek where his mother attacked him. To save his life, probably knowing that his mothers sanity was gone Gojyo's half brother Jien killed her, then ran away. Gojyo carries the guilt for his mother and brother's pain and tears with him unable to forgive himself or make things right. He sees his hair color as blood and a chastisement, which was something that he and Hakkai had in common.

Gojyo found Hakkai barely conscious in the forest on his way ome from the bar where he'd been playing poker and doing quite well. Hakkai startled him by actually looking at him and smiling with eyes that looked like they were laughing at him when by all rights he should have been dead. As he so straight forwardly tells Hakkai later, he stuffed the other man's internal organs mostly back inside and got him to a doctor. Now most peoples' involvement might have ended right there. But as we know Gojyo took the comatose stranger home with him and cared for him. He even went so far as to give up his bed, quit smoking inside and you know he probably had to spend most of his time with the unconscious man, so probably gave up his love life for a time as well. It's cute really because even now we often find that Hakkai will have the bed while the men are traveling and Gojyo tends to sleep sitting against the bed with his head beside Hakkai.

A month later when Hakkai had recovered enough to travel, he attempted to leave and Gojyo unwillingly intended to let him. Their goodbyes were interrupted though when Sanzo came to the door looking Hakkai to take him back to the Sanbutsushin to face murder charges. Gojyo instinctively knowing that it was his, up to that time, nameless friend he was looking for tried first to brush it off. When that failed he struggled with Sanzo. After a bullet through the doorway Hakkai showed himself, but Gojyo refused to let Sanzo take him and helped him escape. Later when Sanzo, Gojyo and Goku had tracked Hakkai down it was Gojyo that convinced Sanzo to perform a cermony at the site of Hyakugan Maoh's castle. Not allowed to finish the trek to the temple Gojyo goes home to wait for word on Hakkai's fate.

Whether from some cruel streak or simply because he was still angry with Gojyo, when Sanzo returned to the village a bit later he told Gojyo that Cho Gonou was dead. Gojyo rages at him for a few moments, before slumping down in a chair and commenting about how that is twice that he's been dumped. Sanzo doesn't see the deeper meaning and feelings behind Gojyo's statement and leaves thinking that it doesn't mean as much as he thought. Or pretending to anyway.

In a fit of self renewal and perhaps not able to stand looking at his own reflection because of the memories it stirs up Gojyo cuts his hair off. Some days later he is wandering the streets being followed by several of the women he used to hang around with who want to know where he's been. He tells them only that he'd been busy with a new roommate for a while and then wanders away from them with barely a second glance. He wanders into the market place his eyes drawn to some apple because they are so red. He starts to buy one a familiar voice comments on their color being the color of blood. He turns to find Hakkai standing at his shoulder.

In Heaven Gojyo was General Kenren Taisho. His friend Tenpou though higher in actual rank as the Field Marshall acted as his agitant more to keep Kenren out of trouble because they were friends than anything else. Like the other three Gojyo did not change much from the god he used to be. Even then he found his pleasures in a good smoke, a good woman and a good cup of rice wine. He was still brazen and only gave respect where it had been earned. He had a soft spot for children which may have led to the downfall of himself, Tenpou and Konzen. Kenren hated what was happening to the War Prince Nataku as he was being sent to battle after battle to face innumerable enemies alone. He tried to intercede in one such command, but was cried down by Nataku's own Father. On leaving the throne room Nataku punches him lightly and whispers "Thank you." Kenren was imprisoned but help by all people the Dragon High Lord (Hakuryu) who seemed to that point to have little use for him. Things obviously went down hill from there.

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