Son Goku

Goku has been Sanzo's companion for at least 3 to 5 years when the series first begins. We see in a flashback how Goku's soul called to Sanzo almost relentlessly from a stoney prison high on the top of Mount Gogyo. Finally the young Priest finds him and sets him free just to stop the voice in his head. Goku tells Hakkai at one point in episode 7 that it was like the sun when Sanzo stood in front of his prison for the first time. That Sanzo had always been his savior and guiding light. The relationship between Goku and Sanzo is a difficult one to follow. At least from Sanzo's end. Goku worships the ground that Sanzo walks on even if sometimes talks back a bit. Sanzo on the other hand seems to vary between being a reluctant keeper to an indulgent big brother when he's really feeling good.

Gojyo and Sanzo tend to call Goku, Stupid Monkey or Baka Saru. And honestly with his hyperactive energy, agility and strength he can be. And though he is rather innocent and naive at times, I don't think he's all that stupid. Annoying as hell yeah I agree with that too. LOL But then if you'd been cooped up in a tiny cave prison and held by chains that limited your movement to almost nothing you'd build up a need to be always moving too I wager.

People tend to call Goku a demon or youkai. And I suppose in a round about way he is. But he is even more than that. He is a child of the earth, born from a rock that had up that time held the aura of world and it instilled him with all the power of the earth. It amazes me that anyone can actually stand up to him, but then... that is what the coronet is for. Without it I'm not sure that anyone even the gods would stand a chance against him. Sanzo is the only one that seems to be able to even barely penetrate whatever battle lust that takes Goku over when the headband breaks. With the headband on Goku is sane, gentle, fun loving and innocent. Without the headband he seems to lose all control and his only desire to fight and kill. In fact he seems to enjoy dragging out the battle inflicting damage and pain when he could easily finish his opponents in moments.

The English version calls him the Great Sage Goku, at least that is what Hakkai tells Gojyo in episode 7. Normally a Sage is a very wise person and usually quite old as well. Now Goku meets one of those criteria, but not the other that I've seen yet. Though he does have an innocent wisdom sometimes. It will be interesting to continue following the series and see if they ever explain that statement more.

The picture on the right is one I've never seen before in all the time I've been scouring the net. If you would like to copy it you can find it at:

I'm sorry I've set the large picture page up with a no right click. If others use the picture on their websites I want the credit to go back to where it is deserved. Please don't direct link, I've found too many galleries that have been removed recently because of stolen bandwidth.

Goku today is almost the same Goku that was first given to Konzen Douji 500 years ago. He was brought to the Kanzeon's palace because of some unspecified crime. He had actually been tricked into coming with the promise of food and I can believe it. I doubt anyone could have made Goku do anything he didn't want to even then. I get the impression that he had already been held elsewhere for a period of time before that. Upon seeing Konzen for the first time Goku became so entranced with his hair that he went all the way up on the podium/dais where Konzen, Kanzeon and her aid Jiroushin were so he could touch it. Unfortunately for our little monkey he also ended up pulling out or breaking off a large chunk of it in the process. Kanzeon was so pleased to see Konzen's reaction and the amusement of it that she gave Goku to Konzen to take care of. I'm afraid Konzen's quiet and boring life ceased to be quiet or boring.

In an attempt to escape Konzen's wrath one afternoon... after making paper airplanes out of his paperwork. Goku met War Prince Nataku who was also trying to hide away from the wrath of someone over him. They quickly became friends as they were the only two their age around. (not sure why) But When asked what his name was Goku couldn't answer because he didn't have one yet. So he went to Konzen and asked for one. Konzen gave him the name Goku since he was such a hyperactive Monkey and it was such a simple name that even he couldn't forget it.

General Kenren and Field Marshall Tenpou both took a liking to Goku and took him under their wings. Kenren sort of an unofficial protector, he had a soft spot for children. And Tenpou enjoyed his energetic company and help with the sorting of all his books which Goku enjoyed reading. Goku became a catalyst which probably sped up something that would have happened eventually and involved his four friends of heaven. It probably also led to his imprisonment in Gogyo Mountain. I don't know yet.


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