Ken is the one that would probably be able to walk away from Weiß and his life as an assassin the easiest. Not because he doesn't care for his teammates, but because, of them all he is the sanest and has endured the least amount of tragedy that we know off.
Name: Ken Hidaka
Age: 19
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Birthday: December 23
Codename: Siberian
Weapons: Bugnuks, literally metal claws that extend from his gloves when he closes his fist.
Flower: GentianAlmost everything we learn about Ken we learn in two of the first episodes of the first season. After that we really don't learn much more. Ken was a professional soccer player for a Japanese team. Two years prior to where the series opens Ken was accused of betting on his team. Basically they said that he bet against his team and then made sure that they lost.
He was the goal keeper and during the second half of the match he missed several balls which allowed the other team to win. He'd been drugged and I'm not sure why he didn't call a time out to let the coaches know. He was removed from the team unjustly and with little or no proof either way. His career was ruined and his honor questioned. His best friend and childhood playmate Kase was supposedly trying to help him clear his name. The two of them met secretly at a warehouse but were attacked by criminals. Ken was badly beaten and left in the burning warehouse. Kase was dragged away by the other men.
We learn that Kase, who Ken thought was dead is working for a criminal Boss. Ken can't believe that his friend is bad and begs the others to give him 2 days to investigate. Unfortunately Kase is a bad as Persha and Kritiker say he is. It was he who was betting on the soccer team, it was he who drugged Ken and it was he who set up the hit that was supposed to kill Ken in that burning warehouse. Finally forced to accept the reality that his childhood playmate wasn't his friend or the person he thought him to be, Ken was forced to kill him. (Damn do we see a theme here??? Omi with his brother, Yohji with Asuka, and now Ken. Only Aya didn't have to kill someone he loved.)
It's basically this episode I think that makes people believe that Ken is too trusting. But then how many of us would be willing to just blithely except that the person we played with all our lives was a criminal. I don't think that Ken is too trusting. I think he just hasn't given up on giving most people the benefit of the doubt without them having to prove their not bad first.
He is a little bit of a hothead but only because he isn't as controlled as Aya, or as laid back as Yohji or as gentle as Omi. He tends to deal with his emotions through action. If he's not in a fight with the team, then he uses his motorcycle as a means of letting off his emotional steam. More often that is his pain and confusion, not really anger. Actually what I noticed is that when he's the angriest or deadliest Ken can seem as controlled as Aya.
Ken does question what the team does quite often. But not anymore so than any of the others. He and Aya tend to be just about even in that particular charateristic and for just about the same reason. Neither feels "clean" enough to love or be loved they see the blood on their hands and feel they are unworthy. That was the biggest hold up with his going with his girlfriend to Australia. And Yohji didn't as much talk him out of going as he simply repointed out the same things that Ken had already wrestled with. It was actually after he killed the head of a company that was experimenting on young people with a toxic drink that he saw the blood on his Bugnuk glove and actually made up his mind. After watching that episode I can't really say one way or the other whether there was enough love there on either side for them to have made a go of it if he had gone with her. She was there at time when he needed distraction and comfort(just after the Kase episode). And I don't think she liked being alone.
Ken's favorite pastime is coaching the children of the neighborhood in soccer. And thinking about it, it probably helps the four young men maintain their cover. Apparently he spends most of his free time with the kids coaching and just playing. In fact at the beginning of the second season the team has broken up because of the death of Persia, some bad exposure and the ending of Aya's need for revenge. Ken is working as a coach for a young childrens team. Unfortunately that is short-lived as the group suddenly comes back under the gun once again.
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