Genjo Sanzo

Kougaiji is a Prince of Demons, the son of Lord Gyumaoh and the Lady Rasetsunyo. Five hundred years ago War God Nataku fought and defeated Gyumaoh sealing him within Hotou castle. From flashbacks it sounds as if Kougaiji was also sealed there at the same time. Unless he had a major epiphany while sealed away in a comatose state I think that may have been very harsh. But then look what was done to Goku, that was a fate even worse than lying dormant. Revived by his father's mistress Lady Gyukumen Koushu, Kougaiji has been charged with helping her revive Gyumaoh in exchange for getting his mother back. I am unclear as to whether Gyukumen Koushu placed the seals on his mother or if this was also done by Nataku. Nor why it took her five hundred years to free Kougaiji, but that seems to be the case.

Though Kougaiji comes across as tough the people who don't know him, the ones who follow him or interact with him the most know that he's not all that he seems. He loves his Mother and his sister and would do anything to protect them. He enjoys a good brawl with a good opponent. He prefers to do things in a straight forward manner, but isn't above using assassins when he feels they are needed though I get the feeling he'd rather handle things himself most of the time. Goku seems to be his opponent of choice because the monkey is so strong and gives him a good battle. He is pursuing Sanzo and party because he needs the Scripture that Sanzo carries. All in all if they weren't on opposite sides the eight would probably be friends.

Dokugakuji is Gojyo's older brother. Looking at flashback scenes unless Doku simply aged a lot slower he seemed to be about 10 years older than Gojyo so I'm guessing at the age based on that. Doku saved Gojyo's life while they were growing up, saving him from his own mother who wanted to kill him. After doing so he ran away and ended up with Kougaiji who took him in as one of his people without question. Doku has followed him loyally ever sense and the two have become very good friends.

Dokugakuji seems to be not only a friend but confidant for Kougaiji. He gets away with things that others I expect would not. He calls Kou hot head and doesn't let him get away with things without calling him on them. It's almost like it's his job to be there to knock some air out of Kou when his head gets too swelled. While out looking for Lirin in one episode Doku finally tells his friend that he knows how Kou feels when it comes to Lirin. Doku and Gojyo have several run ins once the Sanzo group begins their travel west. And even though they fight often it's more like they just keep each other busy than actual fighting.

  • Name: Yaone
  • Age: (?) 20's?
  • Birth Date: January 28
  • Height: (173cm)
  • Weight: (53kg)
  • Hair Color: Purple
  • Eye Color: Violet
  • Blood Type: AB
Okay I know normally I don't do the girls because this is a bishi page. But you know what... I like Yaone and I love Lirin interacting with Sanzo. But this is only a small bit I promise. Yaone was saved by Kougaiji as she was being taken off to the Hyakugan Maoh... who knows maybe if she hadn't Kanan would still be alive. Or maybe not, who knows.

Lirin is Kougaiji's half sister and despite who her mother is he loves her dearly. She wants to do anything to help him free is Mother because she thinks that Rasetsunyo must have been very nice if Kougaiji loves her so much. She and Goku could easily be related.

  • Name: Lirin
  • Age: (?) This one...?
  • Birth Date: (?)
  • Height: (?)
  • Weight: (?)
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Blood Type: (?)

This picture was found on one of the sites listed on the main Saiyuki page but I don't remember which one. It is just too awesome for words if you are a Kougaiji lover!


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