


It was a time when Heaven and Earth co-existed... peacefully. Where demon and man were more than neighbors, they were brothers. Here civilization and faith were born, the foundations of man. It was Shangri La.

But then the brotherhood of man and demon turned. Man became Abel to Demon's Cain. They grew angry and powerful... and hungry. And they convened far to the West - under the command of one....






Far away in the land of India, sealed within the heart of Houtou castle lies the Demon Lord Gyumaoh. Someone is trying to resurrect him. A merging of forbidden magic and science is manipulating the demons and turning them to the darkest part of their souls. An unlikely foursome is sent by the Merciful Goddess of Heaven into the west to discover who is at the root of the sudden turn of events.

The Four Companions
Genjo Sanzo Son Goku Cho Hakkai Sha Gojyo

But their trip is not a smooth one. Along with the random maddened demons roaming the countryside, they have to deal with assassins, old enemies, demons who want to eat Sanzo and gain immortality. But worst of all... A group of honorable, nice and basically good hearted demons led by the desperate and driven son of Gyumaoh... Kougaiji. Now how do you fight a group of people that under other circumstances you would be happy to call friends?

The Kougaiji Ikkou
Kougaiji, Dokugakuji,
Lirin, Yaone

Wait... did I say worst of all earlier? Boys and girls you ain't seen nothin' yet. Enter a mutual enemy... (friend?) to both groups. Three gods set on revolution within Heaven and remaking the Earth. And they've got their eyes set on the Sutras... and Goku.
The Kamis
Homura, Shien, Zenon


Pictures for the Saiyuki pages were found in a number of places all of which allowed it as long as links back were established which you will find just below. All others were scanned pics from Hentaitenshi...Thank you!!

For an excellent site for pictures and information follow the link below. (hint: two pages of drool worthy Kou!)


Animated gifs courtesy of - Yokies




Saiyuki and its characters © 2000 Kazuya Minekura / Enix · Saiyuki Project · TV Tokyo.

Page layout © Cat 2004