Genjo Sanzo

Only five are chosen in each generation of priests marked with the crimson chakra upon their brows by their Sanzo Master at the time of choosing. Bound by the responsibility to carry and protect one of the five different scripture of heaven and earth. They are devout, pure of heart, spiritually strong and....

Gojyo: "Oh cut the crap..."

Sanzo: "Shut up or I'll kill you."

Gojyo: "..."

Well okay so they are supposed to be, but mostly they are just human or at least Genjo Sanzo is. I get the impression that his past and the influences of his Master Kamyo Sanzo who was also more worldly and less rigid in his spiritual beliefs are responsible. He simply wasn't outspoken about it. Sanzo while still Kouryu tells a friend, "I reserve all my faith for Master Sanzo (speaking of Kamyou). I have no place for gods, and though I cannot believe in deities I do believe in myself." It took only a moment for the base on which his world stood to be destroyed.


Sanzo was found floating in the river by Kamyo Sanzo, whether as a baby or small child I'm not sure. Kamyo took him in and trained him as his student. Called Kouryu at the time he was often teased by the other apprentices who called him Kouryu the driftwood or Kouryu the river rat. From flashbacks it was probably a bit of jealousy for his strong fighting skills as well as brought on a bit by his own attitude. Kouryu looked up to Kamyo as both his Master and probably the closest thing to a father figure that he knew. Kamyo was killed by demons sent to steal the Maten and Saiten scriptures. Kouryu blames himself for not being able to protect Kamyo and for allowing the demons to get away with the Saiten scripture. Just before the attack Kamyo had bestowed upon Kouryu his new name and the crimson chakra of Sanzo status. Honestly I think Kamyo knew what was coming some how. The next day Genjo Sanzo left the Kinzan temple to retrieve the scripture and exact revenge for the death of his Master. He is still searching.

When our story opens Sanzo has just returned to the temple he is currently living at to a scene of quiet chaos. His ward... pet... servant, take your pick or all three, Goku, has the other monks in an uproar because he is eating peaches from a tree meant for the Merciful Goddess. Like she actually goes down and gets them. -_- Sanzo lets them know in his own quiet way that he could care less and drags Goku away after a few good swats with his paper fan. This is Sanzo's disciplinary tool of choice. LOL After much nagging and whining Sanzo tells Goku that the Sanbutsushin (Three Floating Heads) have sent them on a mission for the Merciful Goddess.

Sanzo has questions in his own heart and mind over the mission. Mostly over the three companions that he has been told to take with him. Though he doesn't kill them randomly or treat them badly Sanzo cannot forget that it was demons that killed his Master. And his companions are each demons of a sort, but also friends though he wouldn't admit it in a million years. They are attacked by other demons and during the battle he listens to them and looks at them with different eyes as he's been instructed and makes up his mind. Drawing their attention to them he points out to the setting sun and tells them that is where they are going. To the West.

Sanzo is about as unmonk like as he can get. About the only thing he might still be is a virgin, though we do our best to put that to an end don't we? LOL

Truly Sanzo is bad tempered, sullen and closed off. He drinks and smokes to excess. He swears and of course commits the sin of sins amongst the Buddist faith, he takes the lives of others. His favorite pasttime is playing Mahjong with his companions, with plenty of beer and cigaretes to indulge. His other favorite pasttime... brooding. To make matters worse the man is just too beautiful and thank god he normally wears his robes over that skin tight sexy as hell cat suit of his. And I noticed that Kamyo Sanzo still had his hair so either Sanzo's aren't required to shave their heads or he just didn't and Genjo followed suit. Again, thank god.

Sanzo refuses to teach or give sermons, preferring to keep a low profile because he doesn't want to be bothered. His companions are perpetually pissing him off by using his title of Sanzo to make their trip easier. But then Sanzo learned this attitude from his Master who also didn't like preaching or lecturing. He preferred to teach important lessons through some of the simplest of everyday actions.

Unknown to Sanzo and his friends their bond is older and stronger than any of them currently realizes, except Goku who has intermittant recollections which he doesn't understand. Five hundred years ago Sanzo was known as Konzen Douji and was the nephew of Kanzeon Bosatsu. I haven't gotten to see the finally of this particular storyline yet so I don't know why he was "reborn". Though I have my guesses as to what happened.

Konzen worked in the filing department handling the paperwork for the Merciful Goddess. He spent most of his time hiding in his office wanting nothing more than peace and quiet, complained that heaven was boring. Kanzeon agreed with him but kept it quiet knowing it wasn't a good thing to have bantered about. I think she also kept him isolated from other things that were happening. Konzen seems as emotionless and egotistical as Sanzo, but like Sanzo there is more beneath the surface than first appears. Thinking Konzen needs a pet, Kanzeon gives him Goku who is presented to them one day. The little monkey takes an immediate liking to Konzen which is what prompts the handing over. Konzen reluctantly accepts. Sound familiar? LOL


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