Unfortunately even after watching the episodes for Weiß Kreuz, I wasn't able to learn much more about the boys of Schwarz. Even though they are in almost half the episodes to one extent or another there just isn't much more to learn about them than what I've already been able to get off the net. Basically it just reinforced what I already knew or suspected. It made me love Nagi more and wish that Schu was nicer cause he's gosh darn cute! Farfy is as crazy as he seems but he's still in there somewhere. Brad has his own plans and we find that out pretty quickly. So you're not going to find much new on the new page for them. But maybe if I can get my hands on some of the manga and translations of the Dramatic CDs then I can add more.

Name: Nagi Naoi
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 15
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Birthday: Unknown
Codename: Prodigy
Talent: Telekinesis
Weapons: Telekinesis, computers

Nagi is the youngest member of Schwarz and the only Japanese native on the team. In the single flashback that is revealed during the series it is shown that Nagi is a street child, tormented and harrassed because he is different, a freak. He doesn't seem to have any loyalty to society, probably because of the abuse and neglect it allowed to happen to him just because he was different. He seems rather cold and emotionless at first. But it becomes obvious when he befriends and is befriended by a young girl named Toto or Tot that there is a heart beating under there and that all it might take is a little love to start a healing. She is a member of the same criminal assassin group as Yohji's Asuka. Tot is very childlike and I think it is that childlike quality that attracts Nagi so much. He saves her when she's trapped under some burning rubble and after that seems to have a need to protect her. He uses his telekinesis to make her laugh, rescuing fly away umbrellas and causing cherry blossoms to dance around her head.

But the other members of Schwarz aren't particularly happy with this turn of events. They feel it is distracting Nagi, probably afraid that if he actually has the chance to be happy that he'll be no good to them any more also. Farfie stabs Tot right in front of Nagi and she falls back into his arms. (Thank you to Yanagi-sen for this piece of information too!) In his grief and rage his telekinetic powers go out of control and literally brings the mansion they are in to the ground in rubble. Weiß finds Nagi and Tot amongst the rubble when it is all over. Yohji actually puts the children's hands together and mentions something about the love shown. Yohji saw the two the night before as Nagi tried desperately to convince Tot to leave, not to fight with the others because he didn't want her to be hurt or killed. So Yohji had an understanding of what Nagi felt when she died. Apparently Tot lives because at the end of the series you see her again. But I guess Nagi doesn't know. I wonder how she survived Farfie stabbing her??

I bet you don't even need one guess to realize this is my absolute favorite character in the show. I do love the little hurt ones that need all the love and cuddles they can get. And he is just too cute for words.

This is my favorite pairing. Aren't they just the absolute cutest things???

Name: Schuldich (It's been said that Schuldich means "guilty". But the actual spelling is Schuldig. As it is spelled in the show it means nothing.)
Nationality: German
Age: 22
Hair Color: Bright red in the anime, sort of green in the manga. I think he looks gorgeous in the green myself.
Eye Color: Blue in the anime, gold in the manga.
Birthday: Unknown
Codename: Mastermind
Talent: Telepathy
Weapons: Guns, Mind control

A lot of people work with Shu in an OOC capacity because he is too cute to ignore, but technically is probably almost unredemable. His cruelty level surpasses that of the people he works for. His favorite pastime is torment people with his mind reading and it doesn't matter if it's friend or foe. His favorite victims are Omi and Aya.

At the same time though I have seen arguments by others that the level of cruelty stems from his own pain and torment. And in a way I could see it maybe. Shu is probably in constant torment because he has little control over his ability to read minds. He's probably bombarded all the time, it would figure that he would think hell if your going to torment me with your thoughts I going to torment you right back.

The level of cruelty is hard to just ignore but if he's acting out of pain and anger he's probably dishing out hurt that he's received at some point. It's easy to want to find reasons, unfortunately he could just be rotten to the core too. Oh well that's the joy of artistic licence and working with a character who's background is an empty page just waiting to be written on!

Name: Bradley Crawford (he hates being called Brad)
Nationality: American
Age: 27
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Golden Brown
Birthday: Unknown
Codename: Oracle
Talent: Precognition
Weapons: Guns and fists

Brad is the leader of Schwarz. He is cold and ruthless, he follows his own agenda and so should the rest of the team if they know what's good for them. ~Grr~ He tends to like to slap his teammates when they don't follow his plans. (can you tell Nagi's been a victim? Where's Dante when I need him?) But even with his precognitive abilities he still doesn't seem to be able to avoid defeat. Go figure.

Name: Jay Farfarello (Farfie)
Nationality: Irish
Age: 20
Hair Color: white
Eye Color: Amber
Birthday: Unknown
Codename: Berserker
Talent: Cannot feel Pain
Weapons: Knives

It is thoroughly agreed on throughout the fandom that Farfie is totally insane, but intelligent. He lives to wreak vengeance on God. He blames him for the death of his family, and for what he feels was abandoning him as a child. We learn in his episode of Weiß Kreuz that Farfie himself killed his family and then buried the fact in his mind because he couldn't deal with it. In his need to blame someone he blamed God. He apparently went mad with grief or anger when he discovered that the woman he thought was his Mother wasn't. Instead a Nun that he believed deeply turned out to be his Mother.

He is covered in scars from his own self inflicted wounds. His constant concern is with making God cry and he will ask that of almost everything he is supposed to do or that others do. Will it make God cry. He lives to maim and torture innocents for that very purpose.

Farfie must have been overjoyed with how much it made God cry when he killed Tot. No, I'm not saying that Nagi's God, but Farfie would have seen the destruction he caused as part of God's pain. He is the only character in Schwarz to actually have a whole episode of the anime dedicated to him. I guess the writers thought he was interesting enough to warrant it.



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