Hurrah!!! I finally got to see Weiß Kreuz! I can't thank PL Nunn, Yanagi-Sen or Chalcedony Cross enough for their wonderful fic that led me into this series. It's got a little bit of everything, Angst, action, romance. But best of all it's got a whole lot of really gorgeous young men. ~grin~
How this particular anime got it's name and came into being is almost a story in it's self. Back in the early to mid '90's a group of four young Japanese men came together and formed something called a Seiyuu JPop music group. The name of their group was Weiß Kreuz. Yanagi-sen says that a Seiyuu is a voice actor. So I was pretty close when I said they were the back voices for the anime characters. But they do much more, like the putting out of Drama Cds based on the Series, music Cds and Cds with what are called "image" songs for the different characters performed by that character's Seiyuu. Unfortunately this can be a problem, ~heehee~ if the Seiyuu can't sing.
In 1997 the first anime was released. The anime was about 4 handsome young men who run a flower shop called Kitty in the House by day and fight the forces of evil as assassins for a justice group called Kritiker by night. The really interesting thing about this anime is that there is all this German in it even though it's set entirely in Japan. I'm sure it's because of the name but it still seems strange to me unless there is a strong German influence in Japan or something.
The original members of the pop group continued in their role as the voices behind these new anime characters. Sites I've been to looking for fic and information about the Anime are just as loaded with pictures and information on these young men who do the voices. I'm not suprised most of them are pretty cute. But I'm not really worried about that myself.
Now that I've had a chance to see the episodes, I'll work on a narrative to put up here at some point the same way I'm doing for Gundam Wing.
I'm looking forward to when I can start writing fic for this series. It has so much to it that can be worked with and almost any pairing not only works but has it's own wonderful little draws. The young love of Ken and Omi, forbidden love between any of the boys of Weiß and the boys of Schwarz(though Farf has his drawbacks. ~sigh~). Or that needy almost desperate love between Aya and Yohji. The number of pairing combinations is just huge.
I'm not ready to put up the narrative yet and it may be a little while before I do. So in the mean time why don't I introduce you to the four boys of Weiß and their counterparts on the otherside of the coin, Schwarz.
Since I've been able finally add my own thoughts and impressions to the profiles for the boys of Weiß Kreuz and a tiny bit of extra information for Schwarz. I've moved them all to their own pages. Well Schwarz is still altogether. Just click on the pictures below to learn about one of the characters of the anime.
Aya Fujimiya Omi Tsukiyono Yohji Kudou Ken Hidaka The Schwarz Boys
By the way ~grin~ all of Weiß's codenames are breeds of cats! I thought that was a hoot!