Yohji is the playboy of the group. He flirts and he chatters, charming his way into many a heart. He has a tattoo on his left arm up at the shoulder of an inverted cross with the word Sin written on it done in nails. Underneath are the words: "When you gonna learn?"
By the way, when I first created the Weiss pages it was hands down winner that Nagi was my baby and Omi was my favorite. It's amazing what time and Role playing a character can do. Yohji is now both my baby and my favorite. I have the strangest feeling that is not going to change anytime soon.
Name: Yohji Kuduo
Age: 22
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Jade
Birthday: March 3
Codename: Balinese
Weapons: Wire concealed inside his watch.
Flower: CattleyaAfter seeing the anime episodes it's amazing how much there is to Yohji that is not seen in many of the profiles I've read. This man is amazingly deep and hides a hell of a lot of layers beneath a flirting playboy image.
The first image of Yohji that you get(what he shows to the outside world) is that of a playboy, a flirt. He is constantly flirting with Manx who is the team's go between with Kritiker on their missions. She basically ignores him and he just keeps it up. He actually declined to join in on one mission because there were no pretty girls. ~LOL~ In the flower shop he jokes that he will take care of all the pretty girls over 18 and Omi will take care of the children. He is constantly commenting on how he and Aya should steer clear of the jailbait, but gets awfully jealous when it appears that Aya is dating a young girl from one of their missions.
I've seen in a lot of the profiles and stories where Yohji is a bit on the lazy side and would sleep all day if they'd let him. And he does make a comment in one episode in the second season about being allowed to sleep in on his day off. But honestly I really didn't see that he was all that lazy. In fact in the kidnapping episode he comes to get Omi to open the flower shop with him, bearing soup whether for Omi or himself I don't know. He complains a bit about the lifting and hauling in one episode where I think he ends up handling Ken's work while he's away. But otherwise he seems to pull his weight and more. And none of them does much by way of helping Omi with his research on the cases so you can't pin that on only Yohji, though, he does tend to lead the pack when running away from that computer.
Also after watching the episodes I do believe that a lot of Yohji's flirting and playboy ways are just show. We rarely see him with a girl except on missions. Nor does he ever talk much about anyone in particular except for his old partner when he was a Detective, Asuka. He's asked by a girl in the episode where we learn more about Asuka, if he loved her. Yohji's answer was basically that he didn't know. But obviously he cared very much and he carries the guilt of her death very heavily. She was killed (or so he thought!) as they were trying to escape during one of their jobs. Yohji really shouldn't have blamed himself, he was already shot and there wasn't anything he could have done. Unfortunately Asuka didn't die, but lost her memory and was reborn as Pai(?) a member of a criminal Assassin group working for Masafumi Takatori. In the second season Yohji is forced to kill her. It takes him a long time to come to grips with that. A final scene in that episode shows the team sitting at the top of a hill I think waiting for Yohji to recover. He is basically in shock and the look on his face is more than devastated.(Damn those artists are good.) Yohji does have a real hate for people who hurt women, especially pretty young women and states that to a couple of the criminals he kills later.
Yohji loves to tease the other members of the team, but I think that it's his way of trying to keep them all from getting too serious. They live in two very different worlds, one that is light and happy and seemingly carefree. But behind the facade of the flower shop, they live in a dark world full of cruelty that most of us never see. He knows how easy it is to get dragged down into that and never resurface and so he tries especially with Ken and Omi to keep them above that. With Aya it's just an attempt make him loosen up and let go of the silence and anger he carries.
Yohji seems self-centered, but again it's mostly a mask. He cares very deeply about his team and the people they try to protect. In one episode Omi is shot and down, Yohji puts his life on the line to try and save him because he won't lose another teammate. When they learn about Omi's family connections to the Takatori's, it's Yohji who worries about how it's effecting Omi. None of the four seem great when it comes to giving comfort, Omi is probably the best. But I have a feeling that if Omi's not available or it's Omi that needs the comfort Yohji is the one that is there to give it. He may crack some bad jokes and be a little awkward but he wouldn't push you away.
I do still agree with the profile that I saw for him that had an ending line that said if Aya was a tragedy waiting to happen, Yohji was the tragedy already in process. The tragedy and death that both men have already lived with for so long has deeply affected them and the way they react to everything. But I think that Yohji may actually be the one that has the better chance of surviving it if he found someone to give him the ease and comfort that it would take to heal him. Aya seems more the one that has been made so bitter and emotionless that he may be too far gone for help. But again I think that Aya's cold mask is his protection against the world as much as Yohji's playboy image. It does make them an intriguing pair to put together, though.
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