
Warnings: This is slash, there is a m/m relationship but it's not really the
focus of the story. Being mean to Sara is, though. If either of those things
bother you, please do not read the story. Slight spoilers for Butterflied.

Notes: The other night in the bathtub (tmi, I know) I had, to paraphrase The
Grinch, an awful idea. A wonderfully, awful idea.**I've included the rest of
my note after the story as including it here would spoil the story

Surprise (or it's a not so happy birthday)
By Stacy L.A. Stronach
January 2004

Sara Sidle slowly put on her jacket, trying not to feel so depressed over
something as silly as a birthday. After all, it's not like her co-workers
were obligated to remember, although last year, they'd bought her a cake,
and even given her a nice little present. This year, nada, nothing, not even
a "Happy Birthday" from Greg-and he was notorious for remembering special
events. What was really bugging her is that her parents hadn't called yet
and they always called at her exact birth time of 1:14 a.m.; at least when
she was working the night shift, they did.

Her self-pitying thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone clear his
throat from the doorway. Before she looked, she knew it was Gil. She knew
and recognised every sound and gesture he made, or at least it felt like it.
"Hey, Gris, what do you want?" she asked.

"Just wondering if you had any plans?" he asked. When she shook her head to
indicate she didn't, he continued, "Then would you like to go out for
breakfast. My treat," he said.

Sara's smile threatened to split her face. "I'd love to, Gris. Thanks!" she
said, heading out the door and then walking down the hallway beside him. She
was so thrilled, he must've changed his mind and decided to take that
"second chance" he spoke of. It was just fabulous, and the way he was
looking at her, Sara was _sure_ the night would end with her being a very
happy woman. Very satisfied too. This was more than going to make up for
everyone forgetting her birthday. She giggled, which earned her a sharp,
inquisitive look from her supervisor. "Sorry, just a silly random thought I
had. It wouldn't make sense to you."

He smiled, "Whatever you say, Sara."

They had a nice, leisurely breakfast at a small, but not to expensive
restaurant. For once, Sara found, their conversation flowed nicely, which
she knew had to be a sign he wanted her. She ended up having a couple drinks
with her breakfast, a weird combo, but she wanted to be relaxed.

After they finished their meal, Grissom was driving her home, when he said,
"Sara, do you mind if we stop by my place on the way? There's something
special I'd like to show you."

She smiled hugely again. "Hey, no problem at all. Sounds like you've got
something interesting to show me," she replied, her voice husky on the last
few words of her sentence. Sara didn't notice the perplexed look that
Grissom gave her, her mind was a million miles away as she imagined how
Grissom would seduce her.or maybe how she'd seduce him.

Once they arrived at Grissom's she followed him into his place, and looked
around. She'd been before, but not as a solo guest. "So what were you going me?" she asked, hoping she sounded seductive.

"Hold on, it's just here in my bedroom. You wait here, make yourself
comfortable, okay?" he said, leaving her alone in the room.

Knowing, absolutely _certain_, that she was going to get lucky tonight, Sara
decided to help things along. She quickly stripped down to her underwear,
and was glad she'd worn the new black bra and panties she'd bought herself
for her birthday. Draping herself across the couch in what she thought would
be a seductive position, she waited for Griss, no, for Gil to return.
Tonight was going to be the best night of her life.

She heard noise from the direction of his bedroom, it sounded like voices-he
must've put the radio on or something. As it got closer she realised that it
couldn't be just Gil, what the hell was going on? Before she could do
anything, there were a large group of people standing in front of her, Gris
right at the front.

"SURPRISE!!" yelled the group, their cheer dying off at the end as they took
in the picture before them. Sara Sidle, stripped down to her black lace bra
and panties, stretched out provocatively on the couch.

It took her a few seconds to register exactly what had happened. As she did,
Sara could feel her face turning beet red as she took in the assembled
guests, and she tried to speak but her mouth flapped like a goldfish
suddenly flipped out of it's fish tank. Sara could see all her co-workers,
including some of the lab techs, and.

"Sarah Getrude Sidle, what on earth are you doing?" her mother yelled, while
at the same instant, rushing over and putting a blanket from the back of the
sofa over her exposed child. Her father was close behind.

"My goodness dear, really." was all he could say.

Gil regained his voice and quickly ushered everyone back into his bedroom.
Catherine was the first to speak. "Well. That was certainly.revealing. What
exactly did you tell her, Grissom?"

"Yeah, inquiring minds want to know, what _did_ you say to her?" Warrick
repeated Catherine's question, trying, unsuccessfully, to keep the jealousy
out of his voice. He knew Sara had a jones for Gil, and while he knew his
lover had no interest in her, this situation was more than a bit

"I don't know," he replied, honestly confused. "I took her out for
breakfast, she had a couple drinks, then I said I had something special at
my apartment I wanted to show her, and that it was in my bedroom." he
trailed off.

Catherine bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing. "Something special to
show her? From your bedroom? Oh, my god, Gil, the poor girl must've thought
you were finally going to show her your 'etchings'. I'll go out and see how
she's doing."

Hearing the snickering and giggles from various guests crowded into his
room, Grissom spoke up. "That's enough! What happened here tonight, will NOT
be discussed at work, do I make myself clear. Anyone I hear talking about
will have to deal with me. Is that clear?" he used his sternest 'boss'
voice. He knew it would get talked about and there wasn't a whole lot he
could do. What happened had happened at a private gathering, not a work.
"We all make mistakes, don't we? SO I don't want to hear gossip or rumours,
or find out that the day shift knows, okay?"

The people in the group nodded their heads, but they knew as well as Grissom
did, that it would be all over the building before the next night shift.

Catherine called out from the living room. "You can all come out here, she's
gone home with her parents."

The crowd filtered out of Grissom's bedroom, and most of them grabbed their
coats and left, seeing as the guest of honour had departed as well. Gil
looked at Catherine expectantly.

"I talked to her, she'd like to have a week off, so hopefully this whole
thing will blow over. I told her to be strong and ignore the whispers, and
it will fade away eventually. I don't know if she believed it or not. I
think she'll survive," Catherine said, not bothering to hide the grin on her
face. "I'm going home now. Nick, Greg, you guys still need a drive home? If
so, get your asses in gear, I'm outta here." The two men collected their
things, then the three of them made their good nights to Warrick and Gil.

After everyone was gone, Gil locked up the apartment, while Warrick went and
grabbed a couple beers out of the fridge. Opening them, he then took them
into the living room and plopped down on to the couch. He held one of the
bottles up toward Gil, who took the proffered bottle before sitting down
next to his lover.

"That's a birthday she's not soon gonna forget," Warrick commented quietly,
not hiding his smile. Deep down, he was glad she'd done something so fucking

"I'm sure she won't. This means I'm going to have to _talk_ to her about
this. Dear God. Maybe I can get Catherine to handle it. I just wish I could
forget the sight of her." Gil shuddered. "I don't get it. What do I have to
do to get the message across to her that I DO NOT want her as a romantic
partner?" Gil asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Well, you could kiss me in the middle of the office, or throw me across the
evidence table and ravish me in front of her," Warrick said, laughing.

Gil smiled. "That's a little more out than I think I'd want to be. Besides,
you know Sara, she'd just take as a challenge to make me straight," he
sighed. "Although, it must be hard, the whole unrequited love issue."

Warrick snorted. "There's unrequited, then there's crazy stalker-type

"She hasn't started stalking me. Besides, haven't you ever had an unrequited
love?" Gil asked, ignoring Warrick's muttered "Yet" to the comment about
Sara stalking him.

"Hell, yes, you. For years, but did you see ME getting naked when you asked
me over on MY birthday, before we got together?"

Gil grinned. "No, but I bet you wanted too."

"Damn right!" Warrick grinned at the other man, before leaning over and
giving him a long, slow, passionate kiss.

"Mmm," was all Gil could first manage when Warrick pulled away from. He
smiled at his lover, reaching a hand up to stroke his face. "I love you, you

"I know, I love you too," Warrick said, standing up, then offering a helping
hand to his lover. "You gonna let me show you just how much I love you?" he

Gil grinned, "Best offer I've had all day. Let's go!" he said, following
Warrick into the bedroom.

//** the end **\\

**Note: Where I got the idea (if you don't recognise it) There's an urban
legend where a married man is having a birthday-but his wife and kids don't
seem to have remembered it, no one at work seems to either, other than his
sexy secretary. She invites him to her place for celebratory drinks. He
goes, thinking he's gonna get lucky, so when she tells him to make himself
comfortable, he strips naked, only to have his wife, kids, and friends walk
in a few minutes later, yelling "Surprise". I'm not sure who was more