Pairing: Vin/Ezra
Rating: PG13 at the most
Disclaimer: Don’t own them; Wish I did they’d have more fun being with me! *EG* But alas it’s not to be, all characters of The Magnificent Seven are copyrighted by MGM, Trilogy, Mirisch. No money’s been made from this story and if there had been Ezra would have it... not me.
Warnings: None.
Summary: A near tragedy brings Vin and Ezra closer.


Read ‘em And Weep

by Steelknight

It started out as just another day, the weather was comfortable neither too hot nor too cold. Ezra and Vin were riding patrol together.

Neither of them had spoken since they’d set out. Then Vin turned to Ezra and asked him a question that surprised him.

“Ez... do you believe in love?”

The gambler had to control himself. He’d been in love with Vin from the very start but had never acted on it, unsure of the other man’s reaction. So he pretended to think about it before answering.

“Yes, I do, but I’m afraid it has never happened to me. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, lucky at cards, unlucky.... Well anyway, I believe that love is like a tournament game in which you have all the aces.” Ezra shrugged and turned to look at Vin, hoping his eyes didn’t betray his heart. “And, when you lay down the winning hand... you could almost read them and weep with joy.”

“Read ‘em and weep, huh, Ez?” Vin asked thoughtfully. “Hmmm, reckon you’re right.”

“What about you, Mr. Tanner? Fair is fair after all, do you believe in love?” Ezra asked.

The sharpshooter sighed so softly Ezra almost missed it. Then he answered.

“Don’t reckon it matters much. Forget I asked ok?”

Putting on his best poker face to hide his disappointment, Ezra urged Puck to go a little faster, putting Vin behind him. “As you wish, Mr. Tanner.”

He completely missed the look of yearning on Vin’s face as the tracker nudged his horse, Renegade, to catch up.

They were almost to the top of Forever Peak, named for its magnificent view that seemed to go on forever. You could easily see for miles in all directions.

After they both dismounted, Vin took out his spyglass and began to look over the surrounding territory. As he was doing that Ezra couldn’t stop himself from looking over a view he found much more interesting... Vin. Ezra sighed deeply. Telling himself they were here on business only and the man would never be interested.

Ezra backed a little further to get a better view. When suddenly he felt the loose shale give. Ezra realized he was losing his balance and was falling back over the edge.

He gasped as he looked down below him; they were so far up. He knew if he fell there was no way he’d live.

At the sound of Ezra’s gasp, Vin spun around and saw Ezra’s plight.

Leaping forward, Vin grabbed the gambler’s arms and stopped him from falling any farther.

“Hang on Ezra, ya ain’t going nowhere pard.” Ezra looked up into Vin’s blue eyes with something few people rarely saw from the gambler... trust, total and complete trust.

Then Ezra’s eyes widened with fear as Vin to started to slide toward the edge, pulled by his slightly greater weight.

Ezra saw what was happening and he knew that there was nothing for Vin to hold on to or brace himself against. “Release me at once!” Then in a softer plea, “Please...or we will both fall. I will not have you die because of me.”

Taking a firmer grip, Vin replied, “I ain’t letting ya go Ez, that ain’t ever going to happen.”

Vin locked his knees and dug his boots in. Using every bit of strength in his body he threw himself backward to the ground.

Ezra struggled to climb back up. Just as he made the top he lost his balance, falling forward onto Vin’s body. Both men were panting, their bodies shaking with reaction at the close call.

Ezra’s eyes meet with Vin’s. “You could have been killed trying to save me. How could you risk yourself like that?”

Vin didn’t answer, he couldn’t. He just held Ezra closely to comfort both himself and the gambler. Then he heard Ezra.

“You have my sincere and most grateful thanks, Mr. Tanner. Anything I have is yours.”

Vin’s eyes took on a mischievous look and he grinned as he said, “Anything, Ezra? Did you mean that?”

Ezra couldn’t see Vin’s face from where he was at so he had not seen the grin. The southern drawl was heavy with resignation as he replied, “Yes, of course I did. I wouldn’t have said it otherwise. Name what you want, Mr. Tanner and if it is in my power, you will receive it.”

Vin heard the hurt in Ezra’s voice and responded to its honesty with all the feeling he had for the man in his arms. “It’s just Vin, not Mr. Tanner. There’s only one thing I’ve ever wanted.”

Gently cupping the gambler’s face in his hands, lifting it up so Ezra could see his eyes, Vin spoke from his heart, “You asked me how I could risk my life for you, Ez. Reckon it’s ‘cause my life wouldn’t be worth living without you. We’re both going to die someday and if’n it’s in each other’s arms, I’ll die with a smile on my face, knowing we’ll be together always.”

Vin lifted his head closer to Ezra’s, their lips met, and the heat was like a fire that raged though their bodies, igniting a passion that grew in its intensity.

Vin rolled them further from the ledge and took the top as their hands explored.

Ezra’s fingers gently entwined in Vin’s hair, marveling at its softness.

Vin’s hands were caressing the gambler’s face. Forcing himself away from those lips, he kissed his way down to the gambler’s neck, ravishing Ezra’s throat as if his life depended on how much pleasure he could give his lover.

Vin found the taste of the gambler more intoxicating than any whisky could ever be. He felt a thirst, an addiction that only a lifetime supply of Ezra would satisfy.

Ezra was in paradise. He never wanted these feeling to end. Did Vin really love him? Could it be true? He knew the answers to both questions as he looked into Vin’s eyes. They clearly showed him all the love the sharpshooter felt for him. The soft Texas drawl caressed his soul as he heard Vin say.

“It’s true Ez.... Read ‘em and weep.”


There’s no place like Home.

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© Steelknight 2002