Incredibly Short Gunmen Love Fic!! By Surreal ( Rating: PG for implied m/m interaction Category: Langly/Byers Disclaimers: Not mine, but I think this would make a really cool scene on the Gunmen show anyway! Summery: Hell, all this statistical stuff is already longer than the actual story, so why bother? Two women stand in line in a trendy coffee shop in DC. They both have their eye on a rather tall, handsome, distinguished man ordering coffee in front of them. They take note of his thin frame, the way the suit fits his body like a second skin, the well-groomed beard. They sigh in unison. "I bet he's great in bed," one woman says to the other, receiving a nod of agreement in return. "Oh, he is," a deep voice says from behind them, startling them out of their daydreams. Their heads spin around to see another tall, thin man, only this one is a polar opposite to the one they were admiring. He's in a t-shirt and jeans, had long, uncombed blonde hair and a fey little smirk on his face. He is looking at the man they had just been staring at. He continues; "...and in the shower, and in my car..." he says mischievously as he brushes past them to join the handsome man. The women watch incredulously as the redhead turns and smiles sweetly at the blonde, lacing their fingers together and kissing him gently. Handing the younger man his coffee, they head for the door. As John Byers leads his lover out of the shop, Ringo Langly glances back over his shoulder and grins smugly at the two women, who remain frozen in shock. ************* hehee....that was fun!