The Sling

As I walked into the room I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Usually when we planned this kind of trip it was one doing the planning and the other never knew the details.

This time all I'd been told by Jim was: show up at this hotel at 7pm Friday night. I knew to be prepared for almost anything. The excursions we'd had to places in and around Cascade had taught me that.

All the experience I'd gathered during the last year since we discovered the mutual need for rough play could though not prepare me for the sight that greeted me when I opened the door to the rented room.

Jim, lying in a sling, but not just a simple sling. This one was suspended from a single chain from the ceiling to a wooden cross, with chains going from the 4 corners of the cross down to hold up the sling.

He'd been cuffed to the upper corners of the sling, and his thighs suspended via straps at the lower corners. He was wide open and vulnerable to me.

It looked like his skin was glowing and I could see from his slight head movement that he'd heard my heartbeat increase rapidly but he didn't say a word, just tilted his head towards me.

"Who helped you, my pet? The staff or did you get a friend to help?"

I knew for certain he couldn't have strapped himself in.

I walked closer to him, taking in the sight of the room out of the corners of my eyes. Candelabras on the wall, lit. Racks with several ropes and a general selection of toys on them. A bed in the far corner. A cross on the opposite wall of the bed.

But the center of the room held my attention.


"Answer me, pet."

"A guy from the staff helped me."

I dumped my bag on the floor next to the sling. It was stuffed almost to the brim with my favorite toys and would most likely be almost empty before the night was over.

"Did he like helping you, pet?"

A caress, fleeting, to the muscled calf in front of me. A sigh as response.

"I didn't detect any interest from him, Chief."

"What did you call me?"

A pinch to a vulnerable inner thigh.

A moan. "Sorry... Master."

I walked away for a moment, shedding my jacket and the top shirt. It was hot because of the candles. That was good. Less risk of Jim getting cold. Not that I intended to let his inner temperature drop below furnace tonight. His setting was already on very warm, going towards hot. His half erect cock attested to that.

I chuckled slightly to myself as I walked back to him to caress his thigh. He quivered under my touch, just the way I loved him.

I checked the cuffs by feeling his hands, nicely warm, and his calves I'd already determined were nicely warm to my touch. The blindfold got a quick wiggle so I was certain it was tight but not too tight.

Only some things lacked to make the picture complete: a few strategic straps placed on that gorgeous body.

I opened the bag and fished out the first items of tonight. A broad strap with snaps, fitted perfectly to my Sentinel and his sensitive balls. With fast, efficient movements I had his sac trapped in it. His cock swelled even further, now getting fully erect.

A soft, well-worn strap went loosely around his neck. My mark of ownership. Until that strap was on he couldn't be 100% certain I'd go through with a scene.

The last item I laid across that smooth, broad chest, making him shiver at the contact. A chain with a nipple clamp in each end. He knew I'd use them... later. For now I just let him feel the cold metal, anticipating the threat of when they'd be used.

I let my hands explore his torso, gently stroking the nipples, feeling them harden, letting my nails scratch softly down his side again making him squirm.

I looked at his face, seeing the pure need he displayed. The need for me, for being taken to the edge and over it. The need for me being rough on him, being his Master. It had also been a while since we last had let ourselves loose like that.

I couldn't resist. I walked to the side, dipping in for a deep kiss in greeting, affirmation of love and trust. He eagerly strained towards me, opening up quickly.

I knew he was tasting me and I let him get his fill... for a while. I broke off and just held his face for a time. Then I turned to the bag again and got out the first of my favorites: a long, heavy purple flogger. Over 50 strands of soft purple suede, perfect for tantalizing his perfect body.

Sliding it softly from his ass up to his knees I let him identify what was to come.

When he shivered I swung it, to land it on his inner thigh with a soft thud. Caressing and swinging gently I slowly turned that tender flesh a soft rose color. Not until then did I switch places and hit his chest, letting the soft strands tease the broad pecs.

Surprising him, I started switching between his chest and his groin, letting the strands wrap gently around his cock, slapping his balls around.

Again I took him to the shivering point before letting the flogger drop to the floor. Pushing the sling gently so it swung softly back and forth I let him have a small breather while I found the next implement.

I stopped the sling and looked down at Jim. Glorious, hard, and breathing even harder.

I stroked his cock lightly, watching him leak.

He tried to strain upwards but his position made it impossible for him to move much. He gave a little moan in frustration but fast remembered his lessons from before about waiting for my caresses.

I rewarded him by bending down to get a taste of him. Delicious as always.

I let the tip of my next toy glide up his thigh, circling around his cock, drawing doodles on his belly until I stopped all movement with it resting on his right nipple.

"Can you identify it, pet?"

"Oh god... it's a crop."

"Very good... do you know which one of them?"

I wasn't about to let him off the hook easily. Besides, he could use the breather, getting cooled down slightly.

A concentrated frown on his face. I knew he was turning up touch slightly but not too far in order to identify the toy. I watched him carefully. I didn't want him to go so deep as to zone on the pain from the flogger. Neither of us wanted to disrupt this much needed session.

"Ehm... the one with the rubber tip? The one we got at the first shop we went to together?"

"Very good, pet. You deserve a reward."

I bent over his cock again and slowly sucked over half of it into my mouth, taking care to let my tongue get free play all the way.

He whimpered and strained, giving me more of his delicious fluid. I sucked him until I could feel him tensing. Then I let go, slowly but surely.

Straightening up I decided to up the ante a bit more and reached for the nipple clamps. He whimpered in anticipation as I pinched his nipple and slowly slid the clamp on to hold tight on the tender flesh.

A hiss stilled my hands for a minute until he relaxed again. Then it was repeated on the other nipple, leaving him sweating hard and in dire need of other kinds of stimulation as well.

I made a note of the time on my watch and mentally reminded myself that 15 minutes were the max with these clamps, then I grasped the crop as it lay over his stomach and teased his balls with it.

I lightly slapped his inner thigh, not drawing more than his attention. I repeated the light slaps a few times and then upped the ante. The first strike to his ball sac drew out a loud moan and a rattle from the upper chains.

Smiling at the reaction, I proceeded to pepper his balls with light slaps, varying with some slightly harder slaps to the groin area and his shaft.

When I knew he couldn't handle much more in that area I added his nipples to the equation, making them even harder.

Quickly checking the time, I dropped the crop and leaned over him to let my hands caress his sweaty torso. Then I removed the clamps, soothing his hiss of pain.

"You're so good, so responsive, my own sensitive Sentinel. My pet."

His mouth blindly searched for me, begging a kiss that was gladly given.

When I released him this time I stepped back from the sling and pushed it so it spun around slowly. All to create more of a sensory fuzziness, to help him go deeper into himself, to enter deeper into the subspace where he so badly needed to go.

The movements of the sling caused the shadow and light to change languidly across his body, highlighting one moment, shading the next. It all worked together on creating a sense of movement, of displacement, of being even more under my control.

Watching him intently, I dropped the last t-shirt and toed off my shoes. Slowly I eased out of my by now rather tight jeans, knowing that after the next phase I would want to be naked.

Finally I was ready to continue and stopped the gentle spin of the sling. I knew that at normal times Jim would be able to pinpoint his location in the room by feeling the heat of the candles, knowing from before where they were. But now? No way. He was pretty far under as far as I could see. His neck was loose and he was shivering almost constantly from the heat of his balls and his nipples.

I reached down to the bag again, finding the toy Jim hated and loved with a vengeance. My tawse. A 2" wide strap, a half inch thick at the handle and tapering down to the thickness of one layer of leather. The evil of it was unsurpassed by any other toy I'd seen that didn't do any permanent damage. Needless to say, I loved it.

I, as usual, let him know what was up by stroking it softly over his body, dragging it through the sweat on his stomach, rubbing his nipples. His moaning increased in volume. He knew what was coming to him. With a quick snap of my wrist I landed it squarely on his right ass cheek, vulnerable by not being covered by the sling.

He let out the first real scream of the night.

"That's it, my pet. Let it out. Let it go. Show me your need."

I continued to pepper his ass cheeks, painting them with dots of red.

Every slap was followed by a loud moan, increasing in volume when I shortened his recovery time and decreasing when I gave him time to breathe in between slaps.

I also increased strength used over time, never going up to full force, that would be too much for him, but giving him some good hard whacks that he really felt and that left him whimpering.

After a series of particularly hard slaps I leaned in close between his spread legs, letting him feel my heat and the branding of my steel hard cock against his burning skin of his thighs. His moaning changed now, becoming more a moan of need than a moan of pain.

I almost gave in to him, but I knew he still needed just a bit more of pure pain to give him the release he craved. I changed tactics though by grabbing a hold of his stretched balls and rolling them lightly in my hand while still giving his ass some good whacks.

It didn't take him long to get to the point of overload which was exactly what I counted on. I let go of him long enough to reattach the clamps to his hyper sensitive nipples, making him howl out loud and shudder through his attempt at gaining control over his body.

He always forgot in a heavy session that *he* didn't have the control, *I* did. I controlled if and when he came, and how. And right now I wanted him to come screaming. Screaming my name in love, pain and pure overload.

I finished attaching the clamps and grabbed his balls again plus the tawse, preparing to slap his orgasm out of him. It didn't take long. His body tensed up more and more for each slap to his flaming cheeks and I could feel his balls valiantly try to crawl up tight to his body.

I tugged harder on them and heard that little hitch in his breathing that told me he was right... there!

His orgasm was transcendent. My name ringing through the air as his come burst forth from his cock, hitting his chin, his chest and in smaller pulses down over his taut stomach.

I threw down the tawse and changed my grip to milk his cock slowly of the last pearly drops.

When he relaxed more I released his cock and let my hand glide up through his come, rubbing it into his skin on my way up to his nipples and the clamps.

Slowly, watching his reactions closely, I released the clamps. He winced and I soothed his nipples by rubbing in the sweet ache, making him sigh in pleasure and pain.

His cock had deflated slightly but he knew just as well as I did that we were far from finished. To punctuate that fact I let him feel my cock, hard as ever and crying with need, against his hip. The need to bury itself deeply in my pet, my lover, my Sentinel.

Still rubbing his nipples, I wiggled against him, at the same time soothing him as well as arousing him. Letting them go, now as hard as before, red and painfully sensitive, I let my hands caress their way down his gorgeous body.

Gliding softly over the flaming skin of his thighs I let my fingertips drift their way up to his widespread cheeks, steadily getting closer to his inviting hole.

His cock started filling even more, anticipating what would be coming to him, in more than one way.

Smiling wickedly even if he couldn't see it, I let my thumb rub lightly over his hot center. I felt the contractions that caused and let out a low chuckle at his eagerness.

"So hot for me, aren't you my pet?"

A long, low moan.

"Yeeeeeesssss, Master."

I rubbed my thumb harder against him, hearing his breath catch.

I turned away from him one last time, this time to locate the lube. Finding it and opening it, seeing his body tense even more in anticipation, cock leaking, was pushing me to hurry up slightly. I wanted to get inside his ass just as badly as he wanted me there.

I returned a slick finger to his ass, teasing the outside of him until he whimpered. Then, and only then, did I let the finger slide slowly into him.

The feeling of his muscles contracting around my finger was almost, *almost* enough to make me forget about playing with his ass with my fingers, and just plunge my hungry cock into that moist hole.

I pulled out my finger only to return it with a partner, also lubed. The two fingers were more of a stretch. As always I marveled at the fact that even after so many times of fucking he was still tight as a virgin. Must be all the exercise those muscles were getting. I chuckled low in my throat at that thought.

To distract him I kept sliding my fingers in and out of him, stretching his wonderfully tight ass, preparing it for bigger and, in my opinion at least, better things. He whimpered with need, trying to angle himself so I'd hit his prostate.

I continued teasing him, almost brushing his hot spot but not quite hitting it. He became nearly frantic, the sight of his marvelous cock drooling and straining intoxicating.

When I finally let three fingers glide into his ass I stopped teasing him, deliberately rubbing up against that tiny gland hidden in his hungry hole.
The effect was immediate, his hips surged upwards and his roar of pleasure vibrated through the room.

I kept up with three fingers for a while, going as deep as I could, spreading him wide, preparing him for the ride of his life. When he finally begged me with both voice and body I relented.

I pulled my fingers out and grabbed the lube again. Quickly and economically I lubed up my cock, trying to touch myself as little as possible. I was entirely too hot right now. I grabbed my own balls hard and pulled down, the pain of it deflating me enough that I was no longer in danger of spontaneous combustion.

Slightly calmer now, I grabbed the last item of my bag, a towel, and wiped off my hands before taking hold of his thigh. With one hand on my cock and the other on the junction between his thigh and his hip I let the head of my cock rub gently against his ass hole.

He tried to surge up, to take me into his body but I moved away. Then I let him feel me again. Again he surged so I moved away. I kept up that pattern until he remembered to stay still, that *I* had the complete control over his body.

Then, and only then, did I let myself push forward into the center of his being. I knew that to be the complete truth. He was so sensitized that only his ass existed of his body, nothing else mattered than that. Oh yeah, and of course my cock filling his ass.

Slowly I let myself sink in to the root, giving him plenty of time to feel it and to adjust to me. He always needs that no matter how long I've used my fingers on him. Comes with being the size I am.

When I finally was fully seated in him I rested for a bit, to get us both under control. He was shivering almost continuously and I wasn't much better off.

After a few minutes I had myself under control again and dared look at him. He was so beautiful. Skin flushed, his nipples still an angry red color from the previous clamping, his chest still slightly streaked with his own come. His cock, hard and crying for my touch. The beautiful red marks decorating his pale skin, marking him as MINE. And finally, the sight of my cock spreading his ass wide. I shuddered and couldn't hold back any longer even if I had wanted to. I had to move.

I withdrew oh, so slowly from him and slid back in again. Almost all the way out and then all the way in, reveling in the ripples around my cock and the shudders wracking his body. His moans were just the icing on the cake.

I watched him as he tossed his head, helpless in the grip of his own pleasure. A slave, both to me and to the feelings coursing from his ass up through his entire body and exploding in his brain.

He needed this so bad. So did I. I needed to give him this, to see him like this, to bring him out there where the real world didn't exist but just him and me and the intense feelings between us.

I held on to the chains holding up the sling, slowly fucking his ass, using the movements of the sling to make it slow, make it last, make it good.

I hit his hot spot over and over and over, making him cry out and clench tight around me.

It couldn't last, it was too good, too intense. Almost without meaning to I increased the speed of my strokes. The sight of our connection spurred me on, seeing his muscles try to grip me as well as feeling it. It was inevitable. We both heard the siren call of the orgasm in the distance. I heeded that call, moving ever faster, making him beg for more, begging for harder, his voice hoarse from his earlier screams.

As I felt the end nearing I moved my hands from the chains to grip his cock and his balls, pumping one and rolling the other. His body surged and this time I didn't stop him.

Moving ever faster, stroking ever harder, we moved in unison towards a spectacular ending.

I felt his cock swell almost at the same instant my own grew to the absolute max. Pulling his balls hard while slamming my cock as deep into his body as I possibly could, I let go, the orgasm ripping through me like a lightning bolt, overflowing his ass with my offering to him. From a distance I heard his wild scream as he came all over my hand, the spurts much weaker than before but the feelings even more intense for that.

Gasping for my breath I kept conscious by effort alone. I needed to see to his needs before collapsing. With shaking hands I removed the strap stretching his balls from his body, the snaps almost beyond my capabilities. With deep regret I pulled from his body, his ass quivering and trying to keep me inside.

I soothed him with soft words until he calmed. Then I loosened his hands from the cuffs and let him relax and recuperate. Letting him slowly land from his flight into the skies of pleasure and pain.

While he came back I tidied the place and gently wiped him off with the towel, constantly soothing him, reassuring him of my presence via touch and soft endearments.

I knew he was back when he reached up a hand to the blindfold and tapped on it lightly. I removed it while shielding him from the light with my body.

"Welcome back, my love."

"Thanks, Chief... for all of it."

We kissed and reaffirmed the love between us, and the trust. Those were the only things making it possible for us to play like we'd played tonight. Trust... commitment and an abundance of love. All of which we had between us, and always will have. Forever.