Hi, I'm Cen, and welcome to my page! My fic is no longer archived here,
for personal reasons, but I'm still here, with convention pics (more coming
soon) and other non-fic stuff. I'd prefer not to put up my email address,
but Owlet has promised that she will forward mail to me anyone who writes
to her with "Cen" in the subject. So if you want to tell me what you think
(please do!) then send it to Owlet
with "Cen" in the subject. Okay? Thanks! It's good to be here!
Hey, everyone, Owlet here. I know I volunteered to send copies of Cen's
stories to everyone who requests them, but the task proved to be too much
for this poor archivist, so I've admitted defeat, apologize humbly to all
the people who wrote me, and will heretofore refer you to Cen for stories.
So if you want a story (past, present, or future) by Cen, write to me here
with "Cen's stories" in the subject to let me know which stories *and*
whether you can accept attachments. (The last is the important part!) I'll
then forward the requests to Cen. And then send some feedback to a hardworking
Cen's Con Pics from CouverCon are here! Go to see them here
and here!
Owlet's Fanfic ||
Panther's Tree ||
Cen's Pictures ||
Snarf's Lair ||
Cynthia Selene's Fanfic ||
Haven of Senscribe ||
Legion's Hidey Hole ||
EagleEye's Aerie ||Caorann's Flights of Fancy ||
Lyrica's Labyrinth ||
Vikster's Retreat ||
Sihaya Black's Seraglio ||
CKC's Avalon ||
Aaboe's Kitty Basket ||
The SG-1 Gate ||
Snarf's Crystal Tokyo ||
The CSC Newsroom ||
The Drabbles ||
Pictures ||
More Pictures ||
CouverCon Pictures ||
More CouverCon Pictures
If you have any requests, comments, suggestions, or criticisms of this page, please send them to Owlet. Thank you, and enjoy your visit!